
snowpython's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I know I'm hyped!

Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for March! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

I designed this version of the dragon totem:

I Talked to support and they are looking into it. It seems a memory issue.

MSAbaddon wrote:

Can you try again? For me it's working fine, though the rendering takes quite a while (but well, it's a 80*88 fields map)

snowpython wrote:

I've been working on maps for age of ashes as well on Dungeon Fog.

Hit me up if you want to collaborate.
I noticed the map for the quarry in Tomorrow must burn is error'ing out when using player view. I wanted to see if we could work on that or if you had a solution.
MSAbaddon wrote:

Rest of the Tomorrow Must Burn maps: Sunset Imports, Boathouse, Nine Shields Smokehouse and Summershade Granite Quarry


Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Completed
Tomorrow Must Burn: Completed

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.

I've been working on maps for age of ashes as well on Dungeon Fog.
Hit me up if you want to collaborate.
I noticed the map for the quarry in Tomorrow must burn is error'ing out when using player view. I wanted to see if we could work on that or if you had a solution.

MSAbaddon wrote:

Rest of the Tomorrow Must Burn maps: Sunset Imports, Boathouse, Nine Shields Smokehouse and Summershade Granite Quarry


Ages of Ashes
Hellknight Hill: Goblinblood Caves
Cult of Cinders: Completed
Tomorrow Must Burn: Completed

Year of the open Road
The Absalom Initiation: Surfaced Wreck, Blakros Museum, Mavedarus Manor, Statue Street

Here the link to all maps I created up until now - both with and without grids.

Pathfinder Maps

Or goto the public maps of Dungeonfog and search for MSAbaddon.

I'm not sure if anyone would be interested but I use dungeon fog and am going to run Age of Ashes. I'm building all of these maps for it.

Would anyone be interested in using those maps? You can I believe use any public maps from the free account. It handles sight really well.

I found the healing is a bit overpowered. But in a party with 0 healing it's saved them.

One of my players felt that the bloodline didn't affect role play as much. He asked me to create one and this is what I've come up with: sharing

Let me know what you think.

For those who don't want to download the PDF here's the raw text

Phoenix Blood line:
A bless or a curse, it’s not quite clear. Your blood is flows like lava, in the cold your body emits a light steam, and when others touch you it burns. Your ancestors for generations have lived like this. You are naturally wise and well-studied.
You are trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion. If already trained become expert
Spell list: Primal
Granted Spells: Cantrip: Produce Flame, 1st Heal, 2nd Flame Barrier, 3rd Fireball, 4th Wall of Fire, 5th flame strike, 6th True Seeing, 7th Fiery body, 8th Wind Walk, 9th Empty Body
Bloodline Powers:
Initial power: Healing flame (1) or Burning Hands(1)
Advanced Power: Fiery Wings (2)
Greater Power: Flame Jet (2)
Whenever you use your bloodline power your body temperature decreases. Once you’ve used all of your spell points your body is at a normal temperature for your race
If any creature is hit with your blood they take damage equal to the number of spell points you have.
In cold weather you do not need warm clothes as long as you have 1 spell point. If you take a long rest in the cold, during preparation you restore 1 less spell point from your max.
You have cold resistance equal to your spell points
Healing flame: Only when you’re wounded, where the wound will start to heal. You restore Hit Points equal to 1d6 plus your spellcasting modifier. While healing the wound will emit a small flame.
Heightened +1: The amount of healing or damage increases by 1d6
Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Area 15-foot cone
Gouts of flame rush from your hands. You deal 2d6 fire damage to creatures in the area; they must each attempt a Reflex save.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Critical Success The creature takes no damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6.
Flame jet
Ranged touch attack (range increment 40 feet), Damage 4d6+Spell Casting ability fire and 2d6 persistent fire
Casting Somatic Casting Verbal Casting
Duration 3 rounds
Wings of pure light spread out from your back, granting you a fly Speed of 30 feet. Your wings cast bright light in a 30-foot radius. When the duration would end, if you have Spell Points, you can spend 1 Spell Point to increase the duration by 3 rounds. When it ends, you float to the ground, with feather fall’s effects.
Heightened (5th) The base duration, and the extra duration for spending 1 Spell Point, increase to 1 minute.
Heightened (7th) The base duration increases to 10 minutes. The extra duration for spending 1 Spell Point increases to 5 minutes.

Something we discovered money is very different.
I'm having a hard time with the hook mountain portion dealing out loot

I've been going through this and am finishing burnt offerings with my group now and his conversion has been super helpful.
Alric Rahl thank you!
I'm new to pathfinder and haven't played 1E and am joining in 2E.
I have a creative group and with Alric converting the story piece I was able to make a Sorcerer blood line my player wanted to do (since the current blood lines don't include an mechanic for RP)