slamneale's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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KaiBlob1 wrote:
slamneale wrote:
Within the last month, I spent over $1000 on books to switch my group over to Pathfinder. This feels like a slap in the face.
Nothing stopping you from using those books. They are completely forward and backward compatible, and even if they weren't you don't need the company's permission to use your books lol. There is literally no downside to this for existing players who already own books, its only upside for new players, so I really don't know why people are complaining about it.

I don't think I'd be complaining if I'd had the books and played the game for years, because I'd have gotten value out of the product. But for brand new players, it feels really crappy. Like I bought the "wrong version."

Sanityfaerie wrote:
slamneale wrote:
Within the last month, I spent over $1000 on books to switch my group over to Pathfinder. This feels like a slap in the face.
For what it's worth, it sounds like they're changing... maybe four book's worth? The changes don't go all the way to the bone, and what changes there are will be freely available online. So unless you were buying a bunch of different copies fo the core rulebooks for soem reason, the significant majority of that $1000 in books are going to be completely untouched, and the rest is going to be close enough that you don't really need to pick up the new stuff unless you want to.

That's a fair point. Though I actually did buy two copies of the core rulebooks, and one of my players also bought one. Plus the AVP, Gamemastery Guide, and Bestiary. But you're right that at least all of the other rulebooks, Lost Omens books, and APs I bought shouldn't really be impacted.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
slamneale wrote:
Within the last month, I spent over $1000 on books to switch my group over to Pathfinder. This feels like a slap in the face.
So don't buy them.

That advice may have been helpful a month ago, before I bought books that are instantly outdated.

It wouldn't matter if not for the fact that there is going to be new content in these new books.

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Within the last month, I spent over $1000 on books to switch my group over to Pathfinder. This feels like a slap in the face.

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Any word on when the medium orange and purple bases will be available again?

I'm about to run this as my party's first foray into Pathfinder 2e, and am really excited to see how it goes! We played the other game for many years before getting bored of it and taking a break to play some more esoteric games like WoD (Vamp, Werewolf, and Mage) and Mork Borg. We're all really excited to play something more crunchy again...but hopefully we aren't diving too far into the deep end with this as our first AP haha. While we have lots of experience with other RPGs, this still doesn't seem like the best "intro to Pathfinder AP," but it's the one who's theme was most exciting for everyone at the table. Fingers crossed!

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I'm so excited to find these pawns, as miniatures are prohibitively expensive nowadays. I see whispers that they may not get made in the future? If so, add my name to the list that says keep going! I bought several of these pawn packs today, and I plan to buy more. I really hope they start making them for Adventure Paths again as well