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Hm, so the way Crane Wing works is controversial. But everyone seems to agree that it does not make the attack miss, just nullify the damage.

Ok, thanks!

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Crane Wing: "you can deflect one melee weapon attack that would normally hit you"

Combat maneuvers are special attacks, as such does Crane Wing deflect a grapple attempt?

Greetings fellow players,

Regarding flurry of maneuvers:
"At 1st ... a maneuver master can make one additional combat maneuver, ... all combat maneuver checks suffer a –2 penalty when using a flurry. At 8th ... may attempt a second additional combat maneuver, with an additional –3 penalty on combat maneuver checks. At 15th ... may attempt a third ... with an additional –7 penalty on combat maneuver checks."
From my understanding a 15th level full flurry happens like:

1) Three normal maneuver at +9/+4/-1 (due to -2)
2) First additional combat maneuver, at +9
3) Second additional combat maneuver, at +6 (due to additional -3)
4) Third additional combat maneuver, at -1 (due to additional -7)

And for maneuvers in AoO's he's bonus will be the normal +11.

Am I correct?