Danse Macabre

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Thanks for your suggestions guys!

The other problem with most DnD modules I’ve read is story being addition to dungeon crawling/hack&slash. The great amount of combat isn’t a problem, but most encounters should be important for the plot.

This is a “typical dungeon” problem. For example - Before you reach the bad guy and learn his evil plans, you must fight his dogs, enormous spiders in the basement and wicked goblin servants.

To summarize – action movie style adventure paths/modules, rather than dungeon crawling style ones("random encounters" and "tones of unimportant enemies").

(I know that Pathfinder should be focused on “dungeons”, but which one contains the less amount of them?)

Hi Everyone!

I’m mainly playing (and GMing) systems like Warhammer, nWoD and Savage Worlds. However Pathfinder has recently gained my interest because of the great support.

I have looked through available Adventure Paths and as I can see they are mainly focused on Dungeon Crawling/Hack&Slash. My friends like to explore the role playing aspect of the game more and want to play adventures with investigation, social encounters etc. Basically – Combat and action should be addition to the great story. (Not great story being addition to a combat).

I’ve seen that Kingmaker has some elements of economy and kingdom-making, which can be interesting part for my group. On the other hand Course of the Crimson Throne and City of Thieves are advertised as gritty and urban adventures, which reminds me of Warhammer gameplay.

Which Adventure Path (or Module) will be the best one for my group?