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fair enough, it's probably still too soon for me to come at this rationally. It just sucks because I was really invested in this thing too and it felt like it was handled completely without my control. But, I'll take your advice into consideration. I'll probably feel better after some rest.

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Alright, now that I have your attention, let me provide a bit of backstory here. I made an account here specifically just so I could share this.

So, a little less then six months ago my DM ends his pathfinder campaign because he worked himself into a corner and wanted to try a new system. To keep that story short, he was trying to railroad the story and our characters broke that story over our knee and he didn't know what to do so he wiped the slate clean.

So after that we made characters in the Song of Ice and Fire RPG ruleset. Me being a huge fan of Game of Thrones, I was actually pretty excited to try this because his campaign was starting to get rather dull and I was losing interest in my character (who has a 5 page backstory). But now I can make a new rogue-type character and have it actually be effective. There are rules for how to handle social encounters well and I am just all sorts of pumped.

Since then we have been playing that game and I had been having a lot of fun with it. The ruleset is different enough to be enjoyable and it felt like we were actually in a song of ice and fire. We got to build a house, I made another huge backstory and had a strong character concept to go with which I was proud of because that's an aspect of tabletop gaming that I have honestly struggled with (I tap on the fourth wall a bit too much).

Our last session in that game was last thursday, but I told him I was going to have to miss it because I was going with the family on vacation, which he was fine with and I was told wouldn't impact the session too bad. So I leave and I go dark without real internet connection for the next 5 days assuming that all would be well.

Come to find out when I come back that they had my character accused of murder and executed. It was apparently some big background plot he was running of a third party trying to pit houses against each other but we weren't making his rolls to properly discover evidence and found out about this plot. Our family was accused of poisoning and murdering a rival houses heir at a tourney with Braavosi poison, and guess who happens to have written a backstory where his character visited Braavos for a while and competed in a joust of honor with said heir at the tourney? Yea, so everyone collectively threw my character under the bus (Me being the only one who was really invested a character or had a real backstory) which I guess my character pleaded guilty to an just accepted his fate because I wasn't there to actually play him. Oh, did I mention my character was a staunch passivist and hated killing and didn't want to compete in the tournament to begin with?

But I'm told it's okay, because the DM ran out of ideas for that campaign and surprise! He cut it and wants to go back to his old Pathfinder campaign that I was getting bored of because he ran out of ideas and wrote himself into a corner in the Song of Ice and Fire RPG! Anyone else noticing a trend here? If he had just cut the game in favor of the old one I would have been fine with it, but the fact that he had my character killed for something so entirely against his backstory without me being there to apparently be the only one to offer protest has frankly pissed me the f!$+ off. I felt like he robbed me of my own character, like his will and what I do with him is no longer my choice. He has his own character in another campaign out friend runs that he likes to play all mysterious and won't tell us s~&$ about him that I thought about killing just out of spite, and I would do it too if not for the fact that it would undermine my friends campaign and I don't want to do that to him (even though he never spoke up to defend my character, still a little mad about that) and the fact that it goes against that character's personality, and I'd rather not sacrifice two characters I care about for this.

So now I'm out for blood. I don't really care as much about my old character (he railroaded us too much for me to stay invested, seems to be a trend), so I'm totally okay to start fresh. But I don't just want to start over with a normal character. No, I want to break his campaign. Last time we broke his story by accident (probably because he railroads so much that once we do one thing he doesn't expect us to do he can't comprehend how to respond), but now I'm out to do it on purpose. And not just his story, I want to break the whole setting, from smallest to largest possible detail.

I don't want to beat his encounters, I want to nullify them and make all his work for naught.

I want to take crucial NPCs and erase them from existence.

I want to be able to waltz in to places he would never expect us to be just to f*** with things.

I'm going to hunt down the big bad guy and the big good guy and kill them both just so that way he has no way to rebuild the story.

If I could I would wipe the whole continent off the map.

But, my restrictions are that the characters are only level 7 and I am in a low magic setting, so I probably won't start with full gold on a new character. So, I need some help with what I should make here. A cleric that just stands there and debuffs and denies encounters to the point of making them trivial. A wizard who just sends things to another plane just because f&%~ you he can. A rogue assassin who bluffs his way through the gates, invisibly walks up to the king, and then studies him for 3 rounds. I can't really decide what would be best to break the whole world, what do you guys think?

For the mean time, I think I'm going to play an old human wizard with alzheimer's and dementia just so I can be an annoying dick, but make no mistake I'm ready to take this for the long con. I don't care if it takes me weeks or months to break this campaign, but he was an a+#*+@+ and shows no remorse for my characters. So if he wants to declare war, I'm ready to declare war. I'm going to take down a God and fight the DM at his own game.

TL;DR I worship a new god, his name is "F%%& your Encounter". Who wants to help me make a character to do it best?