sidewaysmonkey's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hello customer service, I would like to cancel my pathfinder AP subscription please. Thanks!

Hello Customer Service, would you please cancel my Pathfinder Legends and Pathfinder Modules subscriptions?


Thank you!


Thanks Katina, for the quick response and fix! I'll keep an eye out for the email update.

Thanks again,

Greetings Customer Service!

I just got my email notification for the above numbered order. I'm a bit confused, but it looks like I'm being sent and charged for 2x "Pathfinder Legends—Mummy's Mask #5: The Slave Trenches of Hakotep CD Set", even though I only have a single subscription and didn't order a second. Would you please remove the "non-subscription" CD set from the order? As much as I have been enjoying PF Legends, I really only need one set.


I find this even more concerning.

Nice! We fellow DDs must stick together.

Get a Spell Storing Amulet of Mighty Fists and load it with another shocking grasp. Or Calcific Touch.

I'm not so sure...

It seems to me that when duplicating another spell PAO gives the effect of the duplicated spell but uses the duration chart provided in the PAO spell description. To say otherwise means that according to the duration examples given: PAO functions like Greater Polymorph which functions like Polymorph which functions as Alter Self if the form chosen is that of a humanoid.

That would mean that the marionette to human conversion example given in the PAO spell description was cast by a level 60 caster.

It would also mean that whoever transmuted that manticore into a shrew by duplicating the Beast Form spells had infinite levels at the time of casting.

I know that this has been discussed elsewhere as well.

Recently while browsing through the Core I realized that my dragon disciple character would be able to polymorph into a dragon permanently by obtaining a scroll of Polymorph Any Object and casting it on herself. It is a perfect fit for her given her story background and motivations, but my GM questions the legitimacy of the tactic. After a discussion this evening we have agreed that my character will not pursue that path because he is not comfortable with it. However... he did encourage me to post here because his opinion could possibly be swayed by the opinions of the experienced folks here. I'll do my best to briefly represent our thoughts on the matter, and he can certainly clarify his position if he needs to.

We are playing with Core and APG, he likes to play RAW as much as possible with only very few house rule exceptions.

Main Points:

GM - I would need to cast from a scroll since I will not likely get level 8 spells. He feels that the mechanic that allows casters to use higher level spells than they would normally have access to was not originally intended to provide low level characters early access to such high level spells.

ME - There is a very explicit mechanic that allows a caster of any level to attempt to use a scroll to cast a spell of any level. It is a purely mathematical formula as presented in Core. His take on it, while it certainly could be legitimate in any given setting, is imposing a limitation on the mechanic that is not supported by the text detailing scroll usage. The penalties for a failed check are also very clear. (Note that the earliest that I could attempt this would be level 13 as a sorcerer 3/barbarian 2/dragon disciple 8)

GM - Polymorph Any Object would not allow a permanent casting of Form Of The Dragon 1. Form Of The Dragon 1 has a specific duration, and because it is not a spell that can be affected by Permanency, it can't be made permanent. If Form Of The Dragon had been intended to have a permanent option to it, they would have included a mechanic whereby it can be made permanent.

ME - Such a mechanic was included, it is Polymorph Any Object.

Which brings up one final question. According to the section describing the polymorph subschool, you can only be affected by one polymorph at a time. If while under the effects of a permanent Form Of Dragon, I cast Alter Self, is the permanent polymorph suppressed for the duration of the Alter Self or is it completely negated?

What about a wizard with a Permancy and Enlarge Person who then uses Alter Self? Are all "permanents" equal?

So what are your thoughts on this? Is this a legitimate tactic? Is this a loophole that was never intended for this purpose? A worthy goal for one who feels like a dragon trapped in a woman's body? A game breaking exploit?

My GM and I appreciate your thoughts.

I'm not so sure...

It seems to me that when duplicating another spell PAO gives the effect of the duplicated spell but uses the duration chart provided in the PAO spell description. To say otherwise means that according to the duration examples given: PAO functions like Greater Polymorph which functions like Polymorph which functions as Alter Self if the form chosen is that of a humanoid.

That would mean that the marionette to human conversion example given in the PAO spell description was cast by a level 60 caster.

It would also mean that whoever transmuted that manticore into a shrew by duplicating the Beast Form spells had infinite levels at the time of casting.

Hello! I just placed a preorder for the next four Pathfinder Legends CDs. Would you please move all of them into my sidecart? Thank you!

If your party won't go into the battle market you can preserve lots of those juicy battle market bits by having them captured on night 6 and pulling off something like this...

I'm thinking about running this AP soon and this is how I was leaning. At some point after the PCs enter the battle market I will force an encounter that will have them beaten unconscious and taken as prisoners. Now begins a series of arena style combats (per UCombat performance combat rules). Give perception checks during the fights to notice that one of Almah's minions has infiltrated the crowd and gives them a slight, almost unnoticeable nod. Over the course of a few days/arena fights they win over much of the (non-gnoll) crowd, culminating in a fight where they are teamed with Haleen and pitted against an appropriately worrisome opponent(s). Emerging victorious, with the crowd cheering for them (a few rounds for the party to regroup), Kardswann roars "Enough! I tire of you fools!" and leaps from his throne down onto the arena stage (and cracking it? My stage might be made of stone...) to challenge them himself. When Kardswann is severely injured, he calls in gnolls, orders the gnoll archers above to loose, and retreats to his throne (teleport) where he makes the offer of 500gp per corpse. Now all hell breaks loose as gnolls rush in to kill, Almah's mercs leap to the party's from among the crowd, much of the crowd just wants to get the heck out of there... Chaos! Woohoo!

This will also be a great way to introduce Haleen and have the party bond with her. My party is going to be small so I plan on having her join them as an NPC.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is an issue that has come up in some of our games, so after looking into it I wanted to share my thoughts on the subject.

The primary argument against familiars gaining the bonus languages from the master’s linguistics ranks seems to be that the ranks gained from the master do not count as “real” ranks for the familiar because they are only “borrowed” from the master rather than gained by the familiar through the course of leveling up. Although the CRB never makes a functional distinction between ranks gained through “level up” versus the ranks borrowed by the familiar, and it likewise does not allow for partial skills (the 28int wizard with 1 rank in linguistics gains 1 language from the skill, as does the 6int barbarian with 1 rank), some people are reading the linguistics entry where it states “whenever you put a rank into this skill, you learn to speak and read a new language” and creating a functional distinction where there is only one of origin. I would suggest that a close inspection of the rules does not support any functional difference in skill points, regardless of their origin.

Firstly, in the skills entry under the familiar heading we find the rules detailing the skill rank “borrowing”, but what I focus on here is the following list of familiar class skills. Since familiars do not level up and therefore never gain skill points to put into those class skills there is absolutely no reason to list class skills here. In this case I can only make the assumption that the author’s intent was to allow the familiar to benefit from a +3 bonus to said class skills, provided that:

A. The familiar has not already gained the bonus from its prior life as an animal
B. It gains a rank in the skill from its master by “using ranks of master”

Now, if you look at the skills chapter in CRB (p86, left column, 1st paragraph under acquiring skills heading) you will see that the +3 bonus can ONLY be gained by “putting ranks into” a skill, the same language that we find regarding the language gain from linguistics. Specifically, “You gain a +3 bonus on all class skills that you put ranks into.” Because the written language is the same we can’t apply it in one instance but not the other. If the familiar is, in fact, granted any +3 class skill bonus to any class skill based on a skill rank “borrowed” from its master, then that skill is considered by CRB to have had ranks “put into it” and it must also be granted any languages that the master has learned from the linguistics skill. The alternative would be a familiar that did not gain additional languages and could literally never gain a class skill bonus by any means other than one that it may have begun life with as a natural animal.

Based on this, I can only judge that the skill points gained by a familiar from its master do not and are not intended to function any differently than a skill point that it acquired on its own.

Next, for a more concrete example, I refer you to the “Borrow Skill” spell in APG. This is a very specific example of a borrowed skill and it does grant the +3 bonus if the borrowed skill is a class skill for the borrower. By allowing the borrowed skill ranks to grant the +3 class bonus, the skill is clearly considered by CRB to have had ranks “put into it”, in this case for the duration of the spell. By extension, if the skill in question here is linguistics, the borrowed ranks have been “put into” the linguistics skill by the borrower and therefore according to the language of the linguistics skill, the borrower gains all of the languages known (due to linguistics ranks) by the one from whom the skill was borrowed.

As a third and final point, keep in mind that other things would be affected as well. In this case the most obvious example is the headband of vast intelligence that is keyed to the linguistics skill. As the player is only “borrowing” those skill ranks from the headband, there will be no associated languages gained.

We have two clear examples of borrowed skill ranks functioning identically to a level gained skill rank, the first based on a widely made assumption that familiars can gain class skill bonuses, the second taken directly from the text of APG. With that much given to us, and the absence of any rules that detail how an individual skill rank may function differently from another depending on where it came from, it seems clear that the distinction between “putting skill points into” versus “using ranks of master” and in a broader sense, the differentiation of how individual skill points may vary in function based on their origin is not a distinction that the writers had originally intended.

As a final note, I would rule that the familiar could never speak the languages, but with appropriate sensory input (eyes or ears) could read and understand, hear and understand, or both. Yes, the raven too.

I would have to say no. The entry for Hellcat Pounce states specifically that the second attack immediately follows the initial attack. That doesn't leave room for the move action in between.

Well, I got it today. Thanks for taking the time to read this even though I apparently bothered you for nothing. I hope that I didn't waste too much of your time! (diplomacy check = 17; success?)

Greetings, Customer Service!

No Dead Heart of Xin yet... It seems like it should have arrived by now? The other guys in my group got theirs and I'm feeling left out... like when everyone else in the party went up a level, but I was 110 XP short.

What's my next step?


Well said, Mort...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmm.... I actually cast it on my hawk familiar, then let him take the standard action to attack with it on the same round. On subsequent rounds he circles the battlefield safely out of range, while torching those who would do me harm. His assistance frees me up to do other things... Like cast more spells!

Ha ha! Great profile! How far are you from level 10 Customer Carebear? Thanks so much, great customer service as always!

Hello Customer Service,

Regarding this order in my sidecart, I didn't realize that I had missed the window to have this shipped with Shattered Star #6. Anyway, I'm quite sure that I failed my will save to wait for the next issue, but the "ship as soon as possible" button doesn't seem to be showing up (or maybe I also failed a spot check?)... Could I please have those minis shipped to me "as soon as possible"? Thanks!!


Well thank you very much! I appreciate it! And I will be removing that old address...

Hello Paizo! I'll start by saying "Pathfinder is the best game ever! You're all donig a great job!!" Now business... When I started looking into this overdue order I realized that somehow it got sent to the wrong address, even though it was not listed as an "active" address. I'm not sure what happened, but apparently I wasn't careful enough in checking my order settings. The bottom line is that I must have these posters... Our gaming dungeon will not be complete without them! According to tracking it looks like they are listed as "returned" as of 9/19, which means that you probably don't have them back yet. So what is the next step? Should I wait for the mercandise to be credited and then place a completely new order? I certainly will understand if I have to pay shipping again.
