shinzakei's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

OK so a quick few questions about kingdom building.

First do the Hex's of the player kingdom need to be touching. (meaning you expand to a hex around your city and work outword from your town or can you build on any hex's you want too skipping around as you like. Like building the stag lords fort followed by Olegs trading post.

2nd question is it just me or does it seem too easy for low level characters to get a hold of tons of gold via BP?

So here's the deal, my players are lvl six working on kingmaker book two now. But the paladin has a ac of 29 the rest of the party is fine to deal with but the monsters in book two can only hit on a crit. So what should I do? Mod the monsters and bypass the pallys ac that doesn't seem fair or change up the monster line up in kingmaker. What do you all think?

Hello everyone,

I have been playing 3.5 for many years and my old group fell apart do to two of the players fighting in real life. Anyhow I started a fresh game over at the local game store. I grabbed the pathfinder book after hearing it was a sort of 3.75 dnd. After all i don't want to play 4e, i hate the changes.

Well i love pathfinder and i picked up kingmaker 1 0f 6 and the kingmaker maps as well as kingmaker 4 of 6 (don't ask). Tomorrow I am ordering the rest of the kingmaker set. My group loves kingmaker they like the freedom of play and the idea of building a kingdom. Its a lot of fun we have played two 12 hour days this last month with it. Anyway I am loving the pathfinder changes and the campaign setting.

BTW kingmaker Map Folio thick laminated rocks and works great.

p.s. Pathfinder is taking off here like crazy, the first day i placed new players for pathfinder wanted signs at the game store two weeks before i started. Well 12 players showed up and even more the over the last few months. I am running 5 players and well me the DM right now, i had 8 players but i had to cut back. Anyway 3 other pathfinder groups have started up at the game store now so there are about 25 pathfinder players in the area the store can't keep the books in stock.