shadowswalker23's page

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I and my two children are new to the Pathfinder system and roleplaying in general. We have played through one of the demo scenarios using the pre-generated characters. I would like to move onto the Plaguestone Adventure Path, but know that it was created with four players in mind. Does anyone know if it is possible to play with only two characters or should I have each of my children control two characters? If playing with only two characters is possible, are there any recommendations on modifying the difficulty level to work better for fewer players. Thank you for your help!

That is the monster's attack bonus, yes - it is the complete bonus for the attack, you don't also add the strength modifier or anything.

The Reading Creature Statistics section from the bestiary gives some additional detail on what each part of a creature's entry means.

Thank you for the quick response and the additional information. I have not dug into the Bestiary yet as I am still making my way through the core rulebook. I am trying to get through everything quickly as I have a very excited son and daughter that are ready to play!

Hello, new GM here trying to get ready to present this demo adventure to a group of new players aged 11-12. I read through the demo but am confused on one thing. Under the ogre warrior's weapons, there is a + 12 after the ogre hook and a +6 after the javelin. Are these modifiers that are added to the roll against the characters AC like the Strength modifier? Sorry if this is a newb question. I looked through the core rulebook, but did not see any other weapons having this. The only thing I saw was information on the damage die to use. Thanks for your help.