Black Dragon

sedlor's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Ok. I figured I had gotten buried in the piles during the rush.

I am writing as a followup to getting a replacement core book due to the bad binding. I sent pictures in just after Gen Con, where I purchased the book, but haven't heard anything back yet.

Michael New wrote:
Haladir wrote:

There seems to be a bug in the Spell List Index.

All of the witch spells from the ACG seem to come up in the spell list index as one spell level lower than they really are.

e.g. all of the Witch first-level spells show up as cantrips; second-level spells show up in the 1st-level spell list, etc.

Also-- the two Witch cantrips from the APG each show up twice.

I would not have noticed if I hadn't just started playing a witch PC in a PbP...

Same for Cleric spells. If you choose just 3rd level cleric spells, you get a list of 4th levels. They're off all the way down to Orisons, which show first level spells. Except 8th level, which is correct.

Other classes seem okay.

The witch spells look okay from level 4 up. There are no 3rd level Witch spells in the list, and choosing the 2nd level ones shows the 3rd level ones.

The Inquisitor spell lists are the same from the ACG

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So the feat reads;
Benefit: Your tier is considered 2 higher for determining the potency of mythic abilities, feats, and spells. This doesn't grant you access to mythic abilities or greater versions of mythic spells at a lower tier than you would normally need to be to get them, nor does it grant you additional uses of mythic power or adjust the dice you roll for your surge.

But a sentence under "Gaining Tiers" says;
A mythic character can't gain more than 10 tiers.

So the question posed is, does the feat cap out at 10 or can you crank it up to 12?

Is there any way that a Medium size creature can wield this item?
It is listed as a GARGANTUAN +3 adamantine warhammer.

Even going two-handed and fudging the Monkey Grip feat from 3rd ed Sword and Fist book, I can only get up to a Huge size weapon.

Here is a post that James did comment on regarding this topic:

Questions about Monster Cohorts

Dont know if this helps. Im still trying to figure it out and then how to lvl them up on top of it as well. I think its all going to come down to what the Gm will/wont allow

I am currently playtesting the summoner in out local game and just noticed that I had copied down monsters for the wrong Summons list, Natures Ally instead of Monster, which leads me to this question:

Why does the Summoner only have access to Summon Monster and not Summon Natures Ally?

If all you want is a cosmetic look then just do it, no stat or skill modifiers. If they want it for attacks then have them pay for bite and put a 'second' head around it, same with the breath weapon if they want another one (it is a 4 pt evolution after all)

Hows this for a formless start form:

Size: Medium Speed: 20 ft AC: -
Saves: Pick any 2 (Good), and 1 (Bad)
Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13,Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11

Add 10 points to Eidolon evolution pool, which is what it would cost to create each of the base forms beyond the above base.

Now you can build willy nilly and no worrying about free evolutions or preformed body types.

Eric Stipe wrote:

The witch is a prepared caster.

Woops, guess I didn't read that class well enough. *blush*

That doesn't change the initial question of why isn't the summoner a prepared caster as well?

I am curious as to why the Summoner is a spontaneous arcane caster?

The intro description describes it as a character that spends much time researching spells and arcane rituals specifically in the realm of summonings. In fact the classes main ability, the eidolon, is summoned through a 1 minute ritual. None of this sounds like someone that has an inborn innate ability to attune with and produce magic.

I know that this would wreak havoc with the existing spell progression but it seems to me to fit the concept of the character far better. besides to my knowledge the only prepared arcane caster in game currently is the wizard, shouldn't there be another one?