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Courtney! wrote:

I would also put in a vote towards learning more about Fharlanghn sooner rather than later; while his complete neutrality and do-as-thou-wilt dogma (or almost total lack thereof) is part of his appeal, it does make it a bit challenging to play one of his clerics, as I'm increasingly discovering.

So I guess we won't ever be seeing Fharlanghn in Core Beliefs now... unless WOTC does something.

The article discusses Wee Jas's disapproval of creating (unwilling)undead and raising dead (requires a commune, chaotic creatures are usually rejected).

Kinda makes the death domain not-so-useful, with two spells that they likely won't use... unless there's an undead volunteer list out there.

Fharlanghn Fharlanghn Fharlanghn!