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![]() 1: Would you prefer print-on-demand cards or a PDF? (Or both?) A. I would prefer print-on-demand or both. 2: If you want print-on-demand, would you rather pay something like $8 (plus shipping) for every little change, or pay just a couple bucks for the few really important ones? A. I am a stickler for consistency, I would prefer all cards that are incorrect in some way be corrected and I would pay $8.00 shipping and Handling for the new cards. ![]()
![]() Fantasy Flight replaced cards from the Mansions of Madness original game with cards from the Expansions. Since you need the original game to play you will be able to replace the cards once you buy the expansion. Now if Paizo has everything printed and boxed already for ALL of the expansions, then this is going to be a problem. But if any of the expansions have not been printed and boxed yet then they should easily be able to add the reprinted cards in one of the expansion boxes. ![]()
![]() I hope we can get an answer from a developer. I am inclined to follow the Summoned rules, regardless of the "Golden Rule" and once a Summoned monster is evaded using Sanctuary then it goes back to the box. Since there are no rules that were quoted from the rulebook that says how to deal with 2 of the same Henchmen in the same location deck I would be inclined to believe that it is not supposed to happen. Unless there is a rule that I missed of course! :) ![]()
![]() What about this scenario specifically, I believe the Enchantress does "before the encounter" damage and "after the encounter" damage. I'm assuming that I can reveal a shield of fire resistance to prevent "before the encounter" damage and then go on to use a 2-handed weapon during the combat check. Going further, I assume I can use the same shield on "after the encounter" damage. Clearly, I can't use the shield on damage I take as a result of being short on the combat check since I used a 2 handed weapon on the combat check. ![]()
![]() Why is the Bunyip not available as an avatar? Only thing I can think of is that everyone would pick it. I found a beautiful picture of a Bunyip but I could not upload it!! So disappointing. BTW, where the hell is the Bunyip hiding when we found him at the FARMHOUSE....TWICE!! And at the Town Square!! We imagine that he was in a lake behind the Farmhouse and possibly in the sewer in the Town Square. Bunyip, you are one of the most strangest, most beautiful creatures I have ever had the pleasure to meet! ![]()
![]() Since Kyra's healing ability states it should be used "Instead of your first exploration on a turn," do you have to be able to explore in order to use it? In other words, if Kyra is at a closed location with no cards to explore, can she use her explore phase to still heal even though there are no cards to explore? |