
sador42's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

If you cast Sanctuary on a summoned Monster (that is legal to cast it on) does it go back to the box, or does it stay on top of the location deck as the Sanctuary card says?

I have posed this question elsewhere with varying answers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Why is the Bunyip not available as an avatar?

Only thing I can think of is that everyone would pick it.

I found a beautiful picture of a Bunyip but I could not upload it!! So disappointing.

BTW, where the hell is the Bunyip hiding when we found him at the FARMHOUSE....TWICE!!

And at the Town Square!!

We imagine that he was in a lake behind the Farmhouse and possibly in the sewer in the Town Square.

Bunyip, you are one of the most strangest, most beautiful creatures I have ever had the pleasure to meet!

Since Kyra's healing ability states it should be used "Instead of your first exploration on a turn," do you have to be able to explore in order to use it?

In other words, if Kyra is at a closed location with no cards to explore, can she use her explore phase to still heal even though there are no cards to explore?