ryan scott 948's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

how do i find charts that will allow me to use the point system alot more i am creating a samerai and need the point buy chart to calculte the dex, str, con, int, wis, and cha for this new character any help would be helpfull


Liberty's Edge

my ninja is going to be a fighter as a profession if that helps tifton

Liberty's Edge

i a m fairly new player and just recently lost my first character so i am building a new character my problem is i do not hpow to generate all of my stuff like stength, dex,con, int,wis, and cha, and what my ac. touch ac, and flat fooed ac will be or what my cmb and cmd is as well the only book i have is ultimate combat and i just fund a free pdf of the core rule book but i am stuck with creating the character the caharacter i am building is a ninja if anyone can help me out that owuld be great

Ryan scott