rukeen2's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Alright, so I've been playing in a home pathfinder group for about a year now, we've done a couple pfs one shots, we b4 goblins as the inimitable Poog, and the cost of enlightenment as Lirianne.

I was wanting to make a hard-bitten law-bringer type character for pfs, but reading through what everyone says about Gunslinger has kinda put me off it, though Bolt Ace still looks neat.

Personality wise I was thinking something lawful neutral Roughs/Frontier style justice kinda guy. Harsh but fair.

So yeah, any aid would be great. Character builds, class suggestions, deity recommendations. Pitch them here and hopefully I'll be able to make something I would enjoy.