roguerouge's page
RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 3,577 posts (3,585 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. 6 wishlists. 3 aliases.
My table's PCs are on the frontier and upon hitting tenth level will be receiving a reward from the home base. Part of this is designed to even out the lack of shopping options on the frontier. The party is human Champion of Milani, human Swashbuckler, human Cloistered Cleric, and iruxi Eldritch Archer Ranger.
This is my first 2e campaign, so I would love suggestions for what a tenth level iruxi eldritch archer ranger and a cloistered cleric would need at this level.
The ranger basically shoots once a round for strong damage, with their key items being +1 striking composite short bow, +1 shadow hide armor, and some aeon stones in a custom wayfinder.
The cloistered cleric does a lot of healing and buffing, with a few perennial damage spells like Electric Arc and Spiritual Weapon, with 1-2 higher level damage spells. The cleric's key items are a staff of healing, a wand of healing level 1, some aeon stones and a custom wayfinder, and a bunch of scrolls, elixirs, and potions.
What items would you recommend?
Do you have any recommendations for Starfinder scenarios, modules, or adventure path books where the PCs explore ruins featuring chemical spills or radiation? I'm looking to be inspired by the "silent killer" and body-horror of such locations.
... has the embedded in the interactive maps, so even if the tags and grid are off, there they are for the PCs to see. Did anyone come up with solutions other than simply drawing it out, which is a pain to do on Roll20 for natural caves?
How long does it take to craft arrows? This is for a game set on the frontier, so I want to go by rules as written, and not hand wave it. The PC has the craft skill.
Also, how would already having the arrow heads speed it up?
Book one spoilers...
My table's party captured one of the monkey goblins, but were unable to communicate with them. After holding them captive for a bit, they decided to let them go, wait a few minutes, then follow them back to their tribe. They hope to see if the goblins were behind the fate of the colony, maybe see if they have captives. The problem, of course, is that this party of 1st level adventurers is really not up for roughly two dozen goblins with a barghest chief (Arghelnar, page 79).
What would you do?
How did you use non-dangerous weather, flora, and fauna to establish the age, isolation, and strangeness of this island from the Inner Sea region?
... and I want his to be dramatic.
Have any of your players wanted to USE the ?
What things would you throw in to make this dramatic?
What extra elements would you throw into the ritual besides having the DNA and the miracle scroll?
What would be the result of using to "revive" Doubral?
Basically, the player wants to use it to "revive" Doubral; it's a cult he's established since book 2, which I've been calling Zon Kuthon Reform and he's been calling Doubralism. (He'll have the DNA of Doubral due to a 20-year quest of plot and a scroll of miracle.) He's going to be doing this on the ethereal plane and wants to finish before the party destroys He's fine with them destroying it afterwards.
If I added the kaiju sub-type to a bone devil with enough inquisitor class levels to make it CR 20 already, how much would you change the CR? (Note: this would include a size change to colossal.)
If I added the kaiju sub-type to a bone devil with class levels, how much would you change the CR?
What Starfinder scenarios does the Scoured Stars podcast use?
Specifically, I'm wondering about Brew Potion, Extend Potion, and Enhance Potion.
I'm looking to improve my haunt game in Hell's Rebels and I'd like to get inspired. What worked well at your table?
So, I'd like to change the haunt for this district, but I need some help to figure out how. At my table, Villegre during the rebellion was the site of a nonviolent direct action war: students led by a faerie dragon demoralizing the dottari through humiliating pranks. (The other districts were more violent, with Red Roof being a brutal guerrilla war and Old Kintargo being the site of intense urban warfare.)
I'd like my version of Villegre's haunt to be Barzillai's reaction to that absurd revolutionary history. What would you put here? It wouldn't have to be level appropriate to PCs at 16th level, I don't think.
Page 67: [To completely destroy Barzillai after he's become a genius loci do a bunch of things and then...] "the core of his soul must be located (this can be at any location of your choosing in all of Ravounel) and forced to manifest with a miracle or wish spell."
Where do you feel Barzillai's soul would be found? What would be most fitting?
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I'm considering making this a three-book AP for my table, using books 1-3. What would need to change, in your opinion, for The Flooded Cathedral to be the finale? Would
So my players invested a good deal of effort in rebuilding Menador Keep, to the point of drawing an all-new map. (Basically the same as Menador Keep, but with more rooms underground. Naturally, I want to reward those efforts by putting it back in the narrative where they have to defend it. (I mean, books 5 and 6 revisit a lot of stuff from earlier books, right?)
So, my question to you is: how would a 15th level necromancer with a zombie army and a few high-level intelligent undead with class levels from Create Undead (juju zombie anti-paladin, guardian phantom armor Hellknight, shadow assassin, and Allip inquisitor) attack this joint in a way that would be manageable and exciting at the table? The necromancer is a returning villain out for revenge, if that helps.
I need some RP advice for playing the iconic evil characters. (They're making an appearance in my Hell's Rebels campaign.) How would you roleplay Linxia Benzekri, Emil Kovkorin, Lazzero Dalvera, Nyctessa, Urgraz, and Zelhara? What would their interactions be like as an adventuring party?
Do they not accept gift cards? It says not valid, but I just want to confirm that they do accept them before trying again.
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My table's PCs have decided to go the guerrilla warfare route with Cheliax as the way to best support the Glorious Reclamation. I've managed to direct them towards the Archive of Redacted Histories on... .
They're going to try to rescue and make propaganda out of the materials that they liberate from there. What kinds of juicy secrets would they find in the books that were supposed to be burned or edited?
We're getting towards the end of book five and my table has decided to try to help the Glorious Reclamation bring down Cheliax by goading House Thrune into attacking them. I'm asking for advice on what you'd do to make some interesting and tough challenges out of the players' choices without just shutting them down.
What would House Thrune do if Ravounel suddenly rebuilt the Keep at Menador Gap and made an incursion towards Kantaria?
How likely is it that Queen Abrogail Thrune II will know of the secret clause of the Kintargo Contract without being prompted by a letter requesting negotiations? (As in, how likely do you feel that the extra provocation of an exploratory invasion would lead to a critical mistake?)
How significant a military force could Thrune send against them?
Background: They've formed Ravounel perfectly under the Kintargo Contract.
Background: They've not yet informed the Town Council of the plan--the reps believe that they're rebuilding the keep at Menador Gap as a purely defensive measure. (Assume any diplomacy check will be 45 or above.)
Background: The Glorious Reclamation has not yet lost Citadel Dinyar and still retains Westcrown.
How long would it take?
30 minutes of playing is equal to the work of 100 humans laboring for 3 days. So that's 300 work days. Each work day is 8 hours. So each half hour equals 2400 worker hours.
The PCs have befriended a lillend azata (+16 stringed instrument), and have access to lots of spells to boost her skills and lesser restorations to make the DC 18 check for a lot of hours.
The question is how long will it take them to rebuild Menador Gap's Keep?
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I've really enjoyed their Mummy's Mask podcast in 1st edition: really strong narration by the DM, solid rules knowledge, good characterization and voices, and surprisingly gripping combats. (Also, 3 female players, which I find to be a nice change of pace from some of my other gaming podcasts.)
Anyway, they've started a podcast using the 2nd edition rule set for Hell's Rebels. This should be of interest for entertainment, ideas for your own table's world-building, and those interested in the second edition rules.
What are the lands of the Sarinis? This campaign page suggests that it's based in Ravounel Forest and lands west. Is that accurate? If so, that does lend itself to revising the hags vs. strix theme there. If not there, where would they retreat to brood and plot revenge after the revolution?
Who would run for office in the first Town Council of post-revolution Ravounel? These could be established NPCs or ones that represent a particular set of interests (e.g. Nandi Crissandi, a rural druid of Gozreh). What would their platform be?
More importantly, which people do you think would win?
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What did your PCs do to celebrate the end of... book 4? It's a pretty significant party opportunity. I'm drawing a blank on stuff to do.
So, I postponed the Vyre dinner scene to Book 5. (I felt it fit better with that book's theme of uniting Ravounel.) If my PCs are successful, I'd like her to make the offer of guaranteeing Vyre's participation in the new nation in exchange for liberating Vyre from the cult of Norgorber. The Queen of Delights will handle the Queen of Whispers, but the party has to stop the King of Keys. (She doesn't know that this city is so important to the god!)
I'm just having some trouble putting together this subplot and I need your advice.
What I'm looking for inspiration on:
Where should the party find the King of Keys, Delaraius Solzakarr?
What support should the King have?
What has he been up to? Some ritual to gain power? Some plot to take over Ravounel?
I'd love either a Belial cult or a Calistrian sect to be a complication or involved somehow, but I'm not sure how. Both groups are in the tiefling PC's backstory whose storyline this is.
What kind of lore could be found in Shadowsquare Temple about Earthfall and the origins of Nidal and Zon Kuthon?
What information could be used to set up recognition and treaty negotiations with Nidal's Umbral Court? What insights could they gleam about their national interests for (New) Ravounel?
What information could they have about Cheliax that had been redacted?
What should be the Nidalese response to her death? Should there be any? I know that the books drop that potential plot line, but I'm curious as to how this would impact border relations.
How have you managed the reveal as a player or a DM? What do you recommend for how to keep the party drama in check around this feature?
I had a bit of an incident at my table that I'd like advice on. The vigilante PC previously revealed their civilian identity to another PC without incident. But the player reacted very differently last night when another player finally pierced their disguise after 11 levels. The two players were navigating the revelation fine, until the "left out" PC basically demanded to not be left out. The player of the vigilante didn't take kindly to that demand. It doesn't help that the "left out" PC has been playing a bit of a lone wolf, so there was a bit of a pot calling the kettle black going on here.
I think Rivozair has a lot of potential tactics for DMs to consider, but that very surplus of options means that I have questions about priorities...
What was your table's experience of this fight like? What were your dragon's best tactics?
Since the dragon can pick the ground for the fight with its mobility and its ability to set fires and kill innocents to attract good PCs, where would it WANT the PCs to congregate? A park? A dense housing area?
Possible tactics:
If the party hasn't done the Song of Silver yet, now is an excellent time to use the fear aura to herd civilians into a stampede towards the party.
Stay long range from the party, tossing fireballs for three rounds. (Unlikely to damage them if the PCs have gathered intel on the dragon strike reprisals during book 4 or talked to now-found Original Silver Ravens).
Flyby Attack against casters. (I wish the dragon had Vital strike for this.)
Summon that barbed devil long before he gets trapped in melee. It doesn't have flight but has several medium range options.
Hover: The barbed devil might melee a PC, while the dragon uses hover to cut off line of sight by casters and archers on that combat, blasting from above. Even on its own, hovering within melee range and preventing some types of PC spells with the cloud might be effective.
Use burrow to approach for the surprise value? People forget blue dragons have that ability. Flavorful, but much less advantageous than invisibility... unless the party has invisibility purge or see invisibility up. Might be interesting for Rivozair to summon its barbed devil to use its fire attacks and pyrotechnics to give the impression of Rivozair being in an area, only for the dragon to actually be hidden underground using blindsense to surface and strike from the ground?
Jack that AC: Mage armor, Mirror Image, and Dispel Chaos makes life miserable for melee PCs.
If authority points are at 0, Barzillai Thrune might have Grivenner and his priests cast some long-duration buff spells on the dragon before send her out to fight. Sample spells: freedom of movement, magic circle against good, magic vestments, resist energy, bull's strength, bear's endurance, owl's wisdom, etc.
Drop the roof of a workman's hut on the party, rather than a cow. (Urban flavor!) Light load carrying capacity is 466 pounds or less, and maybe use telekinesis rules to adjudicate. Alternatively, scoop up a Kintargan's dead body and use it for a flavorful but disgusting attack.
What did you do for a battle map for Rivozair battle? I'm looking at that 200' flight speed and wondering how I'll do a map for this, let alone one that will fit on Roll20, where 100x100 draws a warning that it won't load.
I'm looking for a scenario that would be wacky and fun for a one-shot. One of the players would be new, so complicated subsystems wouldn't be great unless it was quick and really paid off.
Thanks for any suggestions you might have!
My campaign is already using automatic bonus progression rules and I'm interested in how they interact with spells like greater magic weapon or magic vestments. If a character casts greater magic weapon at the start of the day, can the enhancement bonuses from the spell go first, then have the bonuses from the character level go to weapon abilities? For example, if you're at 9th level, could you make your mace +2 enhancement bonus from the spell then make it a +2 flaming, shocking mace with the automatic weapon bonus?
Automatic Bonus Progression
Are there any plans to make more tokens and maps available for purchase through Roll20? There's 2-3 APs there--War for the Crown, for example--but not what I'm doing, which is Hell's Rebels. It would be SUPER helpful and probably good income to make more of the pawns into tokens for such sites.
So... our table has to go virtual due to a pesky pandemic. Have any of you used this site? Any quick hacks or tips specific to Hell's Rebels? They don't seem to have any of the character art or maps in the marketplace. I own digital copies though.
If in an area of silence, can a warpriest still cast spells by using fervor, or would they need to use silent spell metamagic feat? What about using their blessing abilities?
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If a lich hits using unarmed strike does the target have to make a fortitude save against paralysis? Would they be able to flurry with the paralysis effect on their unarmed strikes if they were a Sacred Fist?
Has anyone done a set piece on storming the CK district rather than a prison break in Kintargo Keep? What would you do if you haven't? What kind of defenses would they have and what kind of tactics?
In what ways could you reveal plot or background by having unusual effects become apparent through the death and replacement of a spirit guide, witch's familiar, or the like? As an example, from my table, the Magical Child archetype of the Vigilante:
Animal Guide (Ex): pfsrd wrote: A magical child starts play with a magical spirit guide in the form of a familiar, using her vigilante level as her effective wizard level. The familiar also has a social identity as a seemingly normal animal, though vigilantes with outlandish familiars might still need to hide the familiar.
At 3rd level, the magical child’s familiar reveals another aspect of its form, and its vigilante identity changes into a creature on the Improved Familiar list...
If a magical child’s familiar dies, its consciousness simply leaves its body, and the magical child can replace its body after 24 hours. To do so, she must conduct an 8-hour ritual that costs 200 gp per her vigilante level, but once the ritual is complete, the familiar returns in a new body. It retains all of its memories from its earlier service to the magical child....
This kind of sounds like a related but not identical process to the soul anchor.
How long does it take to Take 20 on reading a complicated book requiring a Wisdom DC 25 ability check to understand? Days? Weeks? Months?
So, at my table, not only did Octavio come to the Ruby Masquerade, but he died there. Then the party rolled a one on reading a raise dead scroll above their level. I made it so that Octavio acted seemingly like his normal emotionless self. So, what's the twist? Something to do with the Soul Anchor? Something related to Barzillai Thrune? Something else?
My players want to go down a list of names and ask who she knows. Was she around for the first Silver Ravens movement? Does she know Jackdaw? Was she a Silver Raven?
She knows Guttugger her pet dinosaur and Chuko, her former adventuring chum. She maybe knows that Jackdaw is in Castle Kintargo, because Barzillai Thrune told her that although he doesn't know its significance (SoS p. 9, 29). She established the Sarenrae sect in town and thus has some connection to the Shelynites sheltering its believers.
She's an elf, so her age is not an issue with all of this.
I need some advice on tweaking a thematic villain. The PCs will be facing her at 10th or 11th level. I'm not convinced that she'll do well against them on offense while still being appropriately thematic as an ambassador of the Umbral Court. What would you suggest to improve them? I'm having trouble optimizing the Umbral Spell and Shadow Grasp metamagic feats. I'm also struggling for a good 4th and 3rd level spell known for her.
Female human vampire umbral scion sorcerer 8/umbral court agent 4 (CR 14)
CE Medium undead (augmented humanoid)
Initiative +9
see in darkness, darkvision 90’, Perception +24
RADIATES 10’ DARKNESS (umbral tenebrous mage armor, umbral tenebrous false life)
AC 27, touch 17, flat-footed 22 (+2 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural, +4 mage armor)
HP 156/171 (8d6+4d8+108+false life)
• fast healing 5 DR 10/magic and silver
• If 0 HP, must go into gaseous form, return to coffin, more damage has no effect, helpless as heals 1 hp in 1 hour in coffin, then fast healing back in
Fort +15 (immune unless vs. objects), Ref +12, Will +15 (+19 vs. channeling)
• Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Speed 30 Spider Climb 20’ (retain dex)
Shadow Jump: 40’/day to another shadow, standard act
slam +11 (1d4+4 plus energy drain 2 levels, max 1/round)
• Energy drain: -1 to attacks, ability checks, saves, CMB/D, skills. Reduces current and max HP -5. Fort 22 to remove each day later. Rises as spawn 1d4 days if dies from negative levels
• Dominate: standard act, 1 target, 30’ range, Will 23, CL 12th.
• Blood drain: free if establish or maintain pin, deals 1d4 CON damage to victim and +5 heal or temp HP each round to vampire. Rises as spawn in 1d4 days if dies from blood loss.
• Veil (11/day): 11 hours, 30’ range on creature/object, decrease light level 2 steps for 30’, decreases past darkness then treat as deeper darkness.
• Children of the Night: standard act, arrive in 2d6 rounds, 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, 2d6 wolves.
• Spawn: May control 11 spawn
Abilities/feats for shadow/darkness spells:
• Shrouded spells with wisps of shadow stuff: +2 DC to ID spells, +5 DC in shadows
• Potent Shadows: +1 CL casting shadow/darkness spells in dim light or less
• Shadow Arcana: darkness/shadow spell, +spell level circumstance to Stealth for 1d4 rounds
• Shadow Grasp: +1 level to spell, cast spell w/area effect w/darkness descriptor, add entangled while in area +1 round, Reflex save of spell’s level negates and don’t keep making save in area, you cannot be impeded by it
• Tenebrous Spell and Magic: +1 to spell level but free if shadow or darkness school, cast in darkness or dim light, +2 DC and -4 to dispel; casting it in bright light concentration 15+2*SL.
• Umbral Spell: +2 level increase on spells that target creature or object and can’t be used w/instantaneous spells, add darkness descriptor, affected creature radiates darkness 10’ like darkness spell, nonmagical light has no impact, doesn’t stack w/other darkness spells; effects vs. those who can’t see: 50% miss chance, -2 attacks vs. you, -2 AC and Reflex, half move speed in darkness
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 11th, +11 ranged touch, concentration +19)
5th (6/day)—shadow evocation, cloak of shadows, wracking ray
Possible metamagic uses of these spell slots
• QUICKEN shield, magic missile; EXTENDED greater invisibility (22 rounds); SILENT/STILL enervation, shadow conjuration; SILENT AND STILL dispel magic, fireball, deeper darkness
• SHADOW GRASP TENEBROUS shadow conjuration
4th (8/day)—greater invisibility, shadow conjuration, enervation, ADD ONE
Possible metamagic uses of these spell slots:
• SILENT/STILL dispel magic, fireball, deeper darkness; SILENT AND STILL scorching ray, twilight haze
• UMBRAL SPELL: acid arrow, false life, invisibility, darkvision.
3rd (8/day)—deeper darkness, fireball, seek thoughts, dispel magic, ADD ONE
Possible metamagic uses of these spell slots:
• EXTENDED false life (22 hours); SILENT/STILL invisibility, scorching ray; SILENT AND STILL magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, disguise self, shield
• UMBRAL SPELL: chill touch (+2 DC), mage armor, shield,
• SHADOW GRASP: twilight haze
2nd (8/day)—false life, invisibility, scorching ray, darkvision, twilight haze, acid arrow
Possible metamagic uses of these spell slots:
• EXTENDED mage armor (22 hours); SILENT/STILL magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, disguise self, shield
1st (8/day)—chill touch, disguise self, shield, mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement
0—acid splash, detect magic, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, read magic
Bloodline shadow, Darkness domain
Change shape and gaseous form
• dire bat: fly 40 (good), 10’ size, bite +11 for 1d8+7, AC 29, Reflex +11, +2 STR skills, -1 DEX skills, CMD 29, CMB +13
• wolf: scent, low light, bite +12 for 1d6+7 and trip, CMB +11, CMD 27, AC 30, Reflex +11, +2 STR skills, -1 DEX skills
• gaseous form: indefinite, fly 20 (perfect, can pass thru cracks, can’t run), DR 10/magic; can’t attack, cast (unless silent, still, eschew materials), or manipulate objects; immune to poison, sneak attacks, and critical hits.
Bloodline Spell-Like Ability (CL 8th, +11 touch)
11/day—shadow strike +11
7/day—10’ reach touch of darkness +11
Shadow Jump: 40’/day to another shadow, standard action
STATISTICS Str 16, Dex 18, Con —, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 26
BAB +7;
Feats Alertness B, Blind-Fight B, Darkvision B, Deceitful, Combat Reflexes B, Dodge B, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Extra Spell Known, Improved Initiative B, Lightning Reflexes B, Quicken Spell, Shadow Courtier B, Shadow Grasp, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Tenebrous Spell (and Tenebrous Magic B), Toughness B, Umbral Spell,
Skills Bluff +36, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +14, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge nobility +4, Knowledge (religion) +13, Perception +24, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +13, Stealth +16, Use Magic Device +22;
Racial Modifiers +8 Bluff, +8 Perception, +8 Sense Motive, +8 Stealth
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic
Gear: cloak of resistance +3, headband of alluring charisma +4, ring of protection +2, greater eye piercings
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I've had two extra scenes involving food--a night at the Sarinis for a heist and the food room at the Ruby Masquerade. Here's what I used for food.
The Sarini feast, inspired by the Council of Thieves AP:
Cocktail hors d'oeuvres: imported fruits and breads, spiced olives, a selection of curious pickles, huge stuffed peppers, figs, dates and honeycombs.
Tasting dishes while seated: honey-roasted hogfish, venison, sturgeon, and lampreys in hot sauce.
Selection of entrees: whole roast baby squid served with honey sauce, minted lamb with fresh vegetables, sauced hatchling alligator, tureens of cod spawn in garlic, and leveret stewed in wine and parsley.
After-dinner: exotic tobaccos, potent liquors, and eating live de-fanged serpents that have been gorged on drugged mice and other mind-altering substances.
Food at the Ruby Masquerade:
From Laria's coffee shop: devil's food cake, mini cinnamon rolls
Fruits: pineapple, pomegranate, strawberries
Hors d'oeuvres: calimari, spiced olives, lampreys in hot sauce, blood sausage, deviled eggs
Alcohol: red wine, lager, onion maces in alcoholic dipping sauce.
What have you been using for this world-building flavor?
I have a PC who's the only child, a daughter, of House Jhaltero. Due to player choices, the PC has allowed her father and mother to decide who to set her up with on blind dates, such as at the Ruby Masquerade. What Kintargan families would best advance their interests and thus guide their choices for blind dates for their heir? And what other houses would be trying to court Jarvis influence?
Reminder of the Houses:
AULAMAXA of Cypress Point and Dismal Nitch (Archbarony)
Interests: hunting, opera, fame
AULORIANs (County)
Interests: magic, salt, silver, politics
DELRONGE of Vyre and Deepmar (Archbarony)
Interests: horse breeding, falcons, hunting, mercantilism
JARVIS of ARGO isle (Kintargo) (Barony)
Interests: architecture, carpentry, city planning, stonemasonry
JHALTERO of Whiterock (Barony)
Interests: information, silver, stone quarries
SARINI, the Lap Dogs of Thrune (County)
Interests: diabolism, entertainment, Theater of the Real
Interests: armor and weapon crafting, city defense, military
VASHNARSTILL of Anchor’s End (Barony)
Interests: Arcadian trade, fishing, shipbuilding
I feel like the JARVIS HOUSE would be a top choice, given the synergies between JHALTERO and JARVIS interests in building. Maybe DELRONGE or AULORIAN for money?
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Many significant NPCs will make an appearance at this event at my table. And other tables will have NPCs make a connection with other ones from mine. So, it could be helpful for DMs running this event to have some brainstormed ideas for masks/costumes for major NPCS.
What are some ideas you have for outfits/mask costumes for:
Archbaroness Eldonna Aulamaxa:
Count Auxis Aulorian:
Archbaroness Melodia Delronge:
Baroness Belcara Jarvis: probably not due to her disfigurement, but this is an occasion where it's socially acceptable to wear a mask...
Baron Canton Jhaltero:
Countess Urora Sarini: Some sort of fierce dog motif to court Barzillai Thrune approval?
Count Geoff Tanessen: maybe a military motif?
on Sendi Vashnarstill: perhaps some reference to Arcadia?
Barzillai Thrune: definitely "attending" so would need a mask/outfit
Corinstian Grivenner:
Kyrre Ekodyre:
Tombus Regegious: something to curry favor with the powers that be
Duxotas Vannases Trex:
Tiarise Izoni:
Aluceda Zhol: occurs at night, so could definitely attend and easily leave early or simply use her abilities to escape... I'm thinking some reference to Nidalese culture.
Iylvana Desdoros, headmaster of Alabaster Academy:
Nandy Crissali, owner/operator of rare and arcane bookstore: doesn't seem like the party type, but might make a connection with the party's mage, so need something
Ryk, street meat vendor (N tiefling rogue 1): if needs to be there, probably working on the catering side
Setrona Sabinus, short outgoing owner/operator:
Vespasio Vespam, 5th gen Kintargan: probably attends as a good time to make connections with potential patrons,
Mhelrem Gestaliel: Abadaran priests would probably regard something like this as a major networking opportunity. Would probably draw on Abadaran iconography?
Mialari Docur:
Zachrin Vhast: Shelynites would probably be very tempted to attend a party
When a devil, say, is killed on the material plane, does its body poof back to its home plane? Does its soul return to its home plane but its body stays here? Does it matter how they got to the material plane for these purposes?
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My table has been, in effect, a CN rebellion, albeit with exceptionally well-planned missions. Their rebellion's major constituencies are students, tieflings, halflings, two noble families, dottari displaced under the new city leadership, and Old Kintargo. Their motto: "Free trade. Free religion. Free Kintargo." They don't have a particular ideology, and even if they did, their communications have been graffiti, poems, and a play. They've made outreach to the faithful of Shelyn, Calistria, Milani, and Abadar, complete with weekly presentations at their HQ. They've started a cult devoted to the belief that Zon Kuthon can be reformed. They've been creative and diligent--they've not been failing at the table. They've just committed to a rebellion based on free and informed choice.
If I were playing, I would not have done things this way. But that's okay! Rather than punish them for paths not taken, I'm going to use this thread to brainstorm what the active revolution would look like when it becomes a full-fledged CN revolution in book 4.
Can a witch cast a melee touch spell, designating their familiar to deliver it, and while it maneuvers to do so, use their hexes without discharging the touch spell the familiar carries?
Can you combine Leg Sweep on your Stunning Fist attempt in a flurry (because unarmed strikes can be kicks)?
Am I correct in assuming that you cannot combine Leg Sweep with Flying Kick until you reach 15th level?
"Leg Sweep: The monk attempts to sweep his foe’s leg, knocking the opponent down. If the attack hits, the monk can make a free trip attempt against the target of this strike (using the base attack bonus of the attack used to hit the foe). This trip attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The monk must attack with a kick to use this style strike."