roeyjevels's page

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This is the most 4th Edition D&D thing you have done yet. To me that betrays the whole reason Pathfinder took off (i.e. to avoid the monstrosity that is 4th ed.)

I understand why you wanted to break from your 3.5 edition roots and redesign from the ground up. I understand how that Multiclassing is clunky and needs some kind of overhaul. But I really am not pleased with the way 2ed PFRPG looks and this is the worst I've seen so far.

No hate, guys. Much love. I'm buying new 1st edition Pathfinder stuff left and right. I love the system, it's not perfect, but it is the best I've seen. Better than 2nd edition, IMO.

I won't be buying second edition but I don't want you guys to think I'm going nuts and hate you and all that crazy internet stuff. I'll just be quietly cleaning out your backstock of 1st edition stuff as time marches ever on.

P.S. Your stuff is such good quality, maybe 2ed will grow on me in the years to come. But just my luck, it will be just in time for your 3rd edition. :P