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Great stuff, I "may" steal it for my table.

Oh, I was by no means going to make him suffer and wait for another. I, in the back of my head think, that the current cohort leaving makes a bit of sense RPing wise. It'd be easy enough to RP in another soon after if/when they bring him back. Well that is unless they reincarnate him!

Well he charged an enlarged spriggin wielding a halbred, cr 3 or 4 I think. Anyways said spriggin rolled a 20, then confirmed the crit with a 20...max damage, 2d8+5x3=63. After that the rest of the party pretty easily dispatched the enemy. Honestly it was only extraordinary die rolling that happened to kill him.

I'd kinda think that the cohort would kind of be thinking, "what a mook."

Talon Moonwalker wrote:
rocklax wrote:
So long story short to make this quick. We're playing Kingmaker and my party's (I'm the GM) 7th level Duke was just slain. He had just picked up a cohort. The party plans on attempting to bring the Duke back, my question is what happens to the newly minted cohort? Does he stay around, does he bolt, does he commit hari kari?
Why not have the PC play the cohort for a while? If the guy knows his master is soon going to come back, then it doesn't make much sense to run off, unless he doesn't like the rest of the party on the off chance that the Duke will come back

I really am not sure what to do, I can't find any RAW for this and wonder how others might handle it. I mean this guy just devoted himself to follow this guy (whom he thinks a badass), who within a month gets himself killed. I'm tempted to have this cohort leave the service and if/when he is brought back, the Duke would have to attract a new one. However now rumors will begin to persist about the Duke as the old cohort would likely tell the story.

So long story short to make this quick. We're playing Kingmaker and my party's (I'm the GM) 7th level Duke was just slain. He had just picked up a cohort. The party plans on attempting to bring the Duke back, my question is what happens to the newly minted cohort? Does he stay around, does he bolt, does he commit hari kari?

Slaunyeh wrote:
rocklax wrote:

We have been playing Kingmaker with a group of three PC's. One of the player's bought a wolf and had it trained to use as a mount, he has been riding it now for a few levels. Recently I decided that they would probably fair a bit better if they had another basic fighter in the group. Long story short is that the wolf got awakened by a high level druid through a series of events. I know it adds 2HD and all, but now how to I figure experience for it from here on out? I've decided that with experience it will start taking levels in ranger. So when exactly will it become level 1 ranger? How fast will it gain experience, should I do it like cohort experience? Thanks for any help.

You are missing a great opportunity here. World's first canine wizard!

But to be serious, I don't know if there's anything official about it, but I'd use the Leadership cohort rules for it, yeah.

I'm curious what the wolf will pick for animal companion though. :)

None, probably going to take guide archtype so we don't have to worry about it.

We have been playing Kingmaker with a group of three PC's. One of the player's bought a wolf and had it trained to use as a mount, he has been riding it now for a few levels. Recently I decided that they would probably fair a bit better if they had another basic fighter in the group. Long story short is that the wolf got awakened by a high level druid through a series of events. I know it adds 2HD and all, but now how to I figure experience for it from here on out? I've decided that with experience it will start taking levels in ranger. So when exactly will it become level 1 ranger? How fast will it gain experience, should I do it like cohort experience? Thanks for any help.

Or I just give the orc a reach weapon, which takes care of firing while threatened...

Sorry, I met fighter 5. The NPC will also have PC class levels. I wanted the encounter to be difficult. As that the monsters will be using cavalry tactics there won't be a lot of hindering terrain. There will be a bit though as well as some cover for the pc's.

As for the archery problem how about making an advanced goblin fighter 4 with the archer archtype and then the feat point blank master. That takes care of the firing in melee problem.

So maybe a bunch of goblin mooks.

The advanced goblin fighter is the actual leader.

I'd need some fluff as to why a goblin would be using an orc as a mount, but hey I have a week till we play.

So I'm thinking I'll be especially evil with the players next time we play. The party consists of Cleric 5, Warrior 5, Rogue 5, and either a 4th or 5th level NPC (depends on how they roleplay).

Anyways they are going to be attacked while out in the wilds. I was thinking using goblins cavaliers armed with bows or crossbows riding orc barbarians wielding either greataxes or falchions and shields.

First off, thoughts?

What do you think the level of the baddies should be, or number of them for that matter? Do I load on levels for one, or go lower levels and make a handful?

Thanks for any feedback.

I would like to be able to really raise a tankard in salute IRL during gaming. Any idea where I can get one, and not spending a fortune.

I also don't want some cheesy plastic dragon bone white trashy looking thing. The more realistic the better.

Any suggestions.

Thanks for the ideas, this is some of the useful info I was looking for!

Yea, I somewhat remember the titles but those books are long gone. I also am really wondering the PC's relative power in the world. I want to try to give them a sense of feeling a bit more accomplished.

I'm currently running Kingmaker for 3 pc's and an on again off again NPC, to add a bit of firepower. Anyways now that they are 5th level I began to wonder, in the grand scheme, how powerful/recognized that they are. They at 5th level are Barnon's and and their way to running a colony/nation/etc.

-Are there are a lot of other 5th lv NPC's walking around?
-Are there lots of 7-8th?
-What about 10, 15?

I scoured the site for awhile but couldn't find anything. Can anyone point me somewhere, or give me their own take, on this topic?

Basically by level what they are considered what?

Am I making any sense?

If we are using MDT's way how many AoO, and from whom, would the failed tumbler take?

I have a player who wants to purchase a light steel shield with spikes, 1d4 damage, and add the shield bashing quality. I say that the bashing quality is under the armor/shield quality and does not stack with the armor spikes (which I believe are weapons).

Can someone point me to the errata so I can clear this up?

Just in case anyone cares I got bored at work and guess what? I've come up with a sweet t-shirt!

Just for fun...

T-Shirt Linky

Yea, I was def planning on going with the animalistic type character and using him to stalk the party. With the whole animal thing is why I figured the weak willed flaw, but like someone said while raging is a +1, so basically a wash.

Would three feats look better as

Power Attack
Scent (but with ranger tracking is it worth wasting a feat here, seems like while cool it is nothing other than fluff)

The character is built with a 25 pt buy so he will have an 18 str with the +2 from half orc. Being that claws only will do d4+6 with PA should I try for improved grapple or something to use when he only has a standard action?

Full attack obviously will be 2 claws and 1 bite

I am somewhat liberal with using stealth in combat so I could be ok with a bit less speed. Running around the board with a 45' or 50' movement just sounds cool!

Not a wizard. Cleric 3 who casts and uses a bow. He typically never prepares anything offensive. Only buffs/healing for him and the party. I could also dump the weak willed trait and just then have a +2 will save from his 14 wisdom.

So I am crafting a new NPC to throw into Kingmaker to be an added thorn in the party's side. Anyways in our combats so far we have a caster who I'd really like to mess with, as that so far he almost NEVER gets hit and is getting just a bit to cocky for his own good.

Since it is a wilderness theme I was thinking...

Ranger 2/Barbarian 1 Half Orc

The Ranger archtype would be the shapechanger so to get the 2 claw attacks and I'd also be taking the alternate half orc abilities to gain a primary bite attack.

So I want this guy to be able to run all over the battle field to chase said caster down. I plan on taking the weak willed flaw so as to have 3 total feats.

My first thought for feat selection is...

Power Attack

So I'd have a 50' to run around. Should I only take one fleet and something else? Should I take no fleet and focus on another feat.


So I'm getting ready to join a Kingmaker AP that just started. The PC's are only 2nd level so I'm not missing much. I've narrowed down two concepts that I plan on playing, I typically play clerics or fighter/clerics so both with be a nice departure. No one in the group min maxes or optimizes so I'm not worried or even care about DPS, I'm looking for what looks interesting and fun to role play.

Anyways in no order here are my two ideas.

#1 Advanced Creature Template Kobold

The DM told me I'd be using the stats for Kobold out of the bestiary + the template. I'd then have another +1 to add where ever I'd like. I can live with the stats.

Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1 / Fighter (Polearm Master) 1
Power Attack

Cautious Trait
Dirty Fighter Trait

Basically I'd run around the battlefield to help flank for the big fighter and poke things from reach with a glaive. As for role playing he'd be country bumkin monster little brother type character, somewhat annoying and always in awe of the rest of the all human party.

#2 35 year old Human Rouge (Acrobat) 2
-I could also go Fighter/Rouge

Weapon Finese
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip

Reactionary Trait

This older gentlemen would use a Hanbo (since they can look like canes) and refuse to use other melee weapons. Again this character would be used to provide flanks and obviously attempt to trip them, hopefully then pummeling opponents with his glorified club. This character would fashion himself as an explorer, gentleman, map maker, and intellect. Gustov would have a decent number of knowledge skills, the other PC's would commonly find him seated comfortably sipping expensive alcohol while reading. He would also have a slight upper class mentality and sometimes attempt to treat the other party members as almost servants.


Anyone in for a FF league, or have one?


Virgil wrote:

I'm probably being a little defensive because from my perspective you entered the thread with an at best tangential subject, shaking your fist at munchkins that aren't even there.

Now, back to the topic. My current party isn't all that stealthy, but I don't think the thief could really keep up with the sorcerer's familiar in terms of scouting. He chose to have a diminutive familiar, normally given as an option for Tiny casters in the DMG (essentially a kitten), and happens to have max ranks in Stealth. As a result, his familiar can find cover or concealment almost anywhere and has a stealth modifier that's out of this world (+12 from size alone). The little guy has done awesome so far as a scout, looking around, then reporting back with the intel.

Its almost like having a little sneaky ninja that you can put in your pocket!

Virgil wrote:
It's not really powergaming for someone to actually have a flaw and be below average at something. And in my particular example, you can have a Charisma of 12 and still be quite outclassed by your suave imp or faerie dragon. Unless the wizard went out of his way to get a 14+ strength, he's not going to be as strong as his imp/dragon with alter self or even an unbuffed mephit (who's still more social).

I find nothing wrong with a flaw. However every build or most character discussions that "I" personally end up reading here, include someone's character that has two "7's" or something similar. I just personally don't like it, but hey everyone wants to play their own way...

This is why I refuse to power game and have the "dump" stats. I find it difficult to play a character with even one -1, let alone having multiple -2 or -3.

The paladin with a smarter mount turns into a roleplaying nightmare that most gamers don't properly deal with.

Yes I was going for a compound bow, thanks for picking that up. About the arrow shattering, from what I've read, can actually happen when using a wooden arrow and a compound bow. Just a bit of realism I thought I'd throw in.

Anyways thanks for the comments so far.

No thoughts? Is this balanced and usable?

I have a character who has craft (bow) and knowledge (engineering). He decided he wanted to build a better bow. So after a few successful DC's we left the gaming table and now I have to come up with something for him to build. Here is what I came up with. The PC is a gnome by the way.


Bow, Gnomish Pulley

Description: The Gnomish Pulley Bow is an interesting mechanical masterpiece. Light metals (sometimes ironwood spelled wood) and exotic woods are mated together with a complex pulley system to optimize an archer's strength and accuracy. You need at least two hands to use a bow, regardless of its size. You can use a Pulley Bow while mounted. All Pulley Bows are made with a particular Strength rating (that is, each requires a minimum Strength modifier to use with proficiency). If your Strength bonus is lower than the strength rating of the Pulley Bow -3, you can't effectively use it, so you take a –2 penalty on attacks with it (ex, a character with a 12 Strength CAN use a 14 Strength Pulley Bow, however with an 11 you cannot). The default Pulley Bow requires an 8 Strength or higher to use with proficiency. A Pulley Bow can be made with a high strength rating to take advantage of an above-average Strength score; this feature allows you to add your Strength bonus +1 to damage, up to the maximum bonus indicated for the bow. Each point of Strength bonus granted by the bow adds 120 gp to its cost. If you have a penalty for low Strength (ie -3 the bow's Strength rating), apply it to damage rolls when you use a Pulley Bow. Pulley Bows are also extremely accurate, providing a +1 bonus to hit. However due to the complex nature of the bow they can sometimes fail. On a roll of a natural 1 reroll a d20. On a roll of a 1 the arrow shatters and damages the user causing full damage (1/2 damage DC 20 reflex), 2-3 pulley failure (a pulley fails and must be replaced/repaired with a craft DC 20), 4-6 string snaps (a Pulley Bow restringing cannot be done during combat and requires a craft DC 12).

For purposes of Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus, and similar feats, a Pulley Bow is treated as an shortbow due to its similar size. Although a non proficient character (ie does have at least proficiency with either long/shortbow) can use and fire a Pulley Bow without penalty, the bow's accuracy and damage benefits will fade with time. Without specific proficiency in Gnomish Pulley Bow, a bow will lose a cumlative -1 hit and a -1 damage every week due to the fact that the user cannot provide the necessary upkeep for the complex mechanical system associated with this bow.

A masterwork Pulley Bow does NOT provide an additional +1 to hit, however it does all but eliminate chance of failure. Only on a roll of two consecutive 1's is their failure, the arrow shatters and damages the user causing full damage (1/2 damage DC 20 reflex).

Gnomish Pulley Bow 300gp 1d8 x3 130' 3 lbs. P

I have a PC making a ranger for Kingmaker starting at 1st level. Anyways he wanted to start out with a dog at 1st level and then say prior to adventuring he had trained it per Handle Animal. If I let him do this I was thinking giving him maybe a max of 3 rolls to see if the dog is trained prior to the adventure beginning. Also if we do this what do you think a fair cost for a med sized dog puppy would be to purchase with starting funds?

He also said he'd be willing to take the pioneer trait instead, where you get the free riding horse, and say he has the dog in place of with a pack saddle. (His ranger is a trapper/mountain man type).

Does any of this sound fair? And no, as a human he doesn't want to ride it. He was hoping to train it for the hunting package.

If I do allow this how do I handle this dog down the road when the ranger gets an animal companion, obviously he would just make the dog the official companion?

Well I haven't gotten around to actually putting anything on paper yet, as that the game got cancelled for the weekend. But here is what I am thinking.

I'm going to go with a 13 or 14 year old boy who the PC's will find hiding close to a ransacked and razed meager wooden dwelling. I'm still not sure on whether he will be human or half elf, either way he was raised by his human father as that his mother in no longer in the picture. The father and son were on the fringe trying to make it on their own as woodsmen/trappers. The party will find the father dead on the small homestead and nothing else of interest there. The homestead was attacked by goblins or the like and the boy was able to hide.

The boy will latch onto whichever human PC shows him any mercy. Any attempts to leave him at Oleg's and the kid sneaks out and follow the party.

The boy will start as a Ranger 1 and at 2nd will go to Oracle (tongues and battle) so as to give the party a "bit" of healing without making it too easy or the kid being a heal-bot.

For weapons I'm thinking bow for the kid. At some point during one of the modules the party will find the dead father's magic hand-axe.

For stats I think I'm going to do a 20 point stat buy and then subtract -2 STR/CON until he ages a bit.

Basic thoughts? Sorry I'm all over the place this is all rolling off of the top of my head.

Bumpidy bump...

I could give him say a d6 hp and prof in simple weapons, no or light armor, and maybe a few outdoorsy ranks to reflect what he has picked up while trapping with his recently deceased father.

Or just give him a level of Expert.

Then like you said when the PC's reach level 2 I make him level one.

You know that was something that I was considering in the back of my mind. What would you recommend to do about stats? I already know it would be quite easy to throw this "kid" in as a random encounter somewhere once they start exploring. The child is the son/daughter of a trapper who recently passed through the trading post. Someplace close the trapper was killed and the kid managed to hide.

I would like to use a Kobold but geesh, I cannot get over their stats. A total of a -4 stats! -4 str, +2 dex, -2 con. Add to that their weakness to light, dazzled which is another -1 to hit and such in light.

Just awful.

Maybe I should just circumvent the rules a bit. I could say that the clouded vision of the oracle takes care of the light sensativity but what about stats? The party has expressed that while they don't want a tank, they would like an npc/dmpc that can at least wade up to something and take a few swings at something and not die.

My other option would be to introduce my new elvan race into the game.

The blood elves, a thought extinct subrace who have been hiding in very small numbers in the stolen lands. (these elves have NOTHING to do with WOW, they are an OLD homebrew race)

Hmmmm...I like some of the ideas so far.

I'm thinking a goblin or kobold cleric (maybe played more shaman like) would be fun.

I also like the idea of the oracle with clouded vision.

Choices choices.

I was def thinking something with healing would make everything a bit more doable. I don't want them trying to find tons of potions or want them to stop and rest for days at a time to heal damage as that sooner or later something random will surely eat them.

So we are getting ready to start KM and myself, and the party, have decided that they need an NPC to help out as a full time party member. So, I'm asking ideas for some ideas.

Here is a break down of the party. They have decent stats as I let the group roll 2 sets of 4d6 stats and choose the best block.

Human Fighter
Human Sorcerer
Gnome Rogue

I want to add a character that will be...
-fun for me to banter back and forth with the PC's
-I don't want the NPC to overshadow or outshine the PC's though

Any help.

Hi, I live in Fredonia, NY and am looking for another group to hopefully join. I currently play (and will continue) with a group based out of Hamburg, NY but was hoping to find something a little closer to home so as maybe play a weeknight game now and then plus weekends too.

Anyways right now I'm interested mostly in Pathfinder.

Hit me up if you need another player or GM.

No, they don't actually move twice. The only actual movement is the 5'. They might, for instance...

Open a door (move action), take a 5' step through the door while drawing a weapon, and then attacking.

Is this legal?

The other thing that they like to do is draw a weapon during a 5' step, standard attack, and perform another move action since they say the 5' is free and the drawing of the weapon is free. So now they are basically attacking and performing 2 move actions in my opinion.

Now I feel better, however it is a moot point. Being that it is 4 against 1 I lose.

I have a weapon drawing question that may be a bit off topic. We within the last month or so switched from 3.5 to PF, two of the group came back from 4E. We are really settling into PF.

Anyways everyone, but myself, agrees that with a +1 BAB a character can take a 5' step (during which they draw their weapon) and take a full attack action. Their argument is that the 5' step is the move. Doesn't this make quick draw worthless?

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