
richtrickey's page

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Erik Mona wrote:
I briefly toyed with the idea of setting Adventure Path 2 along the Wild Coast, and involving Queen Yolande's final push to exterminate the humanoids of the Pomarj, with Melf Brightflame as a major NPC.

IMO, if the trouble in the Pomarj is to be wrapped up, and Turrosh's empire defeated, the Elves should not be the ones to do it. The Principality of Ulek and her allies have gone without Elven aid thus far, and to have the Elves suddenly sweep in and end the war cheapens the role of the Dwarves, Halflings and Humans, and reenforces the notion that Elves are somehow "uber" and vastly superior to their peers.

Leave the Pomarj be, or let those who've been fighting the war all along win it.

Erik Mona wrote:

Turrosh Mak shows up in the late second edition-era module "Slavers!," where he was revealed to be an agent of the Slave Lords known as Theg Narlot (from the original adventures).

Lots of old-timers seem to dislike this, for whatever reason.

For me at least, the dislike of that connection comes from a general dislike of regurgitating old minor villains instead of calling forth unique new ones. It's also my opinion that Greyhawk lore should assume that the old modules were completed successfully by the adventurers, and their villains defeated. Exceptions are to be made, surely, such as Acererak, or Lolth, who I've no objection to seeing used again in new product, but minor players like Theg should be assumed to have been put to the sword by adventurers past, and left to rest in peace.