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Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I have used all 3 methods listed here (Tiles, Battle Mat and pre-drawn on both chart grid paper and Gaming Paper rolls).

Here is an example map I made from "Hollow's Last Hope" and "Curse of the Kobold King"

Map Example

What I ended up doing for this, is I made "covers" for the interior rooms and did not reveal them until the PCs opened the door or looked in. It seemed to work very well. One thing that I have changed, is that I no longer draw in the doors, I found some Door stand-ups on-line that I printed out and use (3/4 bulldog clip as a base).

How I map Legacy of Fire as a DM:
For me it depends on what the party is doing. For instance we are going through the first module of the Legacy of Fire adventure path. For the first combat area I drew out the Monastery on Gaming Paper as it is an area I can see re-using possibly. For when the characters started to recon the ruins of Kelmarane I switched over to the battlemat as it is a very dynamic area and the module does not have any details about all of the possible locations.

I also sometimes DM a AD&D 2ed game, in that I let the plays do the mapping (no battlemap combat at all in that game) so we designate one player to be the mapper. I find that the 2ed game is a bit more "fun" and real, but that depends on your own style.