Vedavrex Misraria

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There are plenty of casters so you could invest in summon Monsters and augment summoning, at least for mobs should do the trick. Also there's the 4th level feat animal Ally that gives you an animal companion, but has pre recs. Buff your rogues with use Magic device to cast shield and other self targeted buffs. Toughness is a Nice feat too.

Hi guys,
I'm buildind a TWF dex sneakattacker character and i wanted to know If there's a way to get packflanking and an animal companion but keeping the companion lv close to the char.
The First ideia was one Slayer dipping a Max of 4lv, use kukri to save a feat, probably human but its not a must, and maybe dirty fighting tree
I know that dex based character have lower dps i'd like to be a little skill monkey
And i already looked the animal Ally feat but couldn't make it get packflanking because of the INT pre-rec
It mau be any companion/familiar that could live enough to provide me flank, It does not need to be optimized for battle Just hold his ground and threat o course
Thank you.

About Arssanguinus

At the hole where he went in
Red-Eye called to Wrinkle-Skin.
Hear what little Red-Eye saith:
“Nag, come up and dance with death!”

Eye to eye and head to head,
(Keep the measure, Nag.)
This shall end when one is dead;
(At thy pleasure, Nag.)

Turn for turn and twist for twist–
(Run and hide thee, Nag.)
Hah! The hooded Death has missed!
( Woe betide thee, Nag!)