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raggedyavatar1116's page

Goblin Squad Member. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. 27 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 23 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge 4/5

Kewl. This is good news. I didn't read this entire thread so I don't know if it was ever mentioned, but a Hunter with a bear companion and the owlbear boon can have a Large owlbear companion by casting Animal Growth on it. If I read the rules correctly, that spell is a Druid spell that Hunters have access to and the boon specifically notes that the owlbear is treated as an animal for all purposes. The drawbacks to that are obviously that the spell isn't permanent and it is costly if you need to buy a scroll of it. That was going to be my character's tactic until this posting.
Sweet. Thanks to Mr Compton and the rest of the team.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Right. Good point. It seems, then, that there should be more druid/shifter "friendly" item access on chronicles from now on since the new Concordance faction will be here soon.
Or make up a new magic item that allows a druid or shifter to use the forbidden items.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

I must not have played that scenario yet...
Can you give me a spoiler-free hint?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Thanks John. You folks at Paizo sure are busy.
I appreciate the hard work you guys and gals put in to make my Society play fun and satisfying.
I hope The Shifter isn't altered too much for PFS; I really want my Moon-cursed Barbarian Weretiger-kin Skinwalker to be able to take levels as a Shifter. That would be so awesome.

Liberty's Edge

How are we GMs supposed to handle the chronicle sheets? I take it we need to cross out all of the items not listed in the specific encounter arc treasure package?

Liberty's Edge

I downloaded the pdf for this and it seems I'm missing a map. Is there supposed to be a map of Hope's Hollow, since there are actual encounter areas H (Sorrow from Beyond) and I (Mother's Care Home for Invalids)? I do have the tactical map for the Invalid home.

Liberty's Edge

How about a bow? Does the spell confer the benefits to the ammunition?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Congrats to you, Alison.
I look forward to you gming for me again at QuinCon.


Liberty's Edge 4/5

Way ta go, Josh. It's about time.


Liberty's Edge 4/5

I haven't been to GenCon since 2005. Here's hoping I can get in on one of those nifty Tier 1 GM slots:
Email sent.

I'm looking forward to seeing all my PFS friends there. Hoody Hoo!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:

Okay, so here is the schedule of PFS events. It will take a few days to get all of this info entered into Warhorn and also on the convention website so players can register. With a mix of new and old scenarios, modules, and special/exclusives, we should have plenty of play opportunities for anyone to get their Pathfinder fix. See ya there!

Friday 2:00-6:00pm
Feast of Ravenmoor: part 1(level 3)
Goblin Attack! (pregens provided)
#5-08 The Confirmation (1)
#4-SP Ruins of Bonekeep part I (3-7)
#1-46 Eyes of the Ten part Ia: Requiem for the Red Raven (12)
#5-11 Library of the Lion (1-5)
#5-01 The Glass River Rescue (1-5)
#1-51 City of Strangers: The Shadow Gambit (1-7)
#0-02 The Hydra's Fang Incident (1-5)
#5-EX Day of the Demon (3-7)
#5-06 You Have What You Hold (3-7)
#5-07 Port Godless (5-9)
#3-12 Wonders in the Weave I: The Dog Pharaoh's Tomb (5-9)
#5-10 Where Mammoth's Dare Not Tread (7-11)
#1-36 Echoes of the Everwar I: The Prisoner of Skull Hill (7-11)
Friday 7:00pm-11:00pm
Feast of Ravenmoor part 2(level 3)
Goblin Attack! (pregens provided)
#5-08 The Confirmation (1)
#5-SP Ruins of Bonekeep II (3-7)
#1-46 Eyes of the Ten part Ib: Requiem for the Red Raven (12)
#5-04 The Stolen Heir (1-5)
#3-19 The Icebound Outpost (1-5)
#1-52 City of Strangers II: The Twofold Demise (1-7)
#0-03 Murder on the Silken Caravan (1-5)
#5-09 The Traitor's Lodge (3-7)
#5-02 The Wardstone Patrol (3-7)
#5-03 The Hellknight's Feast (5-9)
#3-14 Wonders in the Weave II: Snakes in the Fold (5-9)
#5-05 The Elven Entanglement (7-11)
#1-42 Echoes of the Everwar II: The Watcher of Ages (7-11)
Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm
Goblin Attack! (pregens provided)
#5-08 The Confirmation (1)
#4-SP Ruins of Bonekeep part I (3-7)
#1-54 Eyes of the Ten II: The Maze of the Open Road (12)
#5-11 Library of the Lion (1-5)
#5-01 The Glass River Rescue (1-5)
#4-19 The Night March of Kalkamedes

Wow, that's some schedule for Winter War. WW PFS sure has grown. I missed it last year, but I'm making plans to return for this one.

What are Library of the Lion and Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread about and which faction do they address?

I'd love to run The Waking Rune; I didn't get to at Archon, maybe this time? It's such a deliciously wicked season finale.
And, I promise not to kill your monk this time, Bob. ;-)


Liberty's Edge

There seems to be an error on the map in the Temple. Area B3 is supposed to be a two-story area but the map does not indicate that. The boxed text describes "passages lead from either side on both the upper and lower levels, as well as from entranceways at each end of the hall."
Which passages are upper level?
How does one climb up to the balustrated walkway?
Is the walkway 5' wide? (this seems to be the most logical with the rest of the room description taken into account).

Thanks again

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:
raggedyavatar1116 wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
I think replacing the prereq of Scribe Scroll with Spell Focus would work fine for that feat. We will get it added to the next update of Additional Resources in October.

So, to be a Cyphermage, does the character need 2 Spell Focus feats? That is, one to gain the Cypher Magic feat itself, then another one to replace the Scribe Scroll listed under the actual prestige class?

I have 3 characters who would be interested in becoming Cyphermages and I'm still slightly confused about that.


No, certainly not. If two things have the same prerequisite, they're both satisfied if you have the prereq. It's like Improved Trip and Improved Disarm--you don't need two instances of Combat Expertise to get them both.

Thanks Patrick and graywulfe. I am much happier now. :D

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Michael Brock wrote:
I think replacing the prereq of Scribe Scroll with Spell Focus would work fine for that feat. We will get it added to the next update of Additional Resources in October.

So, to be a Cyphermage, does the character need 2 Spell Focus feats? That is, one to gain the Cypher Magic feat itself, then another one to replace the Scribe Scroll listed under the actual prestige class?

I have 3 characters who would be interested in becoming Cyphermages and I'm still slightly confused about that.


Liberty's Edge 4/5

Adam Mogyorodi wrote:

When I ran this a few weeks ago, I had an Andoran and a Shadow Lodge PC. Both of these factions require Vruul's death.

What was very funny to me is that the Shadow Lodge player kept her mouth shut throughout the Andoran player's entire moral dilemma. She let him do all the dirty work, and I congratulated her on her poker face at the end.

That was pretty sly of her. Nicely done.

MassivePauldrons brings up another point that I forgot to note in my list to justify the Andoran's mission. I'm still ok with it, for this particular scenario.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:
This is one of the good guys?

It does sound a bit self-serving. The veil of "pathfinder business and interests" for this one is pretty thin.

Sounds more like something I would expect from Guaril Karela or ol' Dalsine before he took a dirt nap.

I actually don't see a big problem with that mission. Here are

some points to consider that you seem to have overlooked:

-Ascular Vruul is a Silver Aspis Agent which makes him a competently dangerous person by his very rank in the Consortium.
-The Aspis hate the Society and the feeling is mutual.
-Vruul manipulated Maldris then betrayed him.
-Vruul is also a described as a devious (Chelaxan and Infernal) sorceror who is guilty of blackmail, and when the party encounters him for the first time, he shows his true murderous, selfish nature by ordering his troops to attack (Kill) the party but leave one alive for interrogation. His desperation doesn't justify the assault.
-He is also shown to be allied with bugbears and an evil cleric of Abadar (and off camera, with Shadow Orchid).

If he was such a nice guy deserving of the party's mercy, then he should have parleyed with them first.

No, in my opinion, Vruul gets what he deserves, if there are any Andorans in the party. Heck, even without any Andorans, his attitude will get him killed. Either way, he ends up dead. Even my own Andoran characters would kill him; they could legally claim "self-defense" since he attacked first with murderous intent. Vruul seems to have racked up some bad karma in his NE-selfish-pathetic life and pay back's a -----!
I won't fault my players if their Andorans or even Silver Crusaders kill him. That's my take on it.

Liberty's Edge

Matt Goodall wrote:

Yep, those roundish things are all statues and monuments (that's how that illustrator does them). Niswan has a lot of monuments!

I’d say the stream going out of the palace is between the High-Holy District and the Grand Chronicler’s Circle. The Heights are more on the side of the hill facing the ocean which is steeper and has better views (and provides fresh ocean breezes in the hot summer), suiting the rich and high-caste people that live there. The eastern side of the hill (between the High-Holy spring and the palace wall) holds housing for upper caste servants at the palace, priests, and Maurya-Rahm who want (or need) to live close to the palace.

I do like your idea of reflavoring Ikrimah's appearance to a Vishkanya, the illustration really makes him look like he has weird bluish skin anyway, giving him a forked tongue as well is going to accentuate his exotic appearance.

Thanks, that clarified alot.

I'm running this for PFS and I've come up with a specific hook for PFS characters being there. The Society has traced a lead to the whereabouts of the Scepter of the Arclords (referred to in the scenario Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible) and they will get access to the ancient records that have been previously off-limits if they help Raheem defeat the Cult. Of course, that doesn't mean they will find it, or even a viable clue to its location.

Though, it would be cool to have some more info on the festival. I still might use the festival as written to give the party a chance to show off their skills to the population. I take it this festival isn't the same event as the competition the Houses of Perfection hold every 10 years? What is the Festival of Colors supposed to represent or reaffirm?

That would be a neat theme for a module, but it might be too similar to The Ruby Phoenix Tournament.

Thanks again for your replies.

Liberty's Edge

chopswil wrote:

Another question on Ikrimah, p. 22.

He has cast alter self, but his stat block size is medium. What has he altered to?

I realize that this post I'm replying to is from 2 years ago, but I decided to flavor it up for my running of it in April so I declared that Ikrimah alters to the form of a Vishkanya. They sound very much like they belong in Jalmeray/Vudra.

Liberty's Edge

Matt Goodall wrote:
There is some information about Nex and Khiben-Sald in the Inner Sea Guide. The Statues of Concordance are the two statues on opposite sides of the stream leading from the spring in the High-Holy district.

Thanks for replying so promptly, Matt.

I must be blind because I still can't see them. I've traced the stream down from that spring in the High-Holy district and I don't see anything like that, unless your are describing those 2 thick round greyish markings where that road goes west from the spring parallel to the stream and where it joins in a 'Y' with the road that goes SE into the Maury-Rahm Ward at the stream ford (there doesn't look to be a bridge there).
If those are supposed to be the statues, they look the same as some other markings on the map that I thought were small stone cottages at first but then I thought they might be monuments. They are all over the map north of the stream/river that flows into the harbor.

Also, is that spring between the palace and the High-Holy district supposed to be in The Heights district?

Sorry to be such trouble but I like to understand the maps.

It would be nice to have map keys for these cities.


Liberty's Edge 4/5

How long does it actually take the party to travel from Sothis to Whistledown? Is it a week, since Adagre tells the party that all the disappearances started a week ago and Sarian claims he saw the bad guys crawl out of his secret base a week ago?

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to be running this for PFS credit soon and I have some questions. I want to impress the party with the grandeur of Niswan by using the settlement stat block(for instance)and the gm description text to add flavor to their visit, but I can't find those Statues of Condordance any where on the map. Where are they? What can the party learn about Maharajah Khiben-Sald and the Archmage Nex? Are they described in any other paizo books?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Will Johnson wrote:
raggedyavatar1116 wrote:

Although, I was alittle disappointed when they listed the starting levels of 3-5 for the sanctioned portions of the APs Shattered Star and Rise of the Runelords. It would have been so much better if they allowed 1st and 2nd level characters.

I'll try to suffer through it...
From a continuity perspective, you are far better off playing the entire AP and then applying that level 3 credit to a PFS character. In that case, you would be starting from level 1.

Now there's an idea. I never thought of that. I could create a clone character just like the PFS one and get the whole story that way and apply the chronicle sheets when appropriate.


Liberty's Edge 4/5

Myles Crocker wrote:

In general I think it is a bad idea to retire scenarios. I remember in 2010 when a bunch of season "0" scenarios were retired there was a drop in available materiel to play and run.

This problem was pretty much solved by writing both "high level" and low level scenarios each month.

I for one think the more available materiel the better. I was happy when they added modules...I'm hoping they add the 3.5 modules.

and I'm happy they have added two adventure paths.

So in short I think retiring scenarios isn't a good idea.

I am in total agreement with you Myles. I want them to revise and re-release the 3.5 OGL modules, too. There aren't enough modules and scenarios now, especially low level ones, for those players out there(like me) who try to match up a certain character to a particular scenario or module because of the theme, the character concept, and/or story arc--such as The Price of Immortality series or Quest for Perfection series.

I do admit that I've contributed to the dilemma by having created many, many characters (15 of them so far); I have a character for each faction and replacement ones for those soon to "retire". Yep, you can call me crazy, but, it's so fun to just create the characters. I come up with very detailed background stories for each of them, too, which makes playing them that much more fun.
However, my own gaming style aside, we do need more available material. And, by adding the old 3.5 OGL stuff, including the old Adventure Paths, along with all the other Adventure Paths, that would be the best.
Although, I was alittle disappointed when they listed the starting levels of 3-5 for the sanctioned portions of the APs Shattered Star and Rise of the Runelords. It would have been so much better if they allowed 1st and 2nd level characters.
I'll try to suffer through it...

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Lem_Furryfeet wrote:
Lem_Furryfeet wrote:

Two of my characters have reached level 12+:

Venture-Captain Brother Harsk the Constant (Osirion) - level 13 monk
Lem Furryfeet (Andoran) - level 12 rogue



Venture-Captain Brother Harsk the Constant (Osirion) - level 14 monk

Oh right, thanks for reminding me Lem:

Venture-Captain Calathes Galadion 'Ibn Shareef (Andoran)--also now
CL 14 --Bard7/Rogue4/Pathfinder Savant3

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Congrats guys.
I hope to make it to Winter War so I can meet up with new and old friends.
Let's hear it for PFS! Hoody Hoo!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Evil Ernie wrote:
Dame Venture-Captain Artemis Arwenstar of Almas, Andoran (Andoran Faction Level 13). Cleric of Cayden Cailean and Ranger extraordinaire. You know her father, Gandalf, Gandalf Arwenstar?

Venture-Captain Calathes "Cal" Galadion 'Ibn Shareef, Half-elf(Keleshite) Qadiran Rogue4/Bard6/Pathfinder Savant3. Follower of the Drunken Hero. Scrollmaster/Magic Device Extraordinaire. A talented/skillful Bard, soon to know a Masterpiece.

(The party in EotT couldn't believe the magic devices he had in his Haversack/Efficient Quiver--always what the party needed) ;-)

(It was Artemis who discovered in EotT that Cal is actually a spy/smuggler for Andoran. But, he couldn't kill her after she discovered that secret because:
1)she's really hot.
2)she's really good with that bow of hers.
3)and...oh yeah, Cal is Neutral Good.
It's too bad he can't have a level of Master Spy--he doesn't have the feats for it. He'll just have to settle for ranks in Profession: Andoran Spy and Vanities that support the character concept).

Cal also knows Brother Harsk the Constant and Lem Furryfeet.

Cal says (in a thick Kelish accent): "Well done, my friends. And as always, I've got you covered."

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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Artemis Arwenstar wrote:
This sounds interesting but never used RPOL, is it easy to use?

Heya Artemis, good to hear from ya.

I'd be willing to play some PFS online every once in awhile. I used to play Living Force online but it used a different service. Is RPOL easy to use and is it a free download?