rafebelmont's page

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LazarX wrote:
rafebelmont wrote:
We, in our game, are testing a house-rule system that spells have a cost in constitution(inspired in Merlin's magic on the movie Excalibur...), this loss in CON the wizard recovers in the rate of 1 per week. Not all spells have a CON loss, just the most powerful. This way we altered some of the spells to not be a joke, and then we can have real magic, not the mechanics-based 3.5 magic.
Real magic? Arst thou conjuring pizza on thy gaming table? Last I checked you're still using rules mechanics in your magic, unless something really weird is going on at your house. Your con loss rule IS a gaming mechanic by definition.

I'm sorry, i just didn't express myself correctly, my english is a little rusted. What i was saying is that the magic in 3.5 is totally guided by balance and mechanics, so doesn't look like the wizard is making magic, just a bunch of modifiers and effects guided by mechanics ONLY, not imagination which i think is the greater inspiration for a roleplaying game. So with the CON loss, the magic can get out of control in effects and other things(which is her function per se), but the wizard has to pay a price, measured in a cooler thing(vital energy) than money.

I'll repost something from another thread that i think it's a little useful who all that think spells must be nerfed to make the game playable:

We, in our game, are testing a house-rule system that spells have a cost in constitution(inspired in Merlin's magic on the movie Excalibur...), this loss in CON the wizard recovers in the rate of 1 per week. Not all spells have a CON loss, just the most powerful. This way we altered some of the spells to not be a joke, and then we can have real magic, not the mechanics-based 3.5 magic.
With this system we have found that the wizards seem more believable in our games, not magic itself. Magic continues to be magic, in all her incredible way.
And we have thought too that this brings flavor to the game: "We had luck in our meeting with that dragon you provoked, if was not for your stupidity i would not have to rest for three cicles of the moon."

So, with the cost in CON, teleportation continues to have the same power, but it is used in a less regular basis. In our game we use a cost in CON based on the number of persons teleported, so the great wizard teleporting 2000 soldiers has to be a real great wizard!

We, in our game, are testing a house-rule system that spells have a cost in constitution(inspired in Merlin's magic on the movie Excalibur...), this loss in CON the wizard recovers in the rate of 1 per week. Not all spells have a CON loss, just the most powerful. This way we altered some of the spells to not be a joke, and then we can have real magic, not the mechanics-based 3.5 magic.

The intercepting step, in this link. I think that this feat half fix the problem of the fighter's threat range. The problem with a larger threat range is that has no reality in it, cuz the reach of most weapons is 5-feet.

Me and my brother were thinking on some modifications on the fighter class, and i think we're doing a fine job and i would like your opinions. We were thinking to give the fighter in a low level(4th or 5th) a two 5-foot step in his full attack option, then on a later level he gains a three 5-foot step in full attack. I think this leaves the fighter with much more options inside the combat field.
Together with this, a high Will save bonus, to avoid the effect hold person, dominate and suggestion, besides the fact that almost every fighter in books, comics and movies has a strong will.
I know that with this mods and the immediate actions above , the fighter and all the martials classes(just giving these abilities to other martial in later levels) would do much better in the battlefield.

P.S. - I really liked the idea of intercepting step, and i think this should be added to the fighter class and other martial as well...