rabblerouser__'s page

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QuidEst wrote:
rabblerouser__ wrote:
I've been hoping for a ninth level alchemical caster for a while, so it'll be really nice if that is what's coming with this book.
They don’t release new classes in these books, and that seems beyond what an archetype could pull off.

I think an Archetype for the Alchemist or perhaps the Wizard or Arcanist could actually pull this off. It'd be a little more in-depth than the average archetype, but they'd really just need to put together a table of some kind with 7th, 8th and 9th level spells that work well with alchemical targeting restrictions (of which there aren't tons, I don't think) or come up with some set of rules to govern which wizard spells you are and aren't allowed to take.

I've been hoping for a ninth level alchemical caster for a while, so it'll be really nice if that is what's coming with this book.

graystone wrote:
Well I got to see a copy... Sigh... Any questions that need answering?

What are the new options for plant and vermin companions?

Can anyone share more details on the Verdant Shifter?

Would anyone with the PDF mind telling me what spell lists the 'Fey Form' spells are on?

What are the new animal companion archetypes? What new plant companion options are there?

Have there been any substantial changes to the Mauler archetype for familiars?

Also, what is the third PC race detailed in the book (aside from leshies and ghorans)?

Anything new for the Brawler? Does the Verdant Shifter turn into a plant? Any new archetypes or similar options for animal companions?

Is one of the options for a vermin companion a butterfly/moth or similar?

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How many options are there respectively for vermin/plant companions? Are there any new ways to unlock them?

How many archetypes are there for the Shifter?

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Hopefully there's also a way to get vermin/plant companions other than a handful of specific archetypes. Would be really nice if there was a trait that gave anyone with full access to the regular animal companion list the ability to take a verminous companion instead. Ditto for plants, although they might be strong enough to warrant a tax of a full feat instead? Guess it depends what they add. The dream would be just allowing anyone who can take an AC to get one of the two instead, but that seems too optimistic.

Fingers crossed with some finagling I can get my dream of a Butterfly/Moth riding wild child brawler going finally.

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Really hoping one of the new options for a vermin companion is a giant moth/butterfly.