Stewards Stalwart

qsoe's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.


Horizon Hunters

The system allows several Off-hours study-s for at least a year now

Horizon Hunters

Tooth and Claw Tattoo gives you a bite attack for 1 action, with unlimited frequency (until the errata arrives)

Horizon Hunters

How will Champions change, as alignments are gone?

Horizon Hunters

Lucerious wrote:
As I see it, the only classes that may not be good choices for an animal companion would be any class that requires all three actions to perform. An example of that would be a Magus due to its spellstrike feature. Otherwise, it may not be the best option, but it is a viable option for nearly every class.

I have a Magus riding an AC, the free Stride from Mature Animal Companion is great for action economy. I would say an AC is best for classes that need all 3 actions AND want to move.

Horizon Hunters

As far as I have seen, arcane casters of 10th level and higher fill their 1st level slots with True Strikes. Primal casters use Lose the Path for the same reason. Occults can use both.

However, I have not found anything on the divine list that is good enough to be worth the actions in combat. The range of Bless cripples it even in low levels, Command is lingustic and has no effect on a success, Magic Weapon is useless after level 3. Heal and Harm produce ridiculous numbers compared to the usual HPs on level 10, the summons have similar problems.
Protection is nice, but is uncommon. Fear is probably the best pick :(

Have I missed something, is are all options very situational if not downright useless?

Horizon Hunters

Dragon Disciple uses your Cha + arcane proficiency, which means it falls behind at mid levels.

Horizon Hunters

How can I find out the content of the boons like "Esoteric Spellcaster - Core Rulebook".
I would rather not pay for it before knowing what I get.