puckee21's page

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puckee21 wrote:
Succubus I had done

Also got a human form version done now, so DM's can use it as a token in their games now.

Succubus I had done

They are works for character concepts I have had commissioned from various different artists. Basically I have detailed the specifications for each illustration that I posted. Many are specific NPCs my setting or PCs in games I'm playing.

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Diego Rossi wrote:

1) You need a connection only if you have no knowledge of the person, but if you can make an image of him from memory you have at least secondhand knowledge.

Thanks, I misread that part, that makes scrying much more useful than I thought it was. My concerns have now been lifted as to how to handle how this would affect the game play aspects of using spell and making it worthwhile.

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According to the rules the minimum requirement for scrying is a "Likeness or picture" of the subject. In the rules it says Prestidigitation can be used to create "small objects, but they look crude and artificial". I was wondering if one could make a likeness of someone with Prestidigitation from memory then use that likeness as their connection for scrying?

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My female human archer fighter

My one-legged diplomancer pirate bard

My female human bard

My lich.