The Manyfaced One

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Now back when Men were Men and Goblins were CR1 abominations, there were two things that made life good for Monks:

1. The Scaled Fist Archetype that let you bluster your way with Charisma instead of Wis.
2. Dragon Style, which heaped hellacious Damage onto your Unarmed strikes.

And you could combine everything with Power Attack and Cornugon smash for even more damage etc, etc.

But now I notice that Dragon Roar, the upgrade for Dragon Stance (already top tier Damage) has the potential to be the most consistent demoralizer because unlike regular demoralize, the penalty will not decay below 1 as long as you are standing next to them, so potentially, you could open with Roar and keep the penalty on at least one for the entire fight.

But there it ends, as Monks don’t have much synergy with fear. Some strategic multiclassing might solve that as fighters have nice stuff.

So I’m brainstorming for the return of the Scaled Fist, I’ll post more when I’m home, but I think it has potential for a potentially Cha based monk, what do you think fellow forumites?

So I thought I’d compile dev answers for 2e in a google doc until we get a faq.

That’s where I need your help, I’m not a panopticon, so I need you to help me post here in this thread this info:

- Dev giving answer
- Query and Reply
- Source if I need to do some verification

And once there are enough answers, I’ll put them in a word doc and post it on google, hows that? Help me help you. :)

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So as a prelude to more serious optimizing, I thought I’d go through and grade the Monk Stances (as Monks have the most stances in the game). Ranking is from * to ***** and I might say a thing or two about synergies, and you can tell me what I missed!

So without further ado…

Crane Stance ** Feat 1 – Crane Strikes only.

Is not really that impressive, the damage is lackluster (1d6) and the +1 AC is the same as a buckler/parrying weapon with the benefit that you don’t have to spend an action on it. Hey at least it’s accurate (Agile)

Crane Flutter *** Feat 6

All right, this is what you’re here for, and it does several things really well. AC is boosted for that reaction to over what a Shield can provide, and if they miss it’s a counterattack. I’m not sure it makes up for the meh-ness of the basic Stance though.

Crane Style Overall **

Lackluster damage, and the meat only comes in at level 6 do not make me pleasantly disposed to this tree.

Dragon Stance **** Feat 1

Now this is Nice! Highest damage for Monks in the game, it’s Backswing so if you missed with the first blow of your flurry, your second is more accurate and you get to ignore one square of difficult terrain. A top pick for Str Monks.

Dragon Roar **** Feat 6

This lets you debilitate theoretically a whole bunch of foes around you (Frightened is -1 to everything) and as long as you stay next to one sucker, he will always take that penalty. A strong opener I feel.

Dragon Style Overall ****

Quite a strong tree for Str monks only (no finesse) but certainly a good pick both damage and tactics wise.

Mountain Stance ***** Feat 1 – Mountain Strikes only

Now hear me out, I’m giving Mountain stance a five star rating because it allows a whole different build to be played, the tanky Str only monk. Its even a Status bonus so it stacks with a shield or *gasp* a tower shield for truly top tier AC. The damage is more than decent (1d8, increasing to 1d10 at lvl 18 with Diamond Fists) and its Forceful, which means a scaling buff to damage always with your Second attack. A stellar choice.

Mountain Stronghold **** (if you don’t have a shield) ** (if you do) Feat 6

This is exactly as good as Raise a Shield. No more, no less. So if you have a shield already, you kind of wasted a feat. It does make your Dex cap +1 in Mountain Stance, however so not a total loss, and it is a pre-req for…

Mountain Quake **** Feat 14

This is hilarious. You stamp the ground and out to 20ft from you, enemies (and friends!) fall on their asses. Just pick your favorite target and start pummeling away. Then 1d4 rounds later, do it again! Not 5 star because it’s not party friendly. Oh, and icing, your Dex cap in Mountain Stance goes to +2. *ALERT: THIS ISN'T EVEN AN ATTACK!!!*

Mountain Style Overall ****

A stellar choice for a tanky monk, and really no weaknesses. Even the penalty to speed will disappear soon enough with the Monk’s bonus Stride Speed.

So say a fighter raises and takes cover behind a Tower Shield as stated in the rules for +4 AC. Can the enemy right in front of him just move 10ft and stab him in the side without the cover bonus (even though the Tower Shield rules don’t specify this as one of the conditions for losing the Cover bonus) or can you just move the shield around to block and keep the +4 Cover bonus.

I’m only asking because some folk think the Tower Shield should act like a stone wall that you can defeat by just shimmying to the side, but in my eye that neither follows the Tower Shield rules as written, nor does it square with just moving the shield to face the foe like you can do with basically every other shield.

So you can gain the use of several feats via Qinggong powers (via the Qinggong Monk Archetype or the new Unchained Monk). Do these feats count for pre-reqs for other feats (Power Attack qualifying you for Improved Bull Rush, say?)


So say I summon a snake (as a 2nd level spell), what will be the DC of its poison? As listed in the monster manual? Or 10+ level of spell + relevant spellcasting modifier of the caster?



So a lot of nice things trigger off charge. Rhino charge allows you to ready a charge (standard action).

Would it then be legal to:

1. Charge someone (maybe getting a full round attack thanks to pounce)
2. Next round, move away, either taking an attack of opportunity or tumbling
3. Ready a charge condition : "anyone acts"
4. Charge the same target again, full attack
5. Repeat next round.


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So as promised some months ago, I have started working on a guide to effectively multiclassing Druid and Monk to make the most scary Unarmed combatants in Pathfinder.

So far, I've covered the introduction and the Monk class and all the archetypes (whoo boy, that took longer than I thought it would).

The next step will be covering the Druid class and archetypes, then I'll move onto feats, magic items and probably three example builds (The Mauler, The Crusher and The Conqueror Ooze).

As always with my guides, I welcome your comments and suggestions.


This thread is for brainstorming making the best Nimble Guardian for tearing things up with 4 claw attacks at 9th level at full BaB (with multiattack, that can be full BaB -2 + full iterative unarmed strike sequence.)

So Nimble Guardian is a pretty good Racial Monk Archetype for Catfolk, but they have really bad stats for it (mostly the -2 wisdom).

Fortunately, you can take Racial Heritage as a Human or a Half Orc (Half Elf too, but they don't really bring anything to the party.), and here at least you have a better stat arrangement.

Lets enumerate some basic build goals:
1. Feral Combat Training (Claws) which requires...
2. Weapon Focus (Claws)

So the problem here is that you can't take Weapon Focus (Claws) until you actually have functional claws. *Something Neither Humans or Half Orcs Have*, but Racial Heritage (Catfolk) allows you to take the Catfolk Exemplar feat and one of the options is to get two primary 1d4 claw attacks. Interesting.

So Humans can:
1. Pick Racial Heritage (Catfolk) and Catfolk Exemplar (Claws) at 1st level, pick up WF (Claws) at 3rd and Feral Combat Training at 5th. As a side benefit, two 1d4 + str attacks is probably better than your one unarmed strike at 1st level.


2.rock Dual Talent and delay all feats after Racial Heritage by 2 levels.

Half Orcs can take Toothy as a Racial trait and have a sweet three primary attack routine (but only from 3rd level, which is the earliest they can take Catfolk Exemplar). But it becomes slightly redundant at 7th level when you can turn into a Dire Tiger for an hour at a time.

Or they can take Sacred Tattoo, and with Fate's Favored thats +2 to all saves at 1st level, which coupled with monk saves is pretty good.

So what say you, Advice board? Good entry or best entry? (just kidding, if you know a better Nimble Guardian entry/build, please tell me, I'm not proud.)


So say you are under the effects of the air walk spell 50 feet up and someone trips you and you fall prone. Do you fall prone in place or plummet to the ground 50ft below?


So druids can summon Cyclops as a 5th level SNA. These cyclops basically get to auto crit once a day (they have to confirm as usual).

Any druids carry around large size scythes for these guys to auto-crit with? If you can summon 3 with SNA 6, thats potentially quite some damage.(Then again they already use greataxes which are x3)

Its just a neat combo that I've heard mentioned but I've never actually seen someone do.


So say I'm a Druid and I shift into an allosaurus. If I cast greater magic fang on my bite, which has grab, would the +2 to attack apply to my subsequent grapple checks?



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So I'm just curious if Paizo's nerf of Crane Style made it less popular in general play. I think most DMs wanted to see it not as good, but still a viable choice, but it may be the case that nobody uses it anymore because of better choices out there.

So favorite this post if you still include it in your builds as a matter of course.

*Translated from Minkaian*

"... so Master Samurai, please help our village! The bandits will return tomorrow! And we will either pay them with our lives or with the food we need to survive the winter!"

I'm no Samurai, just a wandering Ronin, but what are you offering in return for my services?

"...errr ummm...*sigh* Gold and treasure we have none, all we can give is three full meals a d..

SOLD! But make it seven, no point missing second breakfast and afternoon tea!

So I'm taking a break from obsessing about the intricacies of a Monk/Warpriest (Sacred Fist) multiclass and instead turning my glare upon the other combo the ACG has thrown up, the Dashing Champion Cavalier! All of the goodness of the Swashbuckler, none of the weaknesses (or we shall see I suppose).

Paired with a Katana (highest crit there is out there) it is a good combo.

Looking for a good race, I happened upon the halfling, +Dex, + Cha, small sized so good AC, weapon shrinkage is a pain, but most of the damage dealt is going to be static (from precise strike and challenge) so no loss. Str is low, but who needs it!

Hmm, but what is this? Halflings are great at defense (cautious fighter)! Well, you need to fight defensively to get it... but Crane style goes great with that! And you need one hand free for most of the Swashbuckler stuff anyway. And with + Cha, I can stack Cha onto my AC with Osyluth guile!

Now what order to take... Order of the Flame! My AC will start off pretty high anyway, might as well take something that will take some of it off, but translate it into killer damage!

And with bludering defense, my allies can benefit from around +5 to AC and CMD (from my +10 dodge bonus eventually) just from standing around me! Nice.


1. Halfling is a good race for Dashing Champion
2. Fighting defensively very easy for them, and very good with Crane Style/Osyluth guile.
3. Allies benefit from blundering defense (and possibly bodyguard).
4. Quite crazy damage.

Still in the thinking/planning stage, but something should come up.


13 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi all,

Like most of you, I thought that the semi-colon in the requirements for the feat Pummeling Style from the ACG, as seen in the text here:

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike; base attack
bonus +6, brawler’s flurry† class feature, or flurry of
blows class feature

meant that the requirements for the feat were one of the below 3.

1. +6 BaB
2. Brawler's flurry
3. Flurry of Blows

However, the good folk at Herolabs do not think so. In fact they think the +6 BaB is more or less mandatory to take the feat in any circumstance.

I'm not asking you to convince me (preaching to the choir here), but could you kindly FAQ this so that Paizo provides a solid reply to this in the invevitable faqs for the ACG (and also to get them to use less ambiguous punctuation in the future).

For the proper use of Pummeling style on Herolabs!


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So those of you who have the ACG or who have been reading the forums know about Animal Soul, a feat that lets you be affected by magic that usually only affects our four legged friends. Which ones are worthwhile?

Glad you asked! (*-**** scale, NA if awful/not applicable)

1st Charm Animal, 1st Calm animal, 2nd Hold Animal, 3rd Dominate Animal, 2nd Animal Trance, 6th Share Skin - NA

Why would you let yourself be affected by this?

5th Animal Growth - ****

Gold standard for self buffing, +8 to Str, +4 to Con, +2 Natural Armor, -2 Dex, +1 size category

3rd Anthropomorphic Animal - *** or NA

Might have promise if you can use it while wild-shaped. Otherwise, pretty useless.

2nd Reduce Animal - **

Eh, interesting. I thought of it for my druid to solve the problem of T-Rex can't fit through doors, but polymorph rules nix that.

2nd Carry Companion - ***

Basically makes you a small statue that can be carried around sneakily. Good for covert stuff. Hope that you don't get dropped!

5th Raise Animal Companion - ****

You can be raised from the dead for 4000gp less! Nice!

1st Shield Companion, Companion Mind link, 3rd Bleed for your Master, 3rd Hunter's Friend - NA

Unless you are someone else's animal companion, doesn't apply to you

2nd Wartrain Mount, 2nd Animal Purpose Training - NA

Hopefully you already know all this stuff!

4th Atavism - ****

Ooh, nice! Advanced simple template gives +2 bonus on all rolls, including damage rolls and special ability DCs, a +4 bonus to AC and CMD, and +2 hit points per HD. If you aren't high level enough for animal growth... *Actually this would affect druids that have wildshaped, while animal growth wouldn't, thats nice.*

2nd Scamper - ***

Short buff to boost your combat acrobatics use. Not too bad.

2nd Sea Steed - ***

Nice 10min/lvl buff to make you perfect for aquatic campaigns.

4th Sea Stallion - ***

Buff for you and the guy who is riding you. (Wait, that sounded wrong...)

3rd Sky Steed - *

Why would you need this instead of Fly or Wind Walk at the same level? And its a Paladin spell, even worse!

2nd Companion Life Link - *

This is basically Deathwatch? Meh.

2nd Shield Companion - *

Basically Shield Other, for animals.

5th Awaken - NA or ************

This is so stupid good that it is either going to be errataed out or DMs will ban it. If your DM allows it, the right thing to do would be to read out the spell description to him before he makes the mistake.

And there you have it! Treats for everyone!


6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 17 people marked this as a favorite.

So, what if I told you that the class most complimentary to the Monk in the ACG is not the Brawler (gosh no, never mix Brawler and monk*), but the Warpriest?

Specifically the Sacred Fist Archetype. Here are the pros:

1. It gives you flurry, which if you traded it away for something from monk (such as going MoMS, highly recommended by the way!) is basically free full BaB attacking, nice!

2. Wisdom to AC twice. No two ways about it, the wisdom to AC stacks by RAW (one is from an Ex ability and one is from a Su ability and both are unnamed, the very definition of things that stack). This is worth it by itself to dip monk.

3. Spells and Swift action buffing from Warpriest. While boosting that wisdom, why not boost your spells/day and your ability to cast them?

A simple beginning build would be as follows:

1. Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 1: Free Feat - Pick up that flurrying and go to town. Full BaB for the win!
2. Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 2: - Fervor, for great justice!
3. Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 2/ Monk 1: Dragon Style / Pummeling Style - Fuse those Styles! Fuse them!
4. Warpriest 2/ Monk 2: Pummeling Charge - Basically the apex of your 1st 5 levels
5. Warpriest 3/ Monk 2: Dragon Ferocity - So much damage!

Later you can pick up Janni Style (double the unarmed damage when you charge) and Horn of the Criosphinx (Double the strength! Well more accurately 2.5x the Strength). And probably style master, since you are going to get a couple more style feats for free.

I'd mostly keep going with Warpriest levels, since you get ki points and spells from it.


*Well, actually it might be good, but I haven't given it much thought.

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Hi All,

If I polymorph into a creature that deals stat drain/damage with their natural attacks, do I get to do the same?

Also, if I used vital strike, would I be able to do double that stat drain/damage?


So while under the effect of a polymorph effect, you aren't affected by spells/spell like abilities that affect size.

Are there any Su effects (supernatural) effects that a PC could feasibly get that increases size then? My cursory examination has not revealed any.


Norrin, Shinji, Sahan, this is in game talk, so please don't read this thread!

So, for those of you who are familiar with Dragonball and Yu Yu Hakusho (Ghost Detectives), I was wanting to inject a little mano-a-mano into the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. There are two ways I could go about this:

Dragonball method: EVERYONE IS YOUR FOE! FIGHT TO BE THE STRONGEST UNDER HEAVEN! Basically this would pit everyone in the tournament against everyone else, in brackets, culminating in the final fight. PCs will for sure fight against PCs in this.

Yu Yu Hakusho method: Team fights. There are teams but the fights are one on one, team against team. If you defeat the entire other team (or they forfeit) then you progress to the next round. If you defeat your enemy and still feel frisky, you can fight the next member of the opponents team, or you can forfeit and pass the baton onto your next team member. I'm actually leaning towards this one.

Of course I am going to keep the ship to the tournament fight with 4 teams of mooks in the beginning from the manga :)

What do people think? Madness? Greatness? Both?

Lay it on me, I can take it!


Edit: My players are just starting Book 3, so I've got a bit of time yet before they enter the stage of history.

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Hi Everyone,

My name is Troy Mc... I mean Prototype00 and you might know me from such threads as "Way of the Angry Bear: Bear Fisted Fighting", "Way of the Angry Bear II: Is that Allosaurus doing Tai Chi?" and "The Conqueror Ooze".

But those were all build threads, and I was wondering if people would be interested in a guide to the process of dealing 12d8 - 14d8 damage with your unarmed strikes and biting people's heads off in the process?

I gather there is some opposition to the dilution of the awesome of the Druid with the supposed suck of the monk, but I believe this is a combination where the total is definitely more than the sum of its parts.

What do you guys think? Should I start drafting?


So according to the combat rules:


Ending Your Movement

You can't end your movement in the same square as another creature unless it is helpless.

So what happens if a druid wildshapes into a large/huge creature and one of the squares he now occupies is occupied by an ally? By an enemy? Are there any rules (I'm sure there are) that I'm missing that address this?


So say I'm immune to the deleterious effects of alcohol (-2 to all checks due to sickened) due to a cracked gambodge nodule ioun stone. By RAW do I still benefit from the intake of alcohol due to the drunken master archetype for the monk?


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So I am running Jade Regent for the following characters (so Trent, Sam and Edd, if you are reading this, please shoo!):

prototype00's Jade Regent campaign:
I'd like to use this post (and your replies) to iron out potential issues and basically make the campaign more mine (as opposed to just following the rails).

The heroes are:

Norrin Shee - Tien Paladin of Sarenrae and group leader

Shinji Nakamori - Half Elf Samurai and son of the imposing Tsutamu Nakamori (Tsutamu of course is the name of the Samurai protector of the Amatatsu)

Sahan Poshman - Gnome Summoner Dilettante - WWSD? The most impulsive thing possible in each situation, of course!

Rasmus Sorn - Adopted son of Enderaki Sorn and Martial Artist who is desperately trying to ignore the savage dreams of claw and teeth (Monk/Druid (Saurian Shaman))

And while I am keeping the main thrust of the story the same, I have made a couple of changes (and here they are for your perusal/critique and advice) to make the story stronger in my opinion.

1: I have, as homage to the Imperial Regalia of Japan, made three artifacts the Amatatsu seal/mirror of Shizuru, the Sword Kusanagi (taking the place of Suishen, I couldn't resist) and the Jade Blood of Tsukiyo (the Magatama from Japanese lore, though I have not been able to come up with powers for this one, help please!).

2: Said artifacts are intelligent, and quite a bit more powerful than minor artifacts, but this has no in-game effect, as the items have to tamp down on their power so as not to be noticed by the Five Storms.

3: There is one ruling family, the Amatatsu, of which Ameiko is the last. I know a lot of people are ambivalent about this, but I feel it fits the theme better (i.e. returning the last Empress to the throne, more gravitas). For the Well of Demons, I was planning to have them be failed Emperors and Empress of Minkai. Ameiko has to get the approval of one of the previous Emperors/Empresses, but the only ones available are Shigure (who wants his body back) or the failed rulers of Minkai from the Well of Demons (who all want something evil/nasty from the party).

4: Each member of the party has a magic item (worth 4000gp) earned from the vault under Brinewall Keep as advised by the adventure. To make it doubly portentous, each of these items is inhabited by a kami, a heroic soul from Minkai's history summoned from beyond the veil to lend their aid in Minkai's hour of greatest need.

The Armor of General Benkei - +2 O-Yoroi armor belonging to the General who broke the back of Anamurumon's human army

The Ruby choker of Torako - Flaming Amulet of Mighty Fists belonging to Torako Hige, the peerless huntress, both scourge and savior of Minkai when the Oni first attacked.

The Scimitar of Emir Saladin bin Ackbar bin Solaire - +1 keen Scimitar belonging to the Emir of Qadira (and paladin of Sarenrae) who rode to the rescue of Minkai during the first Oni war with his troop, the Brotherhood of the Sun. *More on this later, becomes a plot point*

The Rope Belt of the Nameless Master - Belt of Giant Strength +2 belonging to Tian Xia's greatest Martial Arts teacher.

Basically, each member of the party is arcane bonded (as the class ability) to one of these items and can increase it's abilities with money/time. Having a Kami mentor also helps to introduce the Eastern ambience early and to explain feat picks and spells picked up.

5: Instead of running the entire House of Withered Blossoms from the Forest of Spirits, I am going to replace the first half (2/3s?) with the Ruby Phoenix tournament, for the Ruby Phoenix vault holds the Magatama (where Rokuro Kaijutsu/Amatatsu Tsutoku left it for safe keeping). The Five Storms know and have sent their own team, (basically the last two encounters of the Ruby Phoenix tournament - Gomwai, the hobgoblin monk and his ogre-mage companions backed up by the Sisters Wu, two tiefling scions of the Five Storms).

6: I would like to change slightly the ally gathering in Tide of Honor:

- Instead of three ninja clans, one ninja family, with the ailing Grandmaster presiding over a fractured group, one half following the daughter, who wants to remain loyal to the Amatatsus and the other half following the elder brother, who wants to join with Oni Mask.

- The Emir Saladin and the Brotherhood of the Sun never returned to Qadira but stayed in Minkai to guard against further threats. In time, they morphed into a wandering priesthood (basically the traditional Sohei monks, mounted and swathed in cloth) viewed with suspicion by the Minkaiin crown. The ruling family of this group was descended from the Emir (who was bethrothed to a Minkaiin Princess).

Anamurumon, seeking revenge as a Wind Yai, subtly inserted his bloodline into this family, leading to the eventual birth of twins, one monstrous and one fair. It was then that Anamuruom, leading the imperial troops of Minkai (for he had gained the ear of the Emperor Shigure) struck and killed the ruling family in an attempt to kidnap the twins. He only succeeded in seizing the tiefling child, as the other was spirited away by loyal Brotherhood members.

The tiefling child grew up to be the Jade Regent we know, the other child is Norrin Shee, the Paladin PC, left at the Cathedral of Sandpoint for his protection. *Dun dun dunnnn!*.

The Brotherhood of the Sun could be a good ally, if they could be rescued from the Imperial army's vicious attack.


So I've just been poisoned by Deathblade:


Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 20

Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds

Effect 1d3 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves

And being a druid, I cast neutralize poison on myself before the second incubation. That lasts for 6 hours in my case. When the 6 hours are up, am I hit by deathblade again, or has it passed?


Specifically when they are level drained to the point that they "lose" wildshape? Or they "lose" the ability to wildshape into a huge creature (but were already a huge creature anyway)?

Energy Drain Relevant text:

The creature is also treated as one level lower for the purpose of level-dependent variables (such as spellcasting) for each negative level possessed.


So just something I noticed while statting a character for Beastmass 3, the rules for Polymorph effects are as follows:

...You can only be affected by one polymorph spell at a time. If a new polymorph spell is cast on you (or you activate a polymorph effect, such as wild shape), you can decide whether or not to allow it to affect you, taking the place of the old spell. In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph spell...

and the Power of Giants ability from the Orc Bloodline is as follows:

Power of Giants (Sp): At 15th level, you may grow to Large size as a standard action. At this size you gain a +6 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus. You may return to your normal size as a standard action. You may remain in this size for up to 1 minute per character level per day; this duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1 minute increments.

Now the interesting thing here is that it doesn't say that Power of Giants is a polymorph spell or effect (it is just a supernatural ability). So would it stack with existing polymorph effects (like say, wild shape)?

No big impact for regular druids, who get to huge size already, but for cave druids, with a carnivorous crystal doing 7d8 damage as a medium creature, upgrading to large can really boost that damage (up to 21d8 with Strong Jaw Cast, methinks).


So I'm quite fond of the Druid/monk multiclasses and was wondering how it actually stacks up against a straight Druid- 12d8 damage versus 9th lvl spells. I'm not actively campaigning that one is better than the other, but I'd just like to see which one people prefer and why.

Since wildshape subsumes your armor bonuses while shifted, would mage armor continue to apply?


So I'm quite fond of playing druids. What I am not fond of however is having my Wildshaped druid denied entry to most human sized areas simply because he is the size of a two story house (huge).

Is there any way to shrink and grow in a reasonably short time-frame without eating up Wildshape uses? Or some other method of moving around efficiently while huge?


So my players faced a haunt the other day, they entered a room, noticed the manifestation on the surprise round, those who rolled initiative above a 10 got out, and those below it suffered the consequences.

Then the Haunt reset (and will trigger again if they try after an hour), so my question is, do they get the XP for it now, having "survived" it? Or do they need to perform the "final destroy condition" before that?


I was wondering if the Totemic Transformation for the Shaman archetypes for the druid would allow you to take weapon focus (claws) or weapon focus (bite), it would really help with feat placement if it did. A bit of a leg up as compared to regular druids who have to wait till 4th level.


So Papo makes these beautiful dinosaur models, and the Allosaurus, I feel is really the cream of this radiant crop.


I would like to use it as a mini for my druid, but I worry it would be too big for the three squares by three squares a huge creature takes up.

Does anyone own one of these? Does it work on say, the traditional one-inch by one inch Chessex battlemat?

Sorry for the possibly slightly silly question, but inquiring minds would like to know.


So I wanted the items at the end of the Brinewall legacy to have a bit of a zing, a resonance with the characters and I think I've come up with something relatively workable.

The items are regular magic tools (a belt of strength for the monk, a keen scimitar for the paladin, a magical suit of O-Yoroi armor for the Samurai e.t.c.) but the kami that resides within each item is willing to take sacrifices!

Basically what this means is that the items can be upgraded as if by crafting by "sacrificing" an appropriate amount of gold (half the purchase price) to the kami.

None of the characters are crafters, so this makes each item really special I think, something that will grow as quickly as they do.



So there seems to be some controversy about how the Mnk/Drd combo (12d8 unarmed damage!) plays in real life. I have taken it upon myself to stress test a reasonable version of the build in a Pathfinder adventure path (Jade Regent, heck yeah!), with updates given... every level? That way we can see how it actually performs in a At the very least, and more often if I happen to glean some insight during play.

Questions about my experience or the build itself are of course welcome.

So without further ado, let us meet our champion! (Rules are PFS standard 20 point buy, max HP at 1st level, max HP -2 at every subsequent level)

Rasmus Sorn Monk lvl 1:

Male Human (Varisian) Monk (Hungry Ghost Monk, Master of Many Styles) 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 untyped)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +4 (1d6+6) and
. . unarmed strike +4 (1d6+4)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 19
Feats Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Punishing Kick
Traits magical knack, scholar of the great beyond, student survivalist
Skills Acrobatics +6, Knowledge (planes) +5, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6, Survival +8
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ ac bonus, fuse style, unarmed strike
Other Gear quarterstaff, monk's kit, 142 GP
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +2 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Crane Style Penalty when fighting defensively reduced to -2 and dodge bonus increases by 1.
Crane Wing May deflect one attack per round while fighting defensively or using total defense
Fuse Style (2 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Magical Knack (-Choose-) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Punishing Kick (Push 5') (1/day) (DC 12) You can push or knock down an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Student Survivalist (Shalelu) (Ex) +1 vs foes threatening Shalelu.
Unarmed Strike (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
On a stormy night some 20 years ago, the elven ranger Shalelu brought to the House of Blue Stones an abandoned babe who was subsequently adopted and raised in the faith of Irori by Enderaki Sorn.

Rasmus soon grew into a tall if thin youth, with constantly untidy brown hair and a tanned complexion, whose beanpole figure belied his almost inhuman strength. A taciturn and focused youth, he never quite fit in with the daily mileu of Sandpoint, always seeming to unnerve the townsfolk by either staring past them when in conversation or dissecting them with his gaze as if to calculate the best locations to incapacitate in a fight.

Shalelu has kept a constant watch on Rasmus, indeed, teaching him the tricks of wilderness survival. But from time to time, she looks at him with something approaching trepidation in her farseeing eyes, if pressed by friends, she will relate the tale of his origin, that while tracking some great beast on the night of the storms all those years ago, in a ravaged clearing filled with half eaten deer corpses, she found Rasmus suckling a dead doe while clutching in his hands a giant, razor sharp tooth of a creature she was unable to identify. She does not know how Rasmus and the tooth (which he wears around his neck) are related, but it clearly fills her with worry...

The rest of the party are Shinji Nakamori, Half-Elf Samurai Retainer of the Kaijutsu family, Sasha Poshman, Dilettante Gnomish Summoner and his Black Hound Eidolon Stummon, and Norrin Shee, a Paladin foundling from the temple of Sarenrae (going heavy armor and strength).

Conclusions at the middle of lvl 1 (and on the cusp of lvl 2): Wow, I do quite decent damage two handing that quarterstaff, but boy without a healer do I fall down bleeding to death a lot. Perhaps a more serious investment into Con was warrented (and do tell me if you think it was, as I can still make changes to the character.

Note: Using un-nerfed Crane Style since we had built our characters before the Paizo staff brought down the Doomhammer. Still, it isn't all its cracked up to be, in the fight against Skitterfoot, I managed to deflect one of its blows only to be critted by a dire rat and brought down. And they thought the feat was overpowered at 1st level? The mind boggles.

So tell me the stuff you want to know and the changes you would make, and I'll be sure to answer in this thread.


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So I'm thinking about making the following changes to the AP:

1: The Amatatsus are the ruling family of Minkai, and the Oni are bound to not rule if there is still a scion of the family present. (I.e. no five families)

2: I'm planning on subbing out the second half of the Forest of Spirits for the Ruby Phoenix tournament (as you do) as part of the hunt for the imperial regalia of Minkai (the seal/mirror, the magatama/jewel and Suishen/Grasscutter) which will be needed to crown the true ruler of the country.


- Would the above two changes make much impact to what is already in the AP (i.e. do the other five families play big roles?)

- What should the special powers of the Magatama (held in the vault of the Ruby Phoenix, Hao Jin) be?

- Any other advice?


Now as some of you might know, I am reasonably knowledgeable in the mechanics reason for playing a LN Druid/Monk.

But in the case of the Saurian Shaman (which I might be playing in a Jade Regent game soon), I am a bit stuck on the RP direction I might take. Other druids seem reasonably ordered and circumspect, but Saurian Shamans?

The avatars of the mountains of flesh?

The sole heritors to a primal legacy of blood and claw that would cow a dire bear?

I'm just finding it hard to fit the Lawful component in, any advice?


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So some of you might know my penchant for druid/monk multiclasses as laid out in the first Way of the Angry Bear, and I just wanted to marry the Final Embrace Line of Feats with awesome wildshape form.

I wanted to do some fact-finding first though.

1. Which is better - Generic Druid/Tetori or Nagaji (Naga Aspirant) Druid/Tetori (Tetori is more or less non negotiable as its the best monk archetype for grappling). Generic druid gets cool WS forms (as naga aspirant wildshape doesn't seem to progress past 6th level) but naga aspirant gets cool spells off a pretty decent list.

2. Where are all my huge WS forms with constrict? Giant Squid is the only one I could find and that isn't great on landed combat. (Or is it? Movement is messed up, but you still have pretty decent reach)

3. Can Final Embrace Horror Really make every enemy panicked, no save? (Greater grapple + Rapid grapple = three potential chances to be damaged with grapple + take damage from constrict = shaken -> frightened -> panicked)

I'm sure there are similar builds out there, which I'm going to raid for ideas, but I think its got good potential.


So I'd just like to get peoples opinion on this: Which archetype is better for a melee bard, the Archaeologist or the Dawnflower Dervish?


- Luck Based, boosted by fate's favoured (which has synergy with the Jingasa of the fortunate soldier and the Orc's sacred tattoo racial trait), activate as a free action.

Dawnflower Dervish:

- 2x inspire courage/greatness/competence bonus (self only) is pretty rad. But limited in weapon choice to scimitar (which isn't bad)


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So here is the anchoring weapon property:

This special ability can only be added to a melee weapon or a thrown weapon. An anchoring weapon pins a target in place and prevents it from moving. As a swift action, the weapon can be fixed in place in a point in space, functioning as an immovable rod. This ability can also be used when the wielder hits a creature with a melee attack using an anchoring weapon. This anchors the target to the weapon, preventing it from moving away from the weapon. The target is not entangled or paralyzed; it simply cannot move from its location without first destroying the weapon or making a successful DC 30 Strength check as a full-round action to move with the weapon up to 10 feet. An anchoring weapon remains motionless and cannot be used to attack while it is anchoring a creature. An anchoring weapon has no effect on amorphous creatures, including elementals, oozes, and creatures in gaseous or liquid form. It also cannot anchor incorporeal creatures unless the weapon also has the ghost touch special ability.

What happens when a monk punches a foe with an "anchoring" unarmed strike? Can he then use his leg to kick or headbutt the now locked to one spot enemy?


So say I wanted to run Age of Worms in Pathfinder system, but with the setting being Greyhawk (basically unchanged from the module). What would I have to be aware of?

How would the CR of creatures convert between the two? I understand Pathfinder PCs are a bit beefier, so drop the CR of AoW encounters by 1 maybe? Or are there actual rules about this?

The statblocks of the adventure seem reasonable serviceable, but no values for CMB/CMD, I can probably look it up or estimate that on the fly, but are there any other statblock perils that I need to look out for?

Is there anything else I am not considering? Presumably clerical turning is quite different and this might make a difference in the undead heavy AoW campaign...


So Furious Focus eliminates the penalty for two handed weapons, had there been any rulings as to whether it applies to monsters with one natural attack (which deals1.5xSTR damage)?

So say I'm a rogue with the thug archetype and the enforcer feat, and I hit a foe and successfully demoralize it choosing to apply the shaken condition. Next round, I choose to make the foe frightened instead of re-applying the shaken condition.

So currently the enemy is frightened and shaken (does that even work?), do they take a -4 penalty to attack rolls/damage rolls/saves e.t.c.?


So the Fight for Liberty trait says the following:

Fight for Liberty: You inspire slaves to fight for freedom
with a rousing battle cry. As a standard action, you may
make a rallying cry with a DC 15 Perform (oratory) check.
On a successful check, any unarmed ally within 30 feet
who is able to hear you gains a +2 trait bonus on attack
rolls with improvised weapons and unarmed strikes. This
bonus lasts for 1 round per level.

Couple of questions I had:

1. Is a monk ally considered unarmed for the purpose of benefiting from this trait?

2. Do you count as your own ally for the purpose of this trait (Hyping yourself up for the fight, I guess)

3. Why is this trait so hard to find? Its not on the OGC or the PRD, is it not PFS legal or something?



I don't own the Mythic rulebook just yet, but I wonder how inclusion of mythic tiers will impact the submission of builds on the advice or general forums.

Basically from what I've seen of the previews, with mythic abilities/feats/spells its hard not to make a good character, a super good one, even. For my part, I'm probably going to stick to the core rules, as not all DMs (even less than the usual, really) will be open to Mythic rules.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong and mythic tiers will be the next new must have thing for optimization.


So at lvl 10 Cave Druids can transform into medium and small oozes as per beast shape III and at lvl 12 large and tiny oozes as per Beast Shape IV. Beast Shape IV also gives elemental resistances, so the question is if a 12th lvl Cave Druid Wildshapes into a medium ooze, do they get the elemental resistances too?


In Beastiary III under the Carnivorous Crystal, it speaks of larger Carnivorous Crystals than the regular medium sized ones. My question is, what damage would these do?

7d8 doesn't exactly fit into the progression of natural attacks (as laid out in the Improved natural attack feat).
