poorkeitaro's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

While building a serpentine eidolon for a level 10 summoner I noticed what appears to be a rather powerful combination of a feat and a couple evolutions.

As it is written it appears that Vital Strike works with bite, grab, and constrict for some pretty obscene damage.

Before gear or anything else his damage with the single attack is initially 2d6+7 base(constrict 2d6+7). With Vital Strike it becomes 4d6+7 for the base attack and the wording for constrict is, "Whenever the eidolon successfully grapples a foe using the grab evolution, it deals damage equal to the amount of damage by the attack used by the grab evolution."

So it becomes 4d6+7(constrict 4d6+7), all as a standard action?

It gets more nuts when you factor in the feat improved natural weapon, and improved vital strike/greater vital strike. As a huge eidolon, skipping a lot of the extra buffs and whatnot, he would deal 3d6+11(constrict 3d6+11) but with greater vital strike he would deal 12d6+11(constrict 12d6+11)! As a standard action!

Unless I'm mistaken. :P