
HappyHuman's page

4 posts. Alias of jasonfahy.

I ran across this spell while randomly browsing stuff:

It seems great and I'd like to use it on my warpriest, but I can't find it listed anyplace else and it strikes me as good enough that I'm worried it might be somebody's homebrew. Is there an official source for this someplace, or is it "too good to be true"? TIA.


So I'm going to be playing in an AoA campaign soon, and I'm the group's miniature painter. If I were the GM I'd read ahead and compile a list of important, or visually cool, characters (allies or adversaries) to prep miniatures for.

Would anybody be up for giving me 1-2 short descriptions per chapter, that I could use as a rough painting guide? Something like "Hellknight with a 2-handed axe", "three martial tieflings all with different weapons", or whatever? It'd be cool to have "just the thing" ready when the GM's setting up those encounters. :) TIA.

So one of my players gave me a neat idea a few weeks ago, and it's coming together in an interesting way that I feel like writing about. :)

Background Event #1:


I did a very stupid thing during the battle in the dam. I got it in my head that the trapped outsiders were demons, so I played the surviving one as willing to say or do anything to get free - and the moment the wizard freed him, he vanished (despite having promised to do x, y and z for the wizard moments before).

Me, an hour after the session: "Wait - pit fiends are devils. Dammit!"

Background Event #2:


After the defense of Sandpoint, when the party was being showered with accolades and goodies, the cleric of Iomedae pretty much turned down all forms of swag but begged to be given a holy quest.

So I wanted to redeem my screwed-up RP-ing of the devil, and wanted to come up with something neat for the cleric. The solution, in two parts:


The pit fiend, still not fully recovered, appears to the wizard, explaining that he wouldn't abide a single second more in his former prison - but that he's now back and intends to repay his debt. He explains the oppositional nature of the sins, and how the forging of rune weapons works, and what to do to make greed-smashing items. He lets on that his ulterior motive is to be standing there waiting when the lawful-evil Karzoug arrives in Hell...

Meanwhile, the cleric receives a vision (whether it was real or a waking dream was left a bit ambiguous) in which an angel explains the oppositional nature of the sins, and how the forging of rune weapons works...and then she charges him with getting the party to NOT forge any, and to defeat Karzoug without using sin magic.

The cleric has made one sally so far, saying that it's not a real victory to kill a sin mage with sin magic, but the others weren't persuaded. I assume he'll start to turn up the volume as the decisive moment gets closer.

(It struck me as nicely devilish that the fiend is repaying his debt, endangering a hated enemy, and nudging heroic mortals towards corruption all at once.)

I don't remember seeing this in the world guide, and a quick forum search hasn't done it for me either:

1. The current year in Golarion is 4712, right? 2700+year IRL?
2. And technically it's 4712AR, meaning the year by "Absalom Reckoning"?
3. What happened in 0AR to kick off the calendar?