
pirateprincess23's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Just now came back to this blog after sseing it earlier, and realized that I'd been misreading "Celerity Rigging" as "Celebrity Rigging".

4/5 Icons agree!

See I read it as Celery rigging....

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kaid wrote:
Kittyburger wrote:

6 Medium + 11 Large + 1 Garguantan.

Does the Gargantuan suit have a classic car as its head?

I dig giant robots.

Gundam Style!

I dont think they're referencing Gundam. Pretty sure it Megas XLR. These stoner/skater kids find a mech in a junkyard but can't find a head so the one kid just decides to weld a car in its place. Lol

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I want something like Ultimate Campaign. I want to build planets and colonies on other worlds.

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Tryn wrote:
Very interesting, only thing which bothers me right now is that the cathedral ship art looks really kit-bashed...

One of my PCs is a fanatical follower of Iomedae and he about started hyperventilating at this image. He is intent on stealing one. Whether he will be able to remains to be seen. Haha

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AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:

Is this going to be similarly arranged to the bestiaries, for ease of cross-reference?

Also, I will definitely have to purchase this, so that I can make Mos Eisley a Reality (or Quark's Bar, if I'm feeling More Star Trek)

I did Quark's Bar. My players haven't actually seen TNG, but it went over very well. They even did some gambling and went off with two dabo girls.