
pirateprincess23's page

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Tierce wrote:

Book 3 NPC's are up

Book 3 - Tempest Rising

Sorry for the delay, I dislike designing magic NPC's, and there were a lot!


your link is broken. Do you have this still? And do you happen to have the ship in a bottle?

This is so so so cool, its a great seeder for adventure ideas too!

Brew Bird wrote:
I've always had the worst luck with subscription shipping. Warehouse isn't closed yet, but it looks like I might not have the PDF more than a day or two before the street date.

I'm in the same boat my friend. Customer service told me they were hoping to finish up today but things happen. Might be delayed or they got a s$&# ton more orders than they were expecting. They also have to contend with figuring out who is picking them up at Gencon vs who is needing them shipped. I maintain sympathy.

Gamerskum wrote:
Is it usually to wait over the 1-7 business days or is it just that nothing matters but Gencon at this time of year?

They were delayed in sending things out by a few days.

SlimGauge wrote:

Rules wrote:

Effect Spells

Most effect spells summon or create something and are not subject to spell resistance. Sometimes, however, spell resistance applies to effect spells, usually to those that act upon a creature more or less directly, such as web.

Since Flaming Sphere says "Spell Resistance: Yes", it's probably safe to assume that FS is one of these aformentioned effect spells.

Rules wrote:
Spell resistance can protect a creature from a spell that’s already been cast. Check spell resistance when the creature is first affected by the spell.

So you wouldn't check spell resistance until the sphere enters a space with a creature that has spell resistance AND that creature fails the reflex save.

Rules wrote:
Check spell resistance only once for any particular casting of a spell or use of a spell-like ability. If spell resistance fails the first time, it fails each time the creature encounters that same casting of the spell. Likewise, if the spell resistance succeeds the first time, it always succeeds.

So if the creature's spell resistance works against this particular sphere, it will always work against that sphere.

EDIT:fixed broken quote tags

So does it make the sphere disappear if it touches someone with spell resistance?

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Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Just now came back to this blog after sseing it earlier, and realized that I'd been misreading "Celerity Rigging" as "Celebrity Rigging".

4/5 Icons agree!

See I read it as Celery rigging....

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kaid wrote:
Kittyburger wrote:

6 Medium + 11 Large + 1 Garguantan.

Does the Gargantuan suit have a classic car as its head?

I dig giant robots.

Gundam Style!

I dont think they're referencing Gundam. Pretty sure it Megas XLR. These stoner/skater kids find a mech in a junkyard but can't find a head so the one kid just decides to weld a car in its place. Lol

Tectorman wrote:

The first problem: A starship is a certain difficulty to hit (or rather, to hit in a fashion that does damage) due to its AC which is influenced in large parts by the pilot’s skill and by the ship’s armor. Perfectly reasonable. Weapons fire either misses outright or it hits, glances off, and does no harm. Makes sense. And with ships that don’t have shields, the entire order of operations is coherent and sensible. But let’s say that the starship has shields. Well then, they come into play after we’ve determined that the ship took a damaging hit.

Let me repeat that: a starship’s shields do not come into play until after it’s been established that the ship took a hit. Okay, simple question: how is that even happening? How does a ship’s armor do its job before the shields? Aren’t the shields the energy barrier projected OUTSIDE the physical ship? And isn’t the ship’s armor the dense plating on the outside of the ship (but you know, still INSIDE said energy barrier)?

Like you said, the pilot adds their skill to the AC, meaning its implying that the pilot was unable to do its job. An energy field lessens force spread across the hull, so of course it will not function until actually hit with something. It lessens the damage taken by the actual hull until hit after hit causes it to disapate until engineering can get it back on track. It makes perfect sense.

Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:

Radiation guns? Single target Plasma guns? New Power armor?

Urge to run Fallout in Starfinder rising!

I ran a Fallout world in Starfinder. I overlayed the local map of my area and apocalypsed it, made it so vehicles would serve as starships without the drift and space capabilities (although that was an option given they could get to the right people considering what happened in New Vegas) and I set it to just as Triune was sending out the drift beam, so that info was kicking around certain people's heads. There were raiders and ghouls. I used this to help me remake some classic Fallout monsters. It was really fun.

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I want something like Ultimate Campaign. I want to build planets and colonies on other worlds.

captain yesterday wrote:

Whoo hoo! Starfinder Armory!

I hope this is the book with towels. :-)

I still don't know what this means... Why do you want towels?

The White W0rg wrote:
Will the necessary rules for having a Medium size Cathedral ship be in the book? I must have a party flying around in a church.

I imagine that if it's a sample starship, you can look at the kinds of rooms they have, and build ones that you can afford and fit into medium starship, and make it just a mini-church. I doubt you'll be able to have that tower on top of your ship, but you can probably have those stained glass windows.

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Tryn wrote:
Very interesting, only thing which bothers me right now is that the cathedral ship art looks really kit-bashed...

One of my PCs is a fanatical follower of Iomedae and he about started hyperventilating at this image. He is intent on stealing one. Whether he will be able to remains to be seen. Haha

Patrick Newcarry wrote:

Will we see a world generation system at the end of this book? Just to help out a GM if the PC's jump to a world which he was completely underprepared for?

Might we also see a town generator? A place where the PCs might venture and the harried GM is rushing to throw something together, would be really helpful for on-the-fly gamemasters.

Everything I do is on the fly. That would be wonderful. Planets I have the hardest time with.

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AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:

Is this going to be similarly arranged to the bestiaries, for ease of cross-reference?

Also, I will definitely have to purchase this, so that I can make Mos Eisley a Reality (or Quark's Bar, if I'm feeling More Star Trek)

I did Quark's Bar. My players haven't actually seen TNG, but it went over very well. They even did some gambling and went off with two dabo girls.