pgholland's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts. 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists.


Hi, should the Sistrum of Bastest say:

"You may reveal this card..." for its first power rather than "discard" otherwise the "additionally you may discard this card to add your dexterity or charisma skill" can't be used?

When searching the Bestiary index, on Monstrous Humanoid, all the Celestial creatures for summoning appear when filtered.

For quite a while our group has wondered about traits on checks (especially with spells)- and banes immune to particular traits.

I am now more confused as we had come to a reasoning that if the Traits listed that element, then the bane would be immune, even though some spells specifically said certain damage traits. BUT the example for encountering a villain has the undeaed dragon Tukanem-Hanam who is immune to Poison being defeated by Clinging Venom which has the Poison Trait.

An error? Or is the Bane actually only immune if it says use your x+dy and the Z trait.

Is there any particular reason we get no combat tactics for:

-Aggra "Bag Lady" Loomis
-The Tatterman
-Ulver Zandalus
- Or any of the other appendix NPCs

But we do for Ratch Mamby and pretty much every named NPC before them.

Is it an oversight? OR a space consideration?

I mean, I know I often have to ignore that stuff because it doesn't make much sense, but it's nice to have an idea of how you intended important NPCs to act- e.g. What would Loomis gain with her Versatility?

Old d20 there was a paladin variant

Is Expanded Summon Monster correct? 18 monsters the first time you take it, then 2 more each subsequent time? Seems a little lopsided, not sure how useful a second or third selection would be.

I wanted to use my Beginner Box to do what the charities Humble Bundle supported should have done- supporting TABLETOP gaming for disadvantaged children rather than, as they chose with the only non US Charity, Video-Gaming.

Sadly, the shipping on the box is nearly twice the price of purchasing it in the UK.

Luckily it was for charity, but this is just another thing that's really annoying me about Paizo.

In WotR there are quite a lot of barriers in particular that require the acrobatics skill (e.g.. many of the armies)- why are there no characters who actually have acrobatics? Rolling d4s to defeat an army on difficulty 23 is really quite taxing when you have to do it 7 times!

Unless of course you are lucky enough to have the quarterstaff of vaulting and/or (as we do) Shardra with the ability to use her knowledge instead against them.

How many Menador Soldiers are there in the guardrooms (Part 3, Room[s] 3). The text suggests 8 per room but the CR and the rest of the locale (e.g. guards at rest) suggests 8 total.

Definitely need that gap.

Runelords was so fun. Shackles less so, it wasn't as well balanced and there was one scenario (I forget which now) that we played at least eight times unsuccessfully! The same is proving to be true of Wrath- it's causing us to lose the desire to play. A little more playtest time would be great to make sure it really is balanced.

Plus, we'd quite like a chance to play something else occasionally! It's getting tiring playing PACG twice a week just to try and keep up (and failing- we're still on Deck 2).

How does the banish ability on this card work? Is it only if you end your turn with it in your hand?

Such a great game- so fun and really narrative focused, Cortex has come a long way since Marvel Heroic.

We've tried this now 5 times and failed every time. Gunslinger, Alchemist, Swashbuckler and War Priest: it just doesn't work. The seven locations and constant discards from the blessings deck make this something you can only win by blind chance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

According to the breakdown, the Andorid costs 16 RP to build. It can't possibly cost more than 10 RP unless the Constructed trait costs 10 RP rather than 2.

The weak pipe in the final encounter...

Did e-mail this through more than 2 weeks ago, but apparently nobody bothers to reply:

Hi, the two final maps in the adventure (the warehouse and Engineering) appear to be missing markers- where are the unsealed doors and the crate? Where is the weak pipe?

Thank you

Did e-mail this through more than 2 weeks ago, but apparently nobody bothers to reply:

Hi, the two final maps in the adventure (the warehouse and Engineering) appear to be missing markers- where are the unsealed doors and the crate? Where is the weak pipe?

Thank you