pfgamebreaker's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I've spent the last 2 years learning as much as I can about the rules and gameplay, so I decided to put together my own EVIL adventure.

It's based on a 4 book fiction series that I wrote that incorporates lots of religions and beliefs. Check it out and let me know if you have any suggestions. If you like the concept support it please and thank you.

Click Here To Check Out My Adventure

OK, I've been playing Pathfinder for a couple of years now, and I love it. I'm also a writer by profession, and I love building random characters, and recently started dabbling in creating modules. Some I probably won't ever use, but I wanted to put up a site and share them. The site is still under construction, so I'll be adding more content. Please don't suggest that.

The site has not officially been launched because I'm still adding content, making changes, and getting set up in general.

Game Breaking

1) I'd love to know what you think of the layout, colors, etc.

2) If you say "organization" please elaborate. The site is organized by category already, but a few people have said "organization" on another site, but didn't clarify.

3) General suggestions that don't fit the above two would also be appreciated.