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![]() Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Scott It is not. I am looking for opinions of those who may know the rules/interpretation better than I. My player has brought up a legitimate issues that I read much differently than he does. I do not like using the "cause I say so" card..... All I am not asserting that he does not get multiple attacks, he most certainly does. What I am asking is after one of the targets has died can he redirect any remaining attacks he has with the shields to new targets? Even though the shield does not return to his hands until the end of his turn? If he can why is it not the same with manyshot on a xbow or a bow? Both are targeted at 1 target and leave control of the character. ![]()
![]() I have a player that insists that while duel welding shields as a shield champion archetype they can change targets of the shields mid flight. For example Shield champion has 3 bad guys to kill. For arguments sake he gets 3 attacks per shield... He throws shield 1 at bad guy A he hits 2 times and kills bad guy A He throws shield 2 at bad guy B he critically hits 1 time and kills bad guy B Can he use the remaining 1 attack on shield 1 and 2 attacks on shield 2 to attack bad guy C? He does not know beforehand that he will kill the targets.... ![]()
![]() pequid wrote:
Thank you all for your help and insight. ![]()
![]() Hi I am hoping that ya'll can settle an argument on Blurred Movement (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blurred-movement) and stealth. Can you use Blurred Movement to stealth while being observed in bright light or normal light? Can you use Blurred Movement to stealth from an open position (no cover or concealment) to another open position (no cover or concealment) Thank you ![]()
![]() Here is the question. A agent of evil post a note on one of the parties doors where the are asleep. This note has a symbol of death on it triggered by anyone reading it. A person (NPC) walks by and reads the symbol of death activating it. Would the sleeping PC be affected by it, since they don't know its there? If they are, would they get a save? ![]()
![]() Hello I have a player that drew "The Lost" card from a deck of many things, Harrow. "The character cannot gain another level in whichever class he currently has the most levels. This effect can be circumvented if the character is killed and returned to life, but the next time he is restored to life he is affected as if by the spell reincarnate, regardless of what spell was cast." They are playing a straight Bard and for the next level since they can not proceed in the Bard class, they want to do Dragon Disciple. My question is when it says "+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class" under the progression for Dragon Disciple, would they get that even though they are prevented from progressing as a bard? This is my first post, I hope I was clear. Thank you |