pcvoigtag's page

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Missing my Deck 2 promos like lots of other folks it seems ;)
If you throw them in my July shipment, that'd be great.

Peter Voigt

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the Haunted Jester wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Is it possible to get an update on the extra PACG glitch and whether that will also be an issue for Septembers subscriptions?
Can you be more specific about which Adventure Card Game glitch you are referring to?
I do apologize, I am referring to the duplicate display of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull & Shackles Base Set that appears in the September subscription page when I received mine already in my August subscription shipment.

This is a concern for me as well, with the order spawning fast approaching, the base set is still showing on my September shipment. I have already received the base set. Thanks for all your hard work. I appreciate that it's been tough.