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Organized Play Member. 77 posts (507 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 6 aliases.


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Thanks! The Kensai cross looks promising, and might allow him to use more utility spells, looks cool.

As for the Paladin, he really wants to stick to the Tempered Champion archetype and dual wield Kukris. Can't remember the name of his deity off the top of my head though, but it's necessary to use the Kukri with the Warpriest base damage.

(You can skip below to the Tl;Dr if you don't care for the backstory here!) My present group for Kingmaker is only a group of three players, so I've allowed them to build gestalt characters with a 25 pt buy. They were doing pretty well, but just full party wiped to The Dancing Lady. I had Jhod find them and res them with the waters of the Elk temple, telling them it permanently drained the power of the pool, just to spare the time of restarting the AP. They enjoy their characters, but two of them are looking to make some changes, and I told them I'd help offer some suggestions. I'd love some opinions/feedback!

TL;DR I told my players I'd help with some suggestions for build ideas/modifications for their characters, I'd love advice/feedback!

Character 1: Paladin/Mesmerist

Obviously not incredibly thematic, but still a neat combination. Double his Cha bonus to will, three use level 1 buff spells per day, two tricks, and bold stare. On the Paladin side, he's taken Tempered Champion for the Warpriest weapon damage increase, and is dual wielding Kukris with it from his deity. Interesting way to get more attacks on his smite target using higher damage dice for a Kukri, but I was struggling to think of ways to help him carry it more. A few levels of ranger for feats? Rehash it as a dex build and go u.Rogue?

Character 2: Wizard / X

Originally a Wiz/Drui with one level of Sorc thrown in on the Druii side for crossblooded (Orc/Dragon for blaster), he took Druid to have access to divine spells. Not caring much for it, I suggested he take Alchemist with the Mindchemist, Internal Alchemist, and Pyschonaut archetypes.

We are attempting to make a gestalt build using the Unchained Monk/Kineticist classes.

Initially, when reviewing Kinetic blade, I saw the line:
"The kinetic blade's shape is purely cosmetic and doesn't affect the damage dice, critical threat range, or critical multiplier of the kinetic blade, nor does it grant the kinetic blade any weapon special features. The object held by a telekineticist for this form infusion doesn't prevent her from using gather power."

"Monk" is specifically listed as a special quality of a weapon, and therefore ineligible.

Would it be possible to use Ascetic Style (Nunchaka) and Ascetic Form (Nunchaka) and form my Kinetic Blade to the shape of a nunchaka to then be allowed to use flurry of blows with it?

Ultimately, the question is

Is the form of my kinetic blade the actual weapon I use.

Is a kinetic blade a dagger if I make it a dagger, is it a nunchuck if I make it a nunchuck, and so on...

@william Nightmoon. Kitsune aren't listed anywhere. Using the racial creation rules, here's what I got.

0 RP - Standard Ability Modifiers
0 RP - Size: Medium
0 RP - Humanoid
0 RP - 30ft Speed
1 RP - Low-light Vision
3 RP - Lesser Change Shape
2 RP - Agile
2 RP - Kitsune Magic = Gnome Magic. This could even be a 1 since it's technically weaker than Gnomes.
2 RP - Bite attack, one category size increase
0 RP - Standard Languages

10 RP, roughly.

Dotting! I love the concept of a womanizing gnome wizard, who uses magic to compensate for all his...uhm....shortcomings. Possibly on the run from Kaer Maga after sleeping with the wrong girl. I'll post something more extensive in an hour or two.

I think I could manage a play by forum, but I'd definitely need a little help from my players on post-formatting and how it's normally done (as in, how to note speaking out of character, descriptions of actions vs actual dialogue, etc...).

I've been GMing since 2nd Ed. D&D, and this would be my first game without a grid (or hex) map, so it's definitely something I'd love to try.

Unfortunately, Kiirok and Nikolaus, this campaign more focuses on characters who are good to begin with. The events of the AP won't be in order (for instance, you won't be starting at the prison, but you will go there inevitably. Character creation will be somewhat vanilla, as Talingarde is kind of a predominantly good human society. To make up for this, I'm considering going gestalt.

Book two is right up to about what I'd like players to experience.

I want to start the PCs in Aldencross, right before Thornes forces finish sabotaging Tower Balentyne. My schedule is pretty open, as long as it's not on Saturday (I have a morning and evening group I run at my house for friends then). So if I can get enough interest for this it'll just be based off the collective convenience of those who want to play. I'm hoping to get together a party of 4 or 5.

DM! What are your rules for spending my gold? How much can I spend on a particular item? Can I purchase wands of less than 50 charges for less?

Tossing around an idea. I'd like to run a campaign in Talingarde where the PCs are noble heroes foiling the plans of Cardinal Thorne. If there's some interest, I'll start taking character applications. Would more than likely run this on roll20.

Experience with the Way of the Wicked campaign preferred!

Cyrus Snowe, Lawful Good Evil Human
Servant of Mitra Asmodeus
Unchained Rogue 3 / Unchained Monk 3
5'0", 140 lbs. Black hair, Blue Eyes.
40ft Movement

Str: 10
Dex: 20
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 8

Basic Combat Stats:

AC 19 Touch 19 FF 10 (10 + 5 dex + 3 wis + 1 dodge)
F: 6 (3 base, 2 Con, 1 ABP)
R: 9 (3 base, 5 Dex, 1 ABP)
W: 6 (1 base, 3 Wis, 1 ABP, 1 Trait)
Init +7: 5 dex + 2 trait
Unarmed Strike +9/+9/(+9 ki flurry) 1d6+5 (+2d6 sneak attack)
22 CMD 8CMB (12 Grapple)


Acrobatics: +11
Appraise: +7
Bluff: -1
Climb: 0
Diplomacy: -1
Disable Device: +14 MW Tools
Disguise: +5
Fly: +5
Heal: +3
Intimidate: +5
Perception: +9
Ride: +5
Sense Motive: +9
Sleight of Hand: +11
Stealth: +11
Survival: +6


Kidnapping: +1 To CMB for Grapple and Disarm Checks
Quiet as Death: +2 to Stealth
Reactionary: +2 to Initiative
Indomitable Faith: +1 to Will saves.


0: Power Attack (Free)
0: Deadly Aim (Free)
0: Combat Expertise (Free)
1H: Agile Maneuvers: Dex to CMB instead of STR.
1M: Improved Grapple: +2 grapple, no longer provokes
1: Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike): +1 to hit w/ Unarmed Strike
2M: Dodge: +1 dodge bonus to AC
2: Combat Reflexes: Extra AOO per round
3: Pummeling Style: Apply all damage before going through DR

Class Abilities:

Sneak Attack (2d6)
Danger Sense +1
Finesse Training (Unarmed Strike) Dex bonus to damage
AC Bonus (Wisdom to AC, Monk)
Flurry of Blows
Stunning Fist (3/day Fort DC 14)
Fast Movement (+10ft)
Ki pool (4/day)
Ki strike (magic) - Unarmed strikes are magic if ki pool > 0
Ki flurry - Spend 1 ki for additional attack during flurry

Physical Description:

Cyrus is alarmingly short for a huaman, standing only at five feet tall. Lithe and pale, he exudes insecurity, though it be only a guise. He dresses in dark clothing: black with earthy tones. His hair is jet-black, almost giving it a greasy appearance, and his eyes are a deep, unnatural royal blue.


Cyrus believes in loyalty and honor to commitments, but only to those who deserve it. He has accepted that working with Cardinal Thorne is for the greater good of Talingarde. He has a soft spot for children, and an aversion to fire.


If you had told Cyrus a year earlier that he would be working for the High Priest of Asmodeus, he may have died in laughter. Born and raised in Matharyn, he was as devout as they came: his love for Mitra was nearly unmatched; so much that on his 18th birthday he enlisted in the Kings Army. Lord Barca saw promise in the young man, who made up for his lack of physical girth in speed and precision, and sent him to work for the Mitran Church. The Church employed him on delicate missions: seeking out blasphemers and desecrators, and bringing them to justice; recovering stolen artifacts and church relics, and apprehending those responsible for taking them; and infiltrating the slave market to capture traders, as well as free those wrongfully taken. The years of work showed him the darkest side of Talingarde; the parts the blissful residents of Matharyn dare not even imagine. Though slightly jaded from the experience, his unique (and sometimes inappropriate) sense of humor left him able to weather it.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. His final mission sent him to small fishing community near Daveryn. He met with his contact, Bishop Zass, who tasked him with finding out who was repeatedly desecrating the local temple. While finding the perpetrator, Gavin Prince, was a simple enough task, what he learned from the 'villain' was horrifying: the vandalism was occurring because Bishop Zass was taking liberties with Prince's young son. Outraged and disgusted, Cyrus attacked Bishop Zass, subduing and bonding him, and loaded him up to take to Matharyn for trial.

Too bad for Cyrus that Bishop Zass had friends in high places. Upon arriving to the capital, Cyrus was arrested and charged with kidnapping; though the word 'charged' is hardly fair, considering he was dragged to Branderscar the same day, without trial.

As Cyrus leaned against the wall with his arms shackled over his head, only one through ran through his head....

Why has Mitra forsaken me...?

What ensued was a breakdown of everything he had ever known. Even as a prisoner, he thought he had rights, but the guards were eager to brand his arm. They were as corrupt as the slave traders he used hunt down. Criminal scum like the ones he so eagerly captured before were soon to help him escape from the hell of Branderscar, escaping mainly through means of a corrupt Sergeant and a lazy Warden. He concluded that Talingarde was backwards; he knew change must inevitably come. Meeting Cardinal Thorne just reaffirmed those beliefs; everything he said made perfect sense. Talingarde needed to be reborn, and Cyrus wants to be on top when it happens.

(Gear and a more detailed background coming soon, just fleshing him out, thanks for the opportunity to submit)

HolyWater, are you taking submissions to replace your missing PC? I'd love to drill up a Ranger/Rogue for this campaign. Let me know and I'll have a submission today!

For me, nothing is taboo. What I chose to throw at my PC's depends widely on their composition and level.

If the players have no means to resurrect the dead, I'm not going to use Save or Die spells on them. They're usually kind enough to repay the courtesy and not do it to my NPCs.

If the players have no rogue, I'll be more frugal with traps. Not using them at all when you have a rogue in the party destroys that niche they fill.

My personal rule is to try to make about 1/3rd of all combat encounters challenging to them, through various means such as negating some of their strongest abilities, or throwing an encounter at them beyond their CR that requires using their environment or advanced tactics to overcome.

Ultimately, I think it's my job as a GM to intimately understand the PCs and how they function together, and to provide challenging content without creating a TPK scenario. In the 15 years I've GM'd I've screwed that up once, apologized to my players, and we moved on from there.

EDIT: I have to correct myself, the one thing I try to avoid at all costs are "Fodder NPCS." You know, that mage NPC that the PCs fight who stocked up on nothing but fireballs because 'he knows' he's going to die and just wants to get off as much damage as he can before the PCs move on to the next encounter. Not really cool with that.

I'm feeling an Antipaladin/Gunslinger calling my name here....
I've run WotW up through the fourth book before my group had to disband; had a blast DMing it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It really depends on what you're looking for in terms of countering and what he is focusing on.

Is he more summon or eidolon oriented? Is he summoning aligned creature? Protection from X spells are always effective. Having his nemesis be a wizard who focuses on dispel magic to just end his summons.

You said you're going to play level 5. The 'go to' summon for that (which is SM3 I believe) would be multiple eagles with haste thrown on them. Great damage, but you can always have an enemy mage ready an action for eagles to appear and then drop a fireball on them too. POOF, gone.

Characters with high armor class (especially at lower levels) are also good with dealing with summons.

The GM has basically told me that I get a consecrated aura that radiates 15 feet. He also said that the Dark lord will know I am in his domain and exactly where I am within a mile, and exactly where I am to the point if I pull my sword.


I'm fearing the Paladin. I don't think I want THAT much attention.

I'm leaning more towards it.
I've thrown on the scarred witch doctor, they're not very effective until later levels and with all the undead, his hexes will be weak.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

A level 1 mage named Aziz who only casts light?

Hey folks, haven't been on the players side of the table in a long, long time, so I'm grateful to the GM allowing me to play at theirs.

He's running Ravenloft in Pathfinder, and I can't decide whether to embrace or resist the evil of the place.

So far the group has a wiz, bard, and sorc. Squishy squishy.

Level 6
16,000 GP
16, 15, 14, 14, 12, 8 (rolled 4d6 and dropped lowest 1)
Great stats I think.

So, I've been mulling over what exactly to build. The group clearly needs something 'tanky.'

I've been considering:

Scarred Witch Doctor (Witch) - Really cool archetype that allows casting with con. I could boost up str and con, use hexes and fight in melee with a great ac using the scarshield. However, they don't come into power until they get major hexes, and we're only level 6. Really feat intensive, too. Evil would work well.

Paladin - Would draw a lot of attention to myself, but would be pretty strong in Ravenloft.

Barb/Alchemist - hulk?

Some sort of evil cleric or another - Cause why not?

Synth Summoner - might be a waste of my good stats.

Or do you personally think my stats are wasted on these classes and I should play something with mad?

Why not ragechemist?

My group is interested in the pathfinder Dragon Empires stuff but I haven't been able to find any modules for it other than The Ruby Phoenix tournament. Does anything else exist?

Your link doesn't seem to be working.

Also, does maptool allow for things like I'm asking about?

Getting old sucks. Reaching my 30's, I find that my closest friends get further and further away from me. We all love Pathfinder/Dnd, and want to play together online, but I have no idea where to start!

I'm going to be DMing the game, and I've decided to use raidcall for voice chat, but I need to know more about VTTs.

How exactly do these work? If I create a map, can all my friends access it at the same time? Can they move their characters on my map and it show for everyone connected? Can I limit each individual player to access only certain things on the map?

Are the programs simple to use?

:) problem solved, thanksss

Claxon wrote:
The disallowing part I'm referring to is being able to reload a pistol so many times during a round (basically preventing double barrel pistol from shooting both barrels multiple times).

What's illegal about it if I have rapid reload, use cartridges and have reloading hands spell?

The games never movign past level 5. We're just doing a hallowwen game and he's encouraged us to break our characters, so I'm doing that ;)

Should also add without +3 weapons, which a level 5 shouldnt have, I'd be at +2 for six attacks. Few would hit :P

"Rules Team" ??

I mean, normally, the penalties that would require this are crippling. You'd be looking at measly +5's down the board without smite.

I'm not saying this ISN'T broken. It is. But right now, with RAW, is this legal?

This will get confusing! I'm playing a Gestalt Paladin/Gunslinger 5. My Dex is 23 (+6), my Charisma is 18 (+4), I have two +3 double barrel pistols, I have the TWF feat and Rapid shot. Now, assuming that I have an extra arm or other way to reload my pistols for free, could I get six attacks in one round?

+5 BAB, +4 SMITE, +3 WEAPON, +1 HASTE, +6 DEX -4 DOUBLE BARREL -4 TWF - 2 RAPID = +9/+9/+9 (one regular, one haste, one rapid). And each of these would fire twice for double barrel so +9/+9/+9/+9/+9/+9.

Is this right?

Yeah, I meant I was looking at the Dawnflower Derv bard, and I just dont see it coming in as strong in the early levels :(

Daelen, if this campaign was going into higher levels, I think it would be pretty badass, but considering we will never get past level five I think it's going to be way under the power level that I want it to be. I really don't mind losing the Paladin as my first class, but I just figured paladin would probably be the most overpowered way to go.


Human Paloracle Lore Mystery (sidestep):
Str - 16 Dex - 10 Con - 14 Int - 11 Wis - 12 Cha - 21

Fort- 11
Ref- 11
Will- 10
Max HP - 60
Greatsword maybe? - Smite attack +13 2d6 + 9
2nd level oracle spells.

Human Synthadin 5
Str - 18 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 21
F 11
R 6
W 12
max hp 104

Well, level 5 is probably as high as this is going to go, so I want to maximize level 5 potential. The character is going to need very very good saves. I heard something about a lot of insanity saves.
That being said, i'm only looking at a +4 str bonus by level 5, which is what Id get for a single barb rage dip. It still leaves me with having to put decent scores in too many stats.

The gunslinger would only really need dex and cha, and the synthesis eidolon boosts all physical stats

We're doing a big Halloween haunted house Pathfinder special and my DM has us building two gestalt characters. My first is a Witch/Barbarian, and the DM said death is a high probability (it is scary!) and to have a second.

So as nasty as my Witch is, if (when) he dies, I want to wow the DM with something truly retarded.

I'm pretty sure the way to do that is with the Paladin.

Stats are 18, 16, 14, 12, 11, 10.
Level 5, standard starting wealth for level 5 character.

I'm considering either going:

Paladin/Gunslinger - Can dump str and int. Decent saves with good dex/con/charisma. Enchanted smiting musktet of awesome.

Paladin/Summoner(Synthesist)- Can dump str/dex/con. tons of HP.

Paladin/Oracle- Lots of spells, can float charisma easily.

Decisions decisions. What do you guys think?

Hey Grond, just thought I'd provide as much insight to this as possible.

I've been running an evil campaign module from Fire Mountain Games and my group has loved it. Alignments are restricted to LN, N, LE, NE. The PCs had to sign a contract in demon blood stating they would remain loyal to each other. It's been very successful so far. Here is what I've learned about PC's and evil.

1. Never allow CE. I keep track of my PCs actions, and if they swing to CE, I take their character sheets. CE is so erratically thoughtlessly evil that it shouldn't be an option for PCs.

2. Evil characters can add amazing flavor to a game. Sometimes something needs to get done 'the hard way' and if a single PC in the party has E in their alignment, they can do it without qualms :)

3. It's less about alignment, and more about your players. Which brings me to this point.

"The player that wants an evil character responded that we wouldn't know they were evil until said character had used us for their own good and decided to part ways or betray us or simply steal the goods"

If this is how your player feels, you need to find a replacement. Modern lingo would best describe this person as a troll. She's willing to sacrifice everyone else's fun for her own enjoyment and seems to thrive on inner party conflict. Doesn't seem like someone I'd want to play with.

Hey Nate Lange, just thought I'd add this.

Mystic Th is not a 'spell casting' class and therefore is not subject to the spellcasting progression of other prestige classes :( Bummer.

One other question, Nate Lange. Why am I taking Fey Foundling? I must be missing something that's probably very obvious :D

@NateLange - I poured over RAW and noticed you're quite right. There is absolutely nothing stopping me from taking a PrC to increase the +1 casting of the +1 casting/+1 casting of a Theurge. If the SWD dies off, I'll definitely be breaking this, but I'll have to find a way to do it without taking two PrCs at once.

@EsperMagic and Daelen: Yes, yes and yes. Yes too. This is all going to happen now I think :D

nate lange wrote:

2. its made of velveeta (solid cheese)- the signifier gains +1 level to any casting class you already have, so you apply it to Mystic Theurge.

Is this really possible with RAW? MT doesn't have it's own 'progression' table. I used something very similar to this in 3.5 with a bard gish dropping Virtuoso +1 casting level to the Sublime Chords very awesome casting progression.

Sorry for the late replies folks, been buried in college work. @Nate Lange: I love the ideas sir, but he definitely won't let us take two PrCs at once. The spoilers are fantastic btw.

This won't be a long running campaign. It's sort of our 'halloween haunted house' special. I think he's pretty much guaranteed first character death, so I'll have some fun making this scarred witch doctor, and then I'm going to build something just absurdly broken to WoW him. Maybe a gunslinger/paladin. Oh the smiting bullets.

I'm liking the scarred rager. Early rage cycling sounds fun. I like the idea of hexing more than smashing. I'll be a little wanting for feats, but I think it'll work out :)

Should also add that perhaps I should consider some form of mounted combat so that I can move (cackle) and get an attack?

Perhaps not a great mix after all since Ill pretty much never get full attack if I'm stuck cackling!

My DM wants to test out some gestalt with PF, starting at lv5. Right now, my group consists of a Monk5|Rogue5, Arcane Trickster 1|Fighter 1/Wizard4|Rogue4, and a Cleric5|Fighter5. He's allowing broken PrCs like Arcane Trickster, Eldritch Knight and Mystic Theurge. Stats are 18, 18, 14, 12, 11, 10.

My DM is allowing me to take the Scarred Witch Doctor archetype as a Half-Orc, so I am absolutely certain that I want to have half of my character as that. I originally considered mixing with Gunslinger because I could dump str, int, and cha, but it would be pretty feat intensive. So I decided...

Mix with fighter. Bad reflex but good HP. Lots of feats. Could fight well in melee (especially later on with retribution hex.) Good AC benefits from Scarskin, plus misfortune hex and compel hostility for tanking. Snatch up a great sword and just smash things!

Thinking Str(18), Dex(14), Con(23), Int(11), Wis(12), Cha(10). Will drop enough feats for Accursed Hex, Ability Focus(Misfortune), Power Attack and Furious Focus.

But I'm thinking...are there any prestige classes that normally suck that might be pretty cool combined with a Scarred Witch Doctor? Or is Straight SWD/Fighter the best way to go? Any great Fighter archetypes I could mix with this?

Just wanted to point out the feats that i listed:
"Armor Prof (light)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk Weapon Proficiency
Simple Weapon Prof
Stunning Fist
Toughness (via MotSM)"

Are all feats he didnt take. He got 'em all through class abilities. I just wanted to list them to round everything out.

@Majuba. The eidolon gives him 4bab because of synthesist, and the monk gives him one bab at level 2. Bab 5, not four, yes?

Also, and now I'm getting really confused...

He wants to drop the additional point of fly and bite evolution for extra limbs.

He now has four arms.

Technically, does four arms with four claws give him four claw attacks? Can he then make four unarmed monk attacks instead with four said arms?

Damn this combo is CONFUSING.

One of my players is using a Sythesist 5/ MotSM 2.

I'm a little confused about a few things, so I'll state the information off his character sheet.

Armor Prof (light)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monk Weapon Proficiency
Simple Weapon Prof
Stunning Fist
Toughness (via MotSM)

Combat Casting
Combat Reflexes
Resilient Eidolon
Extra Evolution

His evolutions are as follows:
Limbs (arms), Limbs (legs), Claws.-- These all come from bipedal
Flight, Magic (with 1 addtl. point spent for +20 speed)
Skilled, Fly.

When fused with his Eidolon, he has a 20 strength.

Since he has selected the "bite" evolution, he is automatically granted the multi-attack feat. This seems legit to me.

But how does his full attack work?

I'm assuming this:

He makes one unarmed attack as a monk at +10 for d6+5
He makes one claw attack at +8 for d4+2
He makes one bite attack at +8 for d6+2

Does this look right?

I know the exist for sure, but I'm also 100% sure its a third party product.

How so, Kyrt?

The book specifically states:
"A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons."

And the spell masterwork transformation specifically states:
"Target: one weapon, suit of armor, shield, tool, or skill kit touched"

A monks UAS is treated as a manufactured weapon. This is different from anyone else who takes UAS as a feat. The masterwork equivalent of a weapon is just an increase in cost of gold and a +1 bonus to hit.

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