Hiyas... new PbP GM here who's been itching to run a bigger campaign (Kingmaker?), but I'm looking to try my hand at GMing something smaller first to get the hang of things. I'm thinking Master of the Fallen Fortress. It's a quick dungeon crawl to give me an idea of the best way to run combat, since I haven't seen much in the PbPs I've played in. To say it's light on the roleplaying part would be an understatement.
Also, since this is a PFS sanctioned module, I'd be up for running it as a Tier 1 PFS game if there's sufficient interest. Would be my first time running a PFS game as well.
Character Creation (PFS rules, basically)
- Level 1
- 20-point buy
- PFS races & classes (note - I'm partial to those in Core and APG)
- 2 Traits (one of which can be a PFS faction trait)
- No evil alignments
- Max hp
- Start with 150 gp
Other stuff
- How often can you post? A few times a day would be nice (I'm EST with a boring job) to move the combats along.
- Let me know if you want to run this as a PFS game.
- Wouldn't mind taking a couple new PbP players.
- Tips/advice for running combat/dungeons would be nice!
I'll pick 4-5 characters sometime after Friday (or sooner/later depending on how many/few responses I get). Don't spend too much time on backstory... it's a quick module :P.