onaash27's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Hi, as a GM I am looking for a group of 4 people that would want to join me on this Adventure Path.

We would be playing on roll.net on Fridays or Saturdays (each game day is going to be discussed before) around 5pm PST, starting this week (9/12 or 9/13)

laid back atmosphere, consistent attendance (can't talk for others :D), nice and forgiving GM :D

Laid back people that enjoy role-playing their characters, someone who can commit to Adventure Path, no drama, generally nice people :)

Races: Core Rule-book only
Classes: All Core and Base classes
Spells & Feats: Core Rule-book & Advanced Player's book
Archetypes: I don't love them but we can talk about it
Hybrid classes: I don't love them but we can talk about it

Those are just the basics of the top of my head. General rule is: if it deviates from the Core Rule-book a lot talk to me :)

Stats: Point buy 15
Traits and drawbacks: 1 trait from APG and 1 trait from Carrion Crown Players Handbook, 1 Drawback from Ultimate Campaign

I am not going to tell you what character sheet to use, but it would be nice if you could use the one myth-weavers.com (but again I am not going to be anal about it :D)

Also brief description and personality.

Wealth: the average for the class you choose

Thanks for considering joining this game and PM me if you want to join in. Have a good day :D