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![]() I'll go with my favorites Fireball, Lightningbolt, and Summon Monster 3. I'm a very subtle person. Edit whoops see you've already got wizard was wondering why the standbys were not listed. Summon natures ally 3 from druid has some fun critters aurochs, apes, and dire bats oh my although fiendish dire bat might be on SM3 not sure. Cures are always good or Snare and Spike growth are useful if you need to defend a location. ![]()
![]() You know a few years back there were roadsigns that said you were 60 miles or 100 Kilometers from some major city. As to metric versus standard imperial or which Americans think in the most let me run a few thought examples by you fun folks. Im pretty sure I've heard the term klicks before. I'm pretty sure my doctor has asked for CC's of my blood for tests and not ounces. aLthough I did have to give multiple pints for testing before my first transplant. I remember buiyng ammo in 5.56 and not .223, but i'll agree .308 vs 7.62 a little more 50/50.
The SI versus Metric socket wrench conga has already been brought up so I can skip that. How many yards are in an Aussie Football field? If my math is right and its G-50-G it should be 110 because a meter's 1.1 yards, but I could be wrong So Id say that most Americans are 50/50 and or at least know how to translate what they need to. ![]()
![]() magnuskn wrote: I'm more or less down with feet and miles after all these years, but I'll never comfortable with Fahrenheit. Go Celsius! The way I remember the difference is a saying I came up with for chem class years ago, "9 to 5 isn't just an old workday" We know for every 9 degress of fahrenheit from 32 is 5 degrees from zero Celsius.So you tell me,"God its hot its going on 40" I know thats actually 104 likewise when I say its a cool 40 you know thats only 5. ![]()
![]() SirUrza wrote: Who's the pirate on the cover of volume 1? I've only thumbed through it and I don't see any reference to her, npc for later? Believe its in a sidebar. Ah here we are on page 5 "This volume’s cover character is Kassata Lewynn, " then it says some other stuff that might be spoilery and I suck at html tags. but If you got it the names in the sidebar on page 5 and then some stuff ![]()
![]() Charlie Bell wrote:
Ok you got me curious who are the copts only Orthodox's I ever met were the couple Greek churches up by Chicago and a few folks here in town ![]()
![]() pres man wrote:
Ok Im confused by "protestant" do you mean Southern Baptist, Northern Baptist, Presbyterian, Evangelical, or Lutheran? I'm just asking because you know just curious if I'm supposed to be getting all indignant or should I call a couple friends and have them get all indignant. ![]()
![]() Well she might mean the books WoTC put out for D&D Eberron and some of the magic settings. I'll agree they weren't great but they weren't as bad as that I didnt think. Granted I never paid full price always got em with something else be it a card promo box or at a con but still I wouldn't call em genre killing. ![]()
![]() Favorite monster races gnolls and bugbears
He started as a nezumi ninja shugenja then got turned into a gnoll by a wish adventure we ran out of a Dungeon. Gnoll "who are all of you"
Its fun being over 7 foot and not making a sound. As to weirdness from savage species made a mummified insectile ogre using the template examples once.Obviously never played it was just bored and reading the book. ![]()
![]() These are some weird random ideas/question that I've been wondering for my game. Im probably going to add em regardless but I thought the general public get a kick out of em plus wanted to know if they already were in a book somewhere Are there Ice boxes? Not refrigerators iceboxes you know like in the early twentieth centuryway. I figure a wizard could make some extra cash traveling around townships creating ice in cabinets and also help food safety. Are there glass jars?this I just want to know Because if so it leads to the idea of trail houses. A small rest stop off the side roads that are light enough travelled that inns would be too far away. I figure they would be sort of stocked with extra canned vegetables from area farmers for travelers that sort of thing |