notmuch_23's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


The Community Use Policy spells out requirements for making content available:

Community Use Policy wrote:
Free doesn’t just mean free from payment, it also means free from hassle. You can’t require survey completions, gate access behind downloads of unrelated products, require opting in to email lists (unless the entirety of your project is only available in email form), or other unnecessary annoyances as a requirement to access your project. You can’t lock your content behind a paywall of any sort.

I don't have the money to pay for hosting, and I consider making or having an account an "unnecessary annoyance," which I believe rules out Google Drive.

Can anybody here point me to a good free way to host my project that doesn't have any unnecessary annoyances? I need a URL to register it in the Community Use Registry (another requirement).

I would be much more interested in how races think about humans as technology progresses, since humans are the primary driving force. If Elves and Dwarves think humans are brutish in Pathfinder time, what about when alchemy turns into science, magic use fades and technology use accelerates, arithmetic becomes calculus, bloodletting and other humor-balancing turns to proper diagnosis, treatment with antibiotics and other effective medicines, firearms become mass-produced, widespread, and better, humans harness steam for industry and coal fuels the industrial revolution, which in turn leads to the production and harnessing of electricity.

Anonymous Elven traveler

"Everybody says humans are stupid, their lives are short, and they don't amount to anything within their lifetimes. Really? Then how come every time I go back to human settlements, they always have something else that makes my brain hurt? Last time, I got a serious injury and had to go to the village doctor. I was honestly dreading the experience, because it likely meant he was going to drain some of my blood since I had 'too much' but no. That doctor sewed up my wound, cleaned it, then gave me some weird pills that were supposed to keep it from getting 'infected'. I took them just to prove that humans are still full of s**t, but that wound didn't get red, or sore, and there was never any pus oozing from it.

When I went back after a short time in my homeland, a giant iron monster roared by me carrying lots af very large wagons on two strips of more iron! When I got closer, they were rolling along in these noisy, horseless carriages that they filled with some very pungent water, and even the stupidest could summon lightning in their house by flipping a tiny stick on the wall.

Explain how a bunch of stupid, short-lived humans can manage to pull that s**t off!"