
nnanji's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My games also use a "yours or mine" method. I roll in secret when the player rolls. If they don't like what they got or are feeling adventurous they can take my roll, whatever it happens to be. This method tended to give above average HP. That is, until I put some more ranks in my Bluff skills.

Well I got a copy of the red box set and started teaching myself to play on the fourth of July, 1984 (or maybe 85, the years are hazy.) I do remember coloring in the numbers of the ice by the light of the fireworks, looked a little crazy by the light of the next day. I started playing with my friends about two weeks later and never looked back. So I guess I'm coming up on my 23rd (or 22nd) aniversary of the game.

I rememeber playing through 4 vlasses to level 20 to qualify for immortality under the gold box rules. I remember missing two days of school when the Master set box came out so my friends and I could finally level up. I remember looking up "to hit" numbers on charts because there were no rules for calculating them. I remember throwing a fit when they announced 2nd edition because I had spent so much money on the old books. I rememeber the Comeliness stat.

I feel old, but not as old as I want to be.