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Great new character options


Mythic variant rules fix a lot of the issues with higher fantasy adventures and vastly improve play. Also a lot of the new feats are very cool and flavorful. Feats like Needle in the God's Eyes stand out as vivid and imaginative while being mechanically straightforward.

I think exemplar is a bit too strong in some aspects, but Animist is the class fantasy I never knew I needed before now.

Our Price: $34.99

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Extremely high quality


This is a review of the VTT module, not Gatewalkers itself.

The maps are well made. The lighting and walls just work and are an absolute treat to look at. The performance is great. "Distraction free" mode is a massive plus too, making the journal entries more readable. The soundscapes add a lot while not being distracting. The whole thing runs wonderfully without any modules, although is enhanced greatly by the standard QOL stuff (like Monks modules, etc).

As an added bonus you also get the original book maps. These are a nice touch. They have a charming artstyle and the walls/NPCs are ALL setup for those too. I am really happy for this inclusion even though generally the Forgotten Adventures maps are great. The quality on offer has really inspired me to step up my game in Dungeon Draft for my own maps.