
naaberle's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 18 posts (41 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


Hello All, Father Burdock said you may need another adventurer.

GM, I'll PM you with build ideas and we can go from there.

Dotting For future reference.

Star Voter Season 8

Mark Seifter wrote:

*Wording issues (the dagger didn't create its own mold, for instance).

*It's unclear whether the potion's normal effects happen in addition to the poison. At first I was sure that they didn't (which makes this nasty whatever way you slice it, since they might have needed a healing potion and taken a Con poison instead, dying). However, since a failed check convinces the drinker that the potion worked as normal, presumably it would need to have its normal effect? I mean, no amount of bad alchemy checks will convince me that my potion of fly worked if I leap off a cliff intending to fly and fall to the bottom.

*It's an interesting idea, and it synergizes with the other poison abilities.

Thanks! And Bugleyman as well. The original intention was your first inkling. The potion wouldn't function, but activate the poison. Should have clarified the "Failing this check..." line. Thanks for all the feedback so far everyone!

Star Voter Season 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ready for C&C, brutal honesty encouraged and accepted.

Serpent’s Tongue
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 4th
Slot none; Price 22,502 gp; Weight 1 lb.


Using the still writhing tongue of an ancient serpent to create a mold, this +1 mithral dagger looks as if the snake was still alive when the blade was forged. Serpent's tongue feels substantially lighter than it looks as its blade and handle are hollowed.

Serpent’s tongue can hold up to 4 doses of a single poison within itself, and filling the blade is a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The poison DC increases by +2 for each dose of poison in the blade during the attack roll. Failing the initial Fortitude save results in the target being poisoned as normal, as well as revealing the blades more insidious nature. Any potion the victim drinks for the next 4 hours turns into the poison stored within the blade with the Type changed to ingested. Any poison ingested this way acts as though it was applied normally, stacking with any ongoing poisons if applicable.

Those drinking a potion can make a Craft (Alchemy) or Heal check equal to the current save DC to notice the potion has transformed in their mouth before swallowing. A successful check allows an immediate action to spit out the poison. Failing this check leads the imbiber to believe the potion has worked as normal. Neutralize poison removes all poison and effects caused by this weapon.


Requirements Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Poison Focus, transmute potion to poison, delay poison; Cost 11,502 gp

Star Voter Season 8

Covent wrote:


Star Voter Season 8

Solspiral, thank you for the feedback! I actually love receiving feedback and criticism, I think it's a masochistic side effect of art school...anyway I didn't get to fine time the text as I worked in the item I ended up submitting but the -1 for poison DC would only be allowable up to the enhancement bonus you purchased the weapon at. So +3 bonus could go no higher than +6 DC for a -3 to hit. Sacking the magic bonus for DC essentially.

Originally I was going to do -1 To hit and Dmg for +2 DC but I wasn't sure if poison worked with 0 weapon damage and a kerambit isn't exactly a heavy hitter.

Thanks again and happy voting in 7 hours!

Star Voter Season 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Garrett Guillotte wrote:
Anybody's entry also the first thing they've designed for an RPG? I've got some high-fives just for y'all extra-gutsy newbs.

Yep, that'd be me. I've been playing playing since ADnD but never designed anything. Had a blast and excited to get feedback on the item after voting when I can post it publicly. I posted a second item I made in a different thread and hoping to get feedback on that as well. It's all so exciting.

Star Voter Season 8

Name: Alchemist’s Needle
Aura faint transmutation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 18,302 gp (+1), 24,302 gp (+2), 34,302 gp (+3), 48,302 (+4), 66,302 gp (+5); Weight –

This masterwork kerambit performs as a normal magical weapon in accordance with its enhancement bonus. On the blade there is a small engraving of a skull that holds exactly one dose of poison. As a swift action the skull can be filled and the poison absorbed into the blade. The wielder is able to take a -1 penalty on all melee attack rolls, up to the enhancement bonus, to gain a +2 to the DC of the poison per penalty point taken. All poisons applied with the Alchemist’s Needle operate as if under the Accelerate Poison spell.

Requirements Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Poison Focus, accelerate poison, creator's caster level must be at least three times that of the enhancement bonus placed on the weapon; Cost 9,151 gp (+1), 12,151 gp (+2), 17,151 gp (+3), 24,151 gp (+4), 33,151 gp (+5)

Ultimately went with something else, but this was my first idea and my first year entering the ckntest

Pupsocket wrote:
naaberle wrote:

2. Something we all learn in middle school is that force = mass x acceleration. Well our characters mass doesn't change for the most part so as a melee fighter we only have control over the acceleration part. As a martial artist myself I can tell you first hand that strength can only take you so far in increasing your speed. It all comes down to proper technique and body movement. So once again, mechanically is there any reason unarmed attacks couldn't use Dex for hit and damage as opposed to Str? Obviously wielding a sword or axe requires an amount of Str to properly hit, without a weapon something like Dex is fair more important in hitting and damaging a target.

And that's why Boxing, MMA and other fighting events don't use weight classes *eyeroll*. If this is the kind of garbage you're being taught, get a new sensei.

Well firstly I don't think there is any need to slander another's training, everyone and all forms come from different walks of life. At the top all martial arts are the same and it really comes down to the fighter more than any particular style. That being said sporting events with rule systems are far different than any real world street self-defense situation. Just because there are weight classes do you doubt that smaller, faster fighters wouldn't be able to defeat larger fighters?

If there was no hope for a small, unmuscular fighter to develop enough speed and technique to defend himself against a larger opponent then why would such a person take martial arts in the first place? Martial arts weren't developed by large people, in a completely martial arts free world they already have the advantage, there would have never been a need for such extensive training systems. They were created to give smaller individuals the speed and ability to take down larger opponents. They definitely won't have more mass or strength than their opponent, but they can make up for that with increased speed and technique.

Lastly, telling me to get a new 'sensei' is insinuating that I do a Japanese martial art, and completely ignoring every other system in the world. Perhaps I do Sambo, or Capoeira or anyone of the hundred other systems in the world. Additionally assuming a random martial artist you've never met has a 'sensei' is the same crap logic that leads everyone to believe (apparently Paizo as well) that all monks have to be of Asian descent.

Could a creature with claw/claw/bite all primary and Improved Unarmed Strike (for the sake of being considered armed) make three combat maneuver checks on a full-attack action?

So FoB BAB calculation only affects the monk level, not the total BAB?

So let me check my math here.

Level 1 Monk (Maneuver Master)/Level 1 Fighter

Str 10
Dex 18

BAB = 1 (Fighter)

Feat: Agile Maneuvers

Full Attack: FoM - Dirty Trick +3 (+4 Dex, +1 Monk Level, -2 FoM)
Trip +3 (+4 Dex, +1 Monk Level, -2 FoM)


Level 1 Monk (Maneuver Master)/Level 1 Ninja

Str 10
Dex 18

BAB = 0

Feat: Agile Maneuvers

Full Attack: FoM - Dirty Trick +3 CMB(+4 Dex, +1 Monk Level, -2 FoM)
Trip +3 CMB(+4 Dex, +1 Monk Level, -2 FoM)

Does that look correct to everyone?

Thanks for the answers, I kind of assumed the horseshoe's bit was a massive stretch, and full of cheese for sure. Plus I'd always look like Phil from Hercules.

As far as the DR goes, it seems a bit late to get Cold Iron and Silver at level 7 when my ranger just bought a Cold Iron weapon after his second adventure. And I know a few level 4 characters with Cold Iron and Mithral versions in their handy haversack to draw on demand.

Now on to the next question.

If I create a maneuver master and perform a flurry of maneuvers can I couple that with natural secondary attacks as it does not say I can't as is it does in the FoB entry?

Flurry of Maneuvers:
Flurry of Maneuvers (Ex): At 1st level, as part of a full-attack action, a maneuver master can make one additional combat maneuver, regardless of whether the maneuver normally replaces a melee attack or requires a standard action. The maneuver master uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus to determine his CMB for the bonus maneuvers, though all combat maneuver checks suffer a –2 penalty when using a flurry. At 8th level, a maneuver master may attempt a second additional combat maneuver, with an additional –3 penalty on combat maneuver checks. At 15th level, a maneuver master may attempt a third additional combat maneuver, with an additional –7 penalty on combat maneuver checks. This ability replaces flurry of blows.

Let me start this simply by saying I realize there are a vast number of monk threads out there, some possibly answering my questions. However for a new player a 1,000 post thread is extremely daunting. I apologize if a question I ask has already been posted somewhere.

First 2 speculative questions.

1. After reading about the brass knuckles errata I was curious as to why a 'weapon' with no damage stats couldn't be created that would allow a character to apply unarmed damage but still upgrade it materially and magically, if only up to a +5 bonus. I'm not concerned about anything other than if there is a mechanical or game breaking reason this couldn't be created.

2. Something we all learn in middle school is that force = mass x acceleration. Well our characters mass doesn't change for the most part so as a melee fighter we only have control over the acceleration part. As a martial artist myself I can tell you first hand that strength can only take you so far in increasing your speed. It all comes down to proper technique and body movement. So once again, mechanically is there any reason unarmed attacks couldn't use Dex for hit and damage as opposed to Str? Obviously wielding a sword or axe requires an amount of Str to properly hit, without a weapon something like Dex is fair more important in hitting and damaging a target.

Now onto rules questions.

3. From what I've been able to find a character can purchase cold iron/mithral/adamantine horseshoes for their companion to allow them to overcome DR when in combat. Under that same pretense if I create a Tiefling with the "Fiendish Sprinter" racial trait and specify I have hooves, would I be able to place Cold Iron horseshoes on my hooves? Additionally would that allow Flurry of Blow's to bypass DR/Cold Iron since it has been stated that FoB can be used with legs/feet if I so choose?

4. Next, if I do a combat maneuver and have natural attacks, do they all come as secondary or does a CM not count towards the primary natural attack?

5. Would I be able to only use natural attacks on a full attack action or could I move -> trip -> claw, claw, bite?

Once again I realize some of these may have answers out there, a link would be fine as an answer. I am so far really liking my Monk, although I think I'm going to switch from MoMS to MM before the next game.

I'm going to talk to my Venture captain the next time I see him, right now I'm trying to figure out if using the scarred rager's tolerance ability will allow me to rage cycle with trance on during the rage. I have to make sure the both trance and rage are on the same number of rounds so the fatigue doesn't get all funky. The issue comes in that trance takes a full round action to start, so would the rounds per day start accruing the following round that I activate it?

Awesome. Thanks everyone. I'm a really big fan of learning as much about the world around me and where I'm playing so it seems Inner Sea is the clear winner.

Hello Everyone,

Simple question. Which PDF would you purchase if you only had $10 and why?


I searched the forums but couldn't find anything, please link if I overlooked something. If not I have a quick question.

My question is whether or not a character can use both the barbarian rage and the Swordmaster Trance at the same time? The Trance is not a Cha, Dex or Int based ability, however one could argue that it requires patience or concentration. However what is to stop a character from entering a trance (patient part done) and then firing up rage at the beginning of the next round?

Please let me know any thoughts on this. And this would be for PFS, so no house rules.
