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I had a situation arise tonight that I'd like some clarification on.

Monk PC trips NPC Crossbowman, knocking NPC prone with Monk threatening him.

NPC readies an attack with his crossbow while prone if Monk PC attacks him.

Monk PC attacks him, triggering the readied attack from the NPC.

Since the NPC is using a crossbow, the NPC provokes an AoO.

Would the correct order of events be: Monk's AoO > Readied Action from NPC > Attack from Monk?

I'm not sure if this deserves its own thread or not and was thinking of posting it in the other thread (House rules issues), but didn't want to hi-jack it.

Background information: My friends and I played a homebrew campaign for a little over a year and had a ton of fun and the DM did a really great job of it. Without getting into too many details, after playing one of the Pathfinder adventures that ended in a TPK while I was on vacation, the DM had come up with a sequel to the original homebrew campaign that we had done (15 years into the future).

I created a Witch, which I was really enthusiastic to play, and a few months in, my witch was killed due to circumstances that, IMO, were not fair. Basically, one of the other PCs, a Monk, and my character investigated some noises coming from a shack to find the shack filled with crabs. Now, silly us, when we were told it's filled with crabs, we thought, "Easy XP." Suffice to say, the battle didn't go well.

Here are the problems:
1) We weren't told until we were both grappled that they were large-sized crabs with 10 foot reach. Why is this a problem? It was a 20x20 shack with several large sized, 10 ft reach crabs plus a couple of crab swarms. It wasn't drawn out (the player who has the mat, pens, and minis forgot them that night), but it didn't seem feasible given the space constraints unless they were on top of each other.

2) After my character was grappled, she successfully used Bestow Curse (-6 to CON) and Inflict Serious Wounds on the crab, but was never able to escape its grapple. It knocked her unconscious immediately after the ISW and then a swarm proceeded to eat her. The other crabs, after knocking the other PC unconscious left him alone. After the other 2 party members got there and saw my character getting eaten, they tried to save the Monk.

The fighter chose to run past my character and the crab that was over her dead carcass, provoking an AoO. However, the DM said at this point, "Oh yeah, that Inflict spell killed it, you don't take an AoO." Uh, what? If it's dead, how was it still grappling my character and how did it kill her? The DM's response was that he forgot to factor in the -6 CON that Bestow Curse did and my character would've died, anyways. That's BS as my character would've run out of the shack and flown into the air.

3) The fighter and alchemist go on to kill the remaining large crabs and swarms. The fighter killed one of the swarms with a greataxe. I didn't say anything at the time, but, correct me if I'm wrong, aren't swarms immune to weapon damage?

4) Once the fight was over, I fully expected the party to take my character's body back to town to get her resurrected. Apparently, a house rule was decided upon by the DM and one of the party members a session or two prior that he would no longer be doing reincarnations, resurrections, etc. so my character was buried and looted. I wasn't aware of this nor was another party member.

5) I went home upset and proceeded to make a new character for the next session. The DM told me to start a level lower than my current character with 100 gold and no items (My Witch was level 8 at the time). Obviously, my Witch had a bevy of magic items on her. Apparently, during this session that I bailed on, 2 of the 3 other party members perished, allowing the lone survivor to collect all the magic items and XP. He's 2 levels ahead and has the majority of the wealth in the party, which seems grossly unfair.

So I built a new character (Lawful Good Mystic Theurge, because I wanted to try it out) and we continued along, but the DM and I seemed to be butting heads every step of the way. The most extreme example was when we were swarmed by dozens of dominated miners armed with pick axes, shovels, etc. My new character fled, but my party members were unable to escape, so my character came back to help them. It was late in the day, so he was limited in the number of spells he had left, so he used what he had available (scroll of Communal Resist Energy (fire), fireball). The DM considered this an evil act that immediately changed his alignment, rendering the Cleric portion of my character useless. Obviously, an argument ensued as I don't believe that saving your allies from an angry mob trying to kill them constitutes an evil act, regardless if they were dominated or not.

So, now, basically, I've kept my mouth shut and attended, but I'm not enjoying myself for the most part and it doesn't help that the DM and another party member keep rubbing the "evil act" in my face.

I've had some scheduling conflicts that have prevented me from attending a couple of times and every time that happens, they cancel the whole session, which indicates to me that they want me there. However, when I play now, I pretty much just follow along and play passively as I don't want more problems to come about, so I'm basically just attending now so they can have fun at this point.

I don't want to argue with the DM anymore as I've pretty much said my piece and he's said his piece and we don't really have any common ground, so it seems like it would be beating a dead horse.

Do any of you experienced individuals have some advice on how I can resolve this situation? I'd really like to enjoy myself when we play rather than sit there and just be a wallflower.

I know the standard advice is to find a new group, but that's an issue for me because these are my friends, I've played with them for years (and had a lot of fun), and I don't really know anyone else who currently plays Pathfinder.

I'm currently building a 6th-level Rakshasa Sorceress for a new campaign and I was just wondering if you guys have any advice on spells to take. My character is the face (the rest of the party is basically all fighters except one Cleric healer w/ poor CHA; no rogues, no bards), so I took the 18 in INT for the skill ranks.

Here's what I have (4d6, re-roll ones, drop the lowest):

STR - 13
DEX - 15
CON - 14
INT - 18
WIS - 14
CHA - 22 (17 + 2 Racial Bonus + 1 ability point + 2 CHA Tiara)

Cosmopolitan (used to take 2 more languages, Linguistics, and Knowledge (Religion))
Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Still Spell
Thredonic Spell

Appraise - 2
Bluff - 2
Diplomacy - 2
Disguise - 2
Fly - 2
Intimidate - 2
Linguistics - 6
Perception - 6
Sense Motive - 2
Spellcraft - 6
Use Magic Device - 2
Knowledge (Arcana) - 2
Knowledge (Religion) - 6
Craft (???, taking suggestions) - 1
Profession (???, taking suggestions) - 1

My theme for this character is a master manipulator. This is the first time I'm playing a Sorcerer/Wizard, so I'm not terribly familiar with the spell list (and it's intimidatingly long) and I would like some help with selecting spells that fit the theme. Battlefield control is more important than blasting, but I'd still like some spell diversity.

Spell slots I have to fill:

7 x 0-Level
6 x 1-Level
3 x 2-Level
1 x 3-Level

Thanks in advance,



I'm working on an Excel program that will auto-generate random characters and would like some input on what you feel are the best-to-worst abilities for the various classes. Now, I know there are a ton of different ways you can build a class that can be effective, but if you could provide me with your input on how you would build a specific class, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty new to D&D/Pathfinder, so I'm not 100% on some classes.

For those wondering, the whole idea came about when our party of 4 was traveling to a town to cure 2 of us who had contracted a disease (and had no party members who could cure it). Along the way, we were attacked and, unfortunately, the 2 diseased members were burned to a crisp by alchemist's fire. This basically ended the night because, between rolling, sharing books, trying to decide on a class, printing out new character sheets, etc., it took about an hour before we gave up on playing again that night.

I already have the program up and running and it will undoubtedly save a ton of time, but the problem right now is that all the rolls are tied to a specific ability, so sometimes you end up with a Wizard that has 18 STR but only 10 INT, for example. By assigning best-to-worst die roll values to the most important-to-least important abilities, it will make it more similar to how someone would build the character in real life. Once I get this part done, basically we can be up and running again in very little time (especially if they draw a non-spellcaster).