mythusmage's page

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Now originally magus was the Latin version of the Greek version of a Persian word for priest. Which is what the original magi were, priests. One thing a magus was was a practitioner of magic, being dedicated to the study and practice of magic. Being some sort of cross between a spell caster and a blade slinger was not part of the package.

Your magus is not, strictly speaking, a magus but something else entirely. Calling them magi is going to confuse people who grew up with the magus as he appears in story and song. I strongly recommend you rename the class and reserve terms like mage, magus, and magi for the wizard and similar classes.

I know it means little in the greater scheme of things, but some words deserve a little respect in their usage.

Should Paizo (or anybody for that matter) have any plans to re-release the Gord the Rogue stories in printed form, here's an artist I've run across, Gryphart. The relevant piece is the large one, showing a hooded figure perched over an open space. Reminded me of Gord the Rogue almost immediately.

I just thought I'd draw Paizo's attention to Nicole and see if a partnership could be worked out. How they handle things is entirely up to them.