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My question is this: can an Ex-Paladin use a Wand of Cure Light Wounds?

Spell Trigger: Spell trigger activation is similar to spell completion, but it's even simpler. No gestures or spell finishing is needed, just a special knowledge of spellcasting that an appropriate character would know, and a single word that must be spoken. Spell trigger items can be used by anyone whose class can cast the corresponding spell. This is the case even for a character who can't actually cast spells, such as a 3rd-level paladin. The user must still determine what spell is stored in the item before she can activate it. Activating a spell trigger item is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Ex-Paladins: A paladin who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who violates the code of conduct loses all paladin spells and class features (including the service of the paladin's mount, but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She may not progress any further in levels as a paladin. She regains her abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see the atonement spell description in Spell Lists), as appropriate.

Case is this: Fighter wants to be able to heal himself with wand of Cure Light Wounds, becomes Lawful Good, takes 1 level of Paladin, ceases to be LG, is he still allowed to use the wand? Whole point of taking lvl of Paladin is to gain +1 BAB, and gain ability to cast CLW from wand, with out taking a lvl of another class with a +0 BAB.

I know Use Magic Device would solve the problem, but the point is to have highest BAB through out level progression, and all classes that grant UMD have +0 BAB at lvl 1.