murphyca's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


I am DM'ing a game that has a lawful good cleric. The cleric's attitude seems to go along the lines of "the ends justify the means", which is typically not a lawful good outlook. Here are some example of the cleric's behaviors:

- During an encounter, party came across weak slaves of another monster race (goblins). The goblins had been malnourished, beaten and caged. Rather than escort them out of town once the masters had been dispatched, he wanted to kill them, since they might be bad monsters some day

- In a graveyard with both ruined and pristine crypts, he watched as his party robbed the crypts. I described them as clearly being sealed and well kept. He justified opening them to ensure there were no bad undead hiding in them. This happened twice. He sat by watching the party open two sarcophagi of two famous knights, then looted their armor.

- Failed to care for the poor

- Seems to express no interest in helping others

To me, this type of play suggests an alignment shift towards neutral and possibly losing favor from his deity until atonement has occurred. Looking for some thoughts or insight on this case.

Ah, got the answer elsewhere. The staff sling is not considered a sling. Solves my dilemna. Switching my char to regular sling.

Would love to add on to this for clarification as well. Core Rulebook reads Halflings treat any weapon with the word "Halfling" as martial proficiency. Furthermore, the description of the Halfing Sling Staff says that Halflings treat halfling sling staves as martial weapons.

I was also looking at a halfing rogue and wanted to equip a halfling sling staff as my ranged weapon, versus, say a light crossbow because I felt it would be more in line with the character.

Based on what Sniggevert says, it would seem that a halfling rogue could indeed use a Halfing Sling Staff as a martial weapon eventhough the weapon is consisered exotic and also not necessarily in the proficiency of a rogue class as well.