mrlost's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Dark Archive

So I've recently joined a roll20 Way of the Wicked campaign. I'm in the process of building my Summoner character and mentioned in passing to the other players that I want to eventually get an Imp familiar which probably will mean having to multiclass as wizard. I'm not all that interested in the Eidolon, I mostly just want to summon up monsters, and partly because its an Evil game I want to have an Imp familiar (mostly because its cool).

Assuming that I almost never will use the Eidolon.

Tell me just how terrible an idea is this?

Oh and PS this is my character as it currently stands...

Ability Scores
STR 12
DEX 16
CON 18
INT 16
WIS 10
CHA 14

AC 14, touch 14
Hit Points 13 (8 base + 4 con mod + 1 favored class)
BAB +0
Fortitude +4, Reflex +3, Will +2
CMB +1
CMD +4?

Favored Class: Summoner +1 hp/level

Feats: Augment Summoning: Each creature you conjure with any ​summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it, and Spell Focus (Conjuration).

Flaws: Inattentive: You take a -4 penalty on Listen checks and Spot checks

Skills: Diplomacy (Cha) 1 rank (Cross Class), Linguistics (Int) 1 rank, Knowledge: The Planes (Int) 1 rank, Use Magic Device (Cha) 1 rank

Spells: 0-th level: Detect Magic, Guidance, Message, Resistance
1st level: Grease, Infernal Healing

Traits: Consorting with the Dark Powers (Witchcraft) and Diabolical Dabbler

Dark Archive

Going to play a 17th level Medium next week in the Witchwar Legacy. I'm having trouble groking how the spirits interact. I'm planning on using the Bear, the Rabbit Prince, the Twin, and maybe the Owl. As I hope to treat the Bear, the Rabbit, and the Owl as Neutral Strength spirits. I keep getting confused about what effects this will have.

Dark Archive

Yes. I would like a new edition if it was able to simply character creation, and improve various class balance issues. However Paizo could just release a supplement that addressed these issues as they are with their Unchained series.

Currently, I only rarely play Pathfinder in PFS games and occasionally on roll20, locally nobody runs it. Those that did have switched to other games like 13th Age, Basic D&D, OSR games, and D&D 5e.

I ran part of the Curse of the Crimson Throne AP before deciding that I needed to house rule a bunch of stuff, ended up buying Trailblazer and converting Curse to that, and then haven't ran anything else with Pathfinder since. Although I have continued to buy the occasional module, the last AP I bought was the third party Way of the Wicked, although I have been eyeing the Iron Gods AP and its associated sourcebooks.

The last few games of PF that I've played have all been using the Beginner Box materials, and backwards compatibility with 3rd isn't even on anyone's mind. Nobody that I knew who used to run PF even allowed 3rd edition Wotc content in their games, which is doubly disappointing because certain classes like the Archivist, Crusader, Swordsage, and Warblade were at the top of my list of things I wanted to try out. Instead, I got to play a simplified version of the Summoner.