Lord of Blades

mr Dragan's page

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can i play speed even if im not attempting a dex check
since it does not specify

the scenario was great fun and worked fine

Here it is,
female Gnome Druid ranger

Stre: d4 []+1 []+2
dex: d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
ranged: dex +2
con: d6 []+1 []+2
int: d6 []+1 []+2
wis: d10 []+1 []+2 []+3
divine: wis +1
survival: wis +1
cha:d8 []+1 []+2
hand size: 5 6[]
proficient with: light armors [] weapons [+]
When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
You may reveal an ally with the Animal trait to add 1d4 (+1[ ]) (+2[ ]) to your check.

card list favoured card type : ally
weapons : 3 []4
spells : 3 []4 []5
armor : 0 []1
items: 2 []3 []4
ally: 3 []4 []5 []6
blessings: 4 []5

roll card:
hand size:5 6[] 7 []
proficient with: [] light armors [+] weapons
[]add 2 too recharge a spell
[]add 2 ([]4) to your check to acquire an ally with the animal trait
you may reveal an ally with the animal trait too add 1 d4 []+1[]+2[]+3[]+4 too your check
[] when you play a weapon with the range trait you may recharge it instead of discarding
[]when you play a blessing to add to your dexterity use a d12 instead of the normal die
When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.

Roll card 2:
hand size: 5 []6 []7
proficient with: []light armors [+]weapons
When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
you may reveal an ally with the animal trait too add 1 d4 []+1[]+2[]+3 []+4 too your check
[] add 2 ([]4) to your divine check when playing a spell.
[] add 1d8 with the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane with the animal trait.
[] when you play a blessing to add to your wisdom check, add d12 instead of the normal die.
[] add 2 to your check to recharge a spell

(if there is somting that could be adjust please tel me i whant it too be fair so if there is anything no mater how small please tel me)

True, i wil make it less op. I can make the second rol card just so its there. But i won't change much to it. As for the constitution i like charisma more. so that wil be a d6 for constitution and charisma wil be the d8. thanks for the help.

female Gnome Druid ranger


Stre: d6 []+1 []+2
dex: d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
ranged: dex +2
con: d6 []+1 []+2
int: d6 []+1 []+2
wis: d8 []+1 []+2 []+3
divine: wis +2
cha:d6 []+1 []+2


hand size: 5 6[]
proficient with: light armors [] weapons [+]
When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
You may reveal an ally with the Animal trait to add 1d4 (+1[ ]) (+2[ ]) to your check.

card list favoured card type : ally
weapons : 3 []4
spells : 3 []4 []5
armor : 0 []1
items: 2 []3 []4
ally: 3 []4 []5 []6
blessings: 4 []5

roll card:
hand size:5 6[] 7 []
proficient with: [] light armors [+] weapons
[]add 2 too recharge a spell
[]add 2 ([]4) to your check to acquire an ally with the animal trait
you may reveal an ally with the animal trait to add 1 d4[]+1[]+2[]+3[]+4
[] when you play a weapon with the range trait you may recharge it in stad of discarding
[]when you play a blessing to add to your dexterity use a d12 instead of the normal die
When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.

is it correct and is it balanced enough?

good idea il let him change a few cards, then it's nicer for him

there is no 4 in the corner of the scenario card
(or a H of holiday haha)

i whas away btw it looks great im going too play it soon.
(the erzen in our group is going too have a hard time with the eggs)

awesome cards hawkmoon
and thanks for the tips

nice idea i think il go with that only the 2 blessings seems a bit much
but i like the reward it realy makes it a hunt (we are finising deck 3 tomorow so a deck 4 is just great) btw im going too take somting like a scarecrow hencemen for the eggs (or a other hencemen) (because Im bad at making cards)

nice thanks

i whant too make a easter senario but no real good ideas come too mind is any one making a senario like this or dose any one have sugestions
(my only idea was making the henchmen eggs)

since there are not many items with the divine trait ( if any) you could remove the item auto recharge check box.

thanks il look how it wil go without the change and with it

was wondering if i could get the power of the ILLUSIONIST: "After you play a spell with the Arcane trait, you may examine the top card of your deck; if it’s a spell, you may put it in your hand ([_]or recharge it)." in the evoker character sheet and remove the 9nth hand limit too make it more balenced, could i do this?