Here it is,
female Gnome Druid ranger
Stre: d4 []+1 []+2
dex: d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
ranged: dex +2
con: d6 []+1 []+2
int: d6 []+1 []+2
wis: d10 []+1 []+2 []+3
divine: wis +1
survival: wis +1
cha:d8 []+1 []+2
hand size: 5 6[]
proficient with: light armors [] weapons [+]
When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
You may reveal an ally with the Animal trait to add 1d4 (+1[ ]) (+2[ ]) to your check.
card list favoured card type : ally
weapons : 3 []4
spells : 3 []4 []5
armor : 0 []1
items: 2 []3 []4
ally: 3 []4 []5 []6
blessings: 4 []5
roll card:
hand size:5 6[] 7 []
proficient with: [] light armors [+] weapons
[]add 2 too recharge a spell
[]add 2 ([]4) to your check to acquire an ally with the animal trait
you may reveal an ally with the animal trait too add 1 d4 []+1[]+2[]+3[]+4 too your check
[] when you play a weapon with the range trait you may recharge it instead of discarding
[]when you play a blessing to add to your dexterity use a d12 instead of the normal die
When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
Roll card 2:
hand size: 5 []6 []7
proficient with: []light armors [+]weapons
When you play an ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
you may reveal an ally with the animal trait too add 1 d4 []+1[]+2[]+3 []+4 too your check
[] add 2 ([]4) to your divine check when playing a spell.
[] add 1d8 with the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane with the animal trait.
[] when you play a blessing to add to your wisdom check, add d12 instead of the normal die.
[] add 2 to your check to recharge a spell
(if there is somting that could be adjust please tel me i whant it too be fair so if there is anything no mater how small please tel me)