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The necromancer in my group is a cleric so he cannot cast such a spell. But the idea was good, is there a way then for a caracter to learn a single spell from another class ?
I found the undead lord really powerful. The cleric in our group is only level 5 (with undead master and gifted adept feats) and he is able to animate 40HD of creatures (lvl 5 + 4 lvl from undead master + 1 from gifted adept), he is quite op compare to other PCs in the group which is a pain to balance because monsters hard enough for him would one shot other PCs. Is there something we are doing wrong ?

I have a question about the cleric undead lord archetype. One of our player in the group is asking if he should double the cost of onyx if he animates a bloody skeleton.
In the animate dead spell we can read that it count as double HD for casting. Is it only regarding the max number of HD he can animate with a single cast or does it count also for the price to pay ?
By the way I found the price of animate dead a little expensive for low levels. Is it only my opinion, do you have custom rules for that ? Is there an easy way for the payer to find onyx ?