memedrift |
I'm sorry, but to say that this is "inspired" by Dark City is to make a HUGE understatement. Players wake up, in a room with a dead man and flashes of memories wherein they remember "a strange needle, coming towards their faces" "holding a knife" "a dead body" and the smell of blood. Turns out they are in a room with a dead body! and just as they discover this, the phone rings and they are warned that the police are coming and they must get out. Guess what? They are in a "City" and it's Kinda Dark, and they are being "experimented on".
It should really be laid out up front "This is Dark City, re-written (sort of) for a Victorian FATE game. Any players of yours who have seen Dark City will be very little impressed or surprised (except for perhaps a few details, almost guaranteed not to be big shockers. If they never have played, then by all means, they will likely enjoy this. Otherwise, Just run your players through the plot of Dark City.
Taking inspiration from the movie? Fine, Stealing the plot, and opening scene almost frame for frame? Not so much, especially if you're charging for it and not warning people ahead of time.
A better title would be "Dark City, the RPG inspired by the movie".
Paid for it, and I'm sorry I did.